Chronicles 4 Spoiler Thread

I haven’t finished the book yet, but wanted to share some things I noticed.

  • Slight grammar issues. Like here and there, we have sentences that seem to be missing a word.
  • Blackhand survived the boat attack by swimming to Nagrand and reuniting with the Iron Horde.
  • The Bonechewer clan is mentioned as rejecting the Iron Horde, alongside the Frostwolves and Laughing Skull, but get no other mention. I was expecting the reveal they turned to Gul’dan, since Tagar Spinebreaker was amongst the AU Shadow Council.
  • Thrall encouraged Varok Saurfang to lead the orcs in Legion.
  • Rokhan is called Chieftain and referred to as a Horde leader when the Horde break the Zandalari out of Stormwind, when he became the Darkspear Chieftain at the end of BFA.
  • The Speaker of the Hords title given to us by Rastakhan is reframed as being given to us by Rastakhan, Baine, and Thalyssra.
  • The Lightbound are confirmed as to have started the Lightbound - Mag’har war.
  • AU Grom is confirmed to have been killed at the end of the AU Mag’har recruitment scenario. Its implied Yrel may have killed him.

incredibly based

This alone elevates their faction war above BfA’s. Truly we’re living in the wrong timeline.





Finally some good news,

Another great Horde leader gone replaced with a who no one asked for because replacements is all the Horde is alloe to have.

Didn’t even know they existen in WOD lol.

Ggiachad energy.

Geyarah’s been the Maghar leader for 6 years at this point…


And nobody even remembers her name. Stop forcing replacements on us. Start giving us the same respect as the alliance.

I remembered her name just fine, and she didn’t replace anyone of us, we didn’t have the Maghar before her.


The story is only divisive because some players are being silly.

Jaina did kill Sunreavers through MoP, she killed Aethas’ guards. She also killed Sunreavers by proxy. She also ordered non-involved Blood Elven shopkeepers killed, for the sole reason of not joining the chaos, at all, as per. Vereesa’s own words.

And she did so unjustly.

Her actions were understandable considering what she believed… thing is, what she believed was wrong.

And that is the fact of the matter.

For some reason, people also believe Aethas was directly involved with anything that had happened. He was not involved with Thalen or Fanlyr or any other Blood Elf who did anything. At worst, he only realized what was happening quite late and didn’t do anything about it for whatever reason, as per Jaina’s own words. But he never orchestrated it, as per. Jaina’s accusations.

The worst thing you can say about Aethas, is that he is an incompetent leader - which is not a false accusation as far as I am concerned. As Rommath says it: “That is why I am the Grand Magister, and you are not.” He may be a decent mage… but he sucks as a leader.

The only thing I really want to see, is Blizzard admitting to the fact that the war Garrosh started back in Cataclysm was wholly justified, situation considered. But he went too much off the rails at the end of Cataclysm.


We did. Durotan and Grommash were the leaders.

Those were never OUR leaders, Geyarah has always been the leader of the Maghar for our Horde.


Ah okay, just gonna toss misogyny onto the (rather big) pile of horrible traits you have.


Time moves in Azeroth.

Saying new characters that were introduced had no development is the most dishonest thing in the world.

On the horde there is both Lor’themar and Thalyssra, both WoW characters that have been seen a large development over the spam of the years.

Tess Greymane, a WoW character, just took over the leadership of the Gilneans.

Anduin is in fact a WoW character, that only started to become really his own character from MOP onwards.

I would say Cata for Anduin but they removed his little investigation as the lead in to Twilight Highlands when Legion came out.

You know, I wonder who those four characters Erevien thought were “from the start of the franchise” out of the 5 main cast for The War Within. Considering two of them are WoW original characters. Unless he does not consider Xal’atath as a main character, despite being the main antagonist of the expansion. So then who is the 5th?

Another thing, how is the Vale storyline concurrent with the Isle of Thunder storyline?

This page clearly says “Fresh from battle at Throne of Thunder.”

I think they mean when they returned from the Isle, Garrosh already ruined the Vale.

Oh, he means the original vale storyline? Was Taran Zhu there?

The Venture Company attack on the Dark Iron is incorrectly referred to as a Horde attack. Mogul Razdunk is said to have been slain by the Alliance, when the Goblin Way short story gave the kill to Gallywix.


And frankly, it would take one skilled necromancer to have the same result. Sooo…try again.

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Also, I’m not sure raising undead just to increase your population is morally sound…

Like, I get it, thats part of the forsaken package, doing some questionable stuff to survive and thrive, but maybe there is another approach? Imagine you’re chilling in some afterlive, and suddenly you’re pulled to a rotting corpse.

But at the same time, we have a leaderless scourge right now, those can be recruited eventually, and their numbers surpass anything the factions really need.

You also have individuals like Sir Zellik who don’t want to die and want to remain in the living world. Those kind of people can also be willingly recruited.