Some people have gotten the book early. I just wanted to make a thread for spoilers. Apparently it’s pretty disappointing.
Here’s a pic.
Apparently there’s nothing new about Vol’jin.
Nothing regarding Sethrak.
Apparently it’s less detailed.
This is all I got. Feel free to post more if you find any.
I’ve been saying since the beginning that this entry will be much less detailed than the previous three.
It’s supposed to be a summary of 5 expansions, you can’t expect it to go in-detail for every expansion.
For instance, I won’t be surprised if the Purge of Dalaran isn’t even mentioned at all. An event where all that happened was 10 armed insurrectionists geetting arrested isn’t really worthy of a spotlight in the grand scheme of things.
What a shame. So I won’t buy this one it seems. I stick waiting for the Exploring Azeroth title instead.
It’s also sad that they say it seems to have less than the other chronicles. I don’t even know why they put Vol’jin on the cover then.
Apparently its basically just outlining what happened and adding very little new, so I’ll be accepting Zerde’s “I’m wrong about lore and was even more wrong to think Chronicles would bail me out via retcons” post and an apology whenever he gets around to making it.
as always, modern blizzard dont care about ‘‘monster’’ races, only elves, humans and companions
I’m not suprised blizz did little as possible with adding any new context with chronicles. They basically just regurgitated everything that’s already happened and we can see ourselves within said expansions
Glad I didn’t preorder it. Might buy it as a collection since that’s all it’s good for
Given how divisive BFA and Shadowlands proved to be, and Blizzard’s writing as of late, maybe the lack of detail is for the best.
I don’t know, I loved that V3 fleshed out the specifics of Kael’thas’s embarrassing heel turn in TBC. I hoped V4 would do the same with the characters and factions BfA failed. If all 224 pages had been turned to that purpose, it might have been possible to salvage that disaster of an expansion.
Thanks for sharing.
The Purge of Dalaran will definitely be mentioned, as it is one of the big events of Mists.
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I don’t even know how you’d salvage it without basically rewriting it but I guess the following wouldn’t have been bad
Point out the prepatch stuff and Stormheim as the root cause of the war
Most Nelves got out of Teldrassil because Tyrande was smart enough to do limited evacuation after it was clear they were at Sylvanas’ mercy
elaborate on what the uninvolved leaders actually did and thought after the WoT and before UC rather than the Horde ones being “What the hell, I did not want this, but now I gotta defend myself” and the Alliance ones being “Kill em all”. Directly have Sylvanas have been confronted.
Doves on both sides actually still communicating before Saurfang’s rebellion kicks off.
Actual offscreen casualties weren’t that bad, far more injuries than deaths due to Sylvanas loyalists and the Alliance warhawks being the worst offenders in the war and not the baseline. Horde commanders didn’t follow her plans meant to get them killed,the Alliance ones were too smart to get baited on the whole. It was still a long war of attrition on both sides leading to Org but your average grunt on the ground wasn’t any more brutal than they had to be.
Exploring Kalimdor is wrong, the Nelves reclaimed their land but Stormwind isn’t magically holding more of the Barrens than the Tauren.
My understanding was that, when the writing team lead (Asfrabi?) departed Blizzard, he left considerable gaps in the story that the rest of the team tried to fill in during BFA and SL. Hence, trying to reconcile the sudden turns in characters/story is almost an impossible task. If that is the case, and I am not dead wrong, then we would need a rewrite rather than a simple retcon.
The Purge of Dalaran is mentioned, a full page and a half. It rejects the idea that the Alliance only side is canon. It’s a faction neutral perspective that lays blame where it’s actually due.
Vul’jin is mentioned on thirteen different pages he’s certainly not lacking in this book as he was a huge figure in MoP and Legion and Shadowlands.
Despite the negative comments about it being condensed, which it is, it has to fit FIVE expansions, the writing style is unbaised and it’s a great lore codex. I would reccommend people to buy it. It does not dissapoint, it has beautiful art pages.
the worst parts of the purge are on the ally side tho
I think it tells a story true to what happened. There were multiple PoV’s and most of it was orchrstrated by Garrosh because he wanted to twart the Blood Elves from Joining the Alliance. It’s all stuff we already know, he lead the Sunreavers to slaughter. Jaina only wanted to exile the Sunreavers the Silver Covenant was the only faction that killed innocents, due to their hatred of the blood elves for exiling them. Jaina and the Sunreavers did nothing wrong.
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I disagree with this only because Horde side they did have Jaina kill people and then had her not deny it in BFA when confronted about killing people. I think Blizz is just playing games with that lore but then back it up.
But the canon lore book says her mandate was exile. On the Alliance side, she teleported them out of the city. This is what they want, they want us to stop bickering. The people responsible for the Purge of Dalaran are Garrosh and the Silver Covenant, that’s what they want us to accept moving forward.
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Yeah it’s them whitewashing what they had her actually do. After saying yeah she did this in BFA. I don’t think it stops the bickering. Because it comes across as treating an Alliance character differently when they commit crimes.
Yeah how on Earth would confirming Jaina did nothing wrong stop the bickering? Expect more bickering honestly.