Chronicles 4 Spoiler Thread

Maldraxxus never faltered. The other cosmic powers never made landfall in the shadowlands properly.

My main take away from that is the Horde didnt help the Alliance the two times Stormwind was directly in danger in WoD.

Wasn’t the original intent for all the SL factions to be antagonistic/distrustful towards one another (e.g. current alliance/horde relationship)? I recall Blizzard toned it down by release, because gameplay-wise it wasn’t fun being locked to a covenant so severely.

They originally made it severely punishing to switch covenants if the one you were in suddenly wasn’t the best for high end content

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Erevien it isn’t that I don’t agree with you.

I’m just disappointed in those who make these decisions. They destroyed something I loved with all of their “monsters” = evil bs… but I don’t care enough to want to be stressed about it. I want to live. I have people I need to be there for.

Anyways you do what you need to do.


First up, didn’t read the thread didn’t see anyone had shared the link and posted it and my frustrations.

Second barking up the wrong tree. It might make sense, but I look at the lore as a writer and that doesn’t make me suddenly find the fact that the Horde was again villain batted acceptable. It gets real old when my found family gets plotted time and again to be the badguys when that wasn’t the basis of their foundation.

Not really, growing up I remember there was a general fear of and cultural push to make victims into monsters. Lots of media pushes this idea that a victim of violence will become a perpetrator of violence.

… oh you mean the retcon of the lore… welcome to the new age. Don’t worry I’m sure it was all just an unreliable source who led you to believe differently.

Just another Medusa situation.


I get what you’re saying and I think in most situations I’d agree, but in this specific one I find “we mishandled a cursed dagger, oopsie doopsie” to be too meaningless to consider it an additional villain batting, especially since this was during BFA when the player’s skull is already concave due to being mid-impact from the current one.


Next step joining the community council. I need to stop high elves.

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High elves aren’t the problem. It’s the people who are obessessed with them and want to make them everyone’s problem


Where can I apply to join the community council myself?

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They generally only want yes “men” who are active elsewhere.

Stop who?

Those old farts that can’t get with the program? We are Sin’dorei. We are the blood of the people who fought and died for our kin. They run when threats come. They hide behind the blue cloaks.

Void warped my flesh, and drove me near to madness but I am Horde, bound by honor to serve the blue I might be, but Horde I will always be.

So anyways we got the tree up and running, are generally finished dealing with the dragon’s mess, at least what we could… so I’m heading off the Delearon for a short vacation time to spend some time with my beloved.

… alright that’s enough RPing for the moment…

Around the beginning of the year, can’t remember when exactly, a Blue will post a link to an application.


Stop the people who still believe humans are our best friends.

In part I get why some people want them. They were one of the original Alliance allies during Warcraft 2 and 3. They like the idea of elves that aren’t purple and/or addicts. Or they’ve seen Lord of the Rings so many times that they think its actual history (these ones need a shower and a breath mint usually). So, I get the reasons why some people want High Elves to playable. I just wish they were less annoying about asking for it.


Tell me about it…

Technically all elves, including the Night Elves as far as I can tell, are at least partially dependent on some form of cosmic energy.


To me, part of the annoying aspect of the whole high elf debate is just how often Blizz loves using them as Alliance representation, exemplified by the Silver Covenant being so frequently featured despite how small a group they should be - I’ve seen comments somewhere that there’s more high elf representation on the Alliance than gnomes, and they’re an original, core Alliance race.

Which also bugs me, because the Silver Covenant is the most boring example of high elves in my eyes.

I got interested in the game’s high elves when I was a lowbie on the Auberdine docks, wondering why this one single elf wasn’t purple and why she implied the other elves don’t like her, and again when I visited Theramore and wondered why some of their armored troops had pointy ears under their helmets, again when I met another lone elf in a corner of a dwarven zone, again when I saw a singlee elven mage in Stormwind, and only finally understood who they were when I went to Allerian Stronghold in Outlands and had one of the NPCs explain (in a fun in-character and biased way) what their difference was with blood elves.

All of them were what I liked about WoW’s high elf story - they were individuals who were absorbed into the cultures around them because their home was destroyed, who had the same history as the blood elves but a very different present. That’s what I wanted to play. I don’t want Quel’thalas, I want survivors who lament their lost past but have moved on with their new found family.

But the Silver Covenant are just blood elves with a blue palette swap and anger issues.
They’re depicted as a sustaining Thalassian population, throwing out the ‘scattered individuals who have assimilated into their host culture’ theme. They wear Thalassian outfit styles and sell Thalassian mogs and mounts and pets, so they’re tied back to Quel’thalas and have turned that culture into a tug-of-war rather than freely ceded blood elf themes. And at the same time, the blood elves have chilled out from the brief (and not even really villainous) ‘mana vampire’ theme they had, so there’s not even a cultural divide between them anymore.



I know it’s not really what people wanted but you can easily roleplay as a High Elf, no?
I was never a part of the “Helves for the Alliance” team, to be honest I was always indifferent about it. But I must admit even I have created a couple of them after playing a bit with the Void Elves customization options. And it pretty much feels like actually playing as one.


Understatement of the year.

My main problem is Blizzard using the “lack of population” excuse as to why they are not playable… only to give us Void Elves that have an even lower population. Same reason why Blizzard using that reason to deny Pandaren Death Knights until Shadowlands rubbed me the wrong way. It is established in the actual DK starting experience that there is only 1 PC DK for each core race. Through the quest where you have to kill your ‘best friend’. So why would population even matter? If the Blood Elves could be reduced to 10% of their population post WC3 (and that is even before the schism), it feels weird when they are the most played race in the game.

Also it is not like Blizzard actually cares of a races population in terms of lore anyway.


i’m sincerely not trying to quibble, but weren’t there, like, a ton of death knight npcs also running amok during the dk starting experience? i specifically remember valanar giving a speech to them after the initial set of quests out of
death’s breach, and i thought there were others at the battle for light’s hope…

There were, but in terms of the PC there is only one per race. Like the actual playable character lore wise. So for example the playable worgen DK is the worgen that escaped Shadowfang Keep alongside Lord Harford. Like I doubt there were an unlimited number of Worgen that escaped Shadowfang keep and they all saved Harford from the same scenario (whatever that scenario was) all at the same time.