Chronicles 4 Spoiler Thread

Brann even says he has a tinge of regret doing it cause it will hasten the zandalari joining the horde

Which it does, because Chronicles says that soon after Uldir is when Rakastan pledged the Golden Fleet to the horde

The page here clearly states the Varian and Saurfang appearing to Anduin were just visions of the Light.


So it was a “fragment” of Arthas’ soul. That means maybe there are other fragments of his soul somewhere else.

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We already knew it was a fragment. This doesn’t prove there are others out there.

No, but it also means its a possibility. A wiggle room if you will if Blizzard ever wanted to retcon that.


People who think that Arthas is permanently dead are delusional. He is the most popular and well-known character from this franchise, and if WoW is to last another 20 years, of course they won’t CLOSE COMPLETELY the door on a cameo or potential return. That’s just not a smart move for any writer with a brain.

They are already cameoing him in TWW.

I mean, do normies really think that a Blizzard writer would completely close the door on an easy money-grabbing legacy character?

Even a 5 years old kid would understand that’s not how writers think. :rofl:

I’m saying this doesn’t change anything. If there’s wiggle room now, there was wiggle room before.

And I am saying this just reinforces it.

Any of the Entities listed as Voidlords including the Warlock Pets(who announce “When I consume your world… My armies will save you for last.”) are manifestations of the Void Lords.

Old Gods happen to be members of their armies thrown through portals at planets.

The fact that a Void Lord is contained at the Forge of Origination shows that the Titans managed to capture the overseer of the Old God invasion I.E. the boss of the Old Gods as well as the Old Gods themselves.

His Soul has been hacked into 5 pieces: 1 the piece inside the Blades of the Fallen Prince, 1 piece haunting the Player in the Broken Isles, 1 piece sent by Uther to the Maw and ground into a shard placed inside Kingsmourne eventually reduced to Anima, 1 piece cut out by Arthas’s autonomous body and sent to the Maw by default meeting with Sylvanas and panicking in Edge of Night and the main part of Arthas’s Soul cut out along with his Heart and cast into the Depths of Icecrown.

  1. The piece inside the Blades of the Fallen Prince represents Arthas at the moment he grabbed the Blade. Gets done in by the Sword of Sargeras.
  2. The piece that Sylvanas met in Edge of Night represents Arthas’s Soul at the moment it Arthas’s Autonomous Body stabbed it with Frostmourne
  3. The piece inside Kingsmourne used to be the part claimed by Frostmourne at the start having been exposed to his body’s memories filling him with remorse until he got thrown into the Maw and ground down until only his body’s memories and feelings during it’s time as Lich King remained.
  4. The Soul of Arthas after it been kicked out for trying to redeem his Autonomous Body.

There are also fragments of Ner’zhul:

  1. The fragment of Ner’zhul inside Frostmourne. Gets done in by the Sword of Sargeras.
  2. The fragment of Ner’zhul sent to the Maw by default after Arthas’s autonomous body stabbed it and punished by Zovaal and put out of his misery by us.
  3. The Soul of Ner’zhul consumed by the personality of Arthas’s autonomous body as his own mind is reduced a sobbing mess(according to the Chronicle). Was last seen haunting the Broken Isles gloating about the Death Knights not having free will.

Such irony that both Ner’zhul(who sees himself as Lich King Arthas thanks to the autonomous body’s personality taking over) and Arthas(who did what he could to help us hide from the Lich King’s gaze while explaining that he removed his Heart) are now doomed to wander Azeroth for eternity while their fragments each have differing fates. Ner’zhul’s fragments both suffer oblivion while 2 of Arthas’s fragments suffer oblivion while the other is tortured until Sylvanas rescues him.

We don’t know that for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes canon.

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Hilarious that i summon a world ending threat


Really? How? Where?


So when a political figure doesn’t say “I didn’t do that” To every accusation- the accusations must be true? Imagine having the lore written to book to clarify it and still saying your version is the real one.

A lot of you said “wait till chronicles!” and now that it’s out and it doesn’t say what you want it to you’re complaining it doesn’t do the one thing it was made to do, clear up contentious points of the lore, like the Purge of Dalaran.

Never happened.

Lorthemar is not omni-potent. He knows blood elves died during the Purge. Him saying it’s Jaina’s fault is not god himself coming down and retconning the universe to make it so. It’s a political warfare game, characters are going to be wrong/liars.

Jaina didn’t commit any crimes, ever. You all just deluded yourselves into thinking she did because of a CONFIRMED bug that broke the sequence. We have an update literally saying “Jaina killing civilians is a bug we intend to fix”

Horde players will do ANYTHING to shift the blame and make their mountains of genocide attempts seem less bad, I am not surprised they’re coping.

“A sub faction of yours got rid of a enemy faction in unfair ways? YOU’RE JUST AS BAD AS THE GENOCIDAL ORC AND THE OMNICIDAL UNDEAD!” sure buddy. Cope.

You went on to try and murder everyone else on azeroth and then elected a warchief that wanted to kill all life in the universe and genocided many night elves.

You and other Horde leaders assisted in both of these attempted genocides. Just because you helped stop the omnicide because it would also hurt you does not mean you have given the Alliance justice.

It’s darkly ironic that a few blood elves are killed… By other blood elves, and the entire Horde “deserves justice” against the Alliance- who had nothing to do with it, but the Horde tries to genocide the Alliance, TWICE, and it’s all excuses.

Cope, if justice existed in the warcraft universe, the Horde would have been slaughtered after the first war. The innumerable war crimes the faction has committed afterwards only makes this more true.

You let a faction of insane death monsters run free because they pretended they weren’t crazy anymore after they lost, and this is what happens, and the people playing the evil faction think it’s justified to demand they get special treatment when someone kicks them back for once. Insanity.

Look, you not personally going to Blizzard’s offices and writing the lore to be trash doesn’t mean you’re any less responsible for the lore being trash.

You didn’t tell Blizzard at gunpoint to fix the lore either.

What. You couldn’t have known? Well neither did Jaina but since it’s an alliance character, they’re either perfect or the devil according to you, so now I’m blaming you for 100% of everything I don’t like. /s

The Horde is the evil faction. Anyone who refuses this label isn’t a “hordie at heart”.

Literally what Chronicles exist for, this is the direct purpose of this, to finally settle the debates and make the lore unchanged from this point on. Yet you’re trying to argue that it’s not at all important.

Evil generally doesn’t get along with evil.

Good people tend to cooperate better.

This has been the Alliance (literally in the NAME) since Warcraft. If you’re surprised the games don’t do morally grey well you haven’t been playing long. WoW lore is comic book tier at best, the Horde is the Legion of Doom, the Alliance is the Justice League. Sure, the Justice League might occasionally be written to have negative aspects, and the Legion of Doom will sometimes team up with the League to fight a bigger threat, but the status Quo is god.

“Look man, the Lich King having poisoned grain distributed amongst his enemies to turn them into mindless undead wasn’t evil, Kil’Jaiden made him do it!”

The Plague has always been a constantly unforgivable evil.

The cope is unreal. The book literally says Zerde is right, what are you smoking?

Read the book, stop imagining a fantasy version of it from a synopsis.

The fact this has 10 likes is insanity, do we need to have someone deliver a giant sign to your house telling you “JAINA BEATS ALLEGATIONS” before you admit you were wrong?

So like- if there’s ever a second in time where we aren’t 100% informed of what a character is doing, we are free to assume whatever we want? Thrall eats babies when he goes to the bathroom. Arthas saved a billion orphans between WCIII and WOTLK. This is the dumbest argument.

It doesn’t say Blood elves aren’t all lizard people and Tauren aren’t secretly dreadlords. So we can assume the Horde deserved everything they got to them. /s

God this amount of cope is kind of sad.
Skipping to the bottom.

A thousand posts and people are still trying to figure out if the book written to clear up inconsistencies, confusion, and “wiggle room” has wiggle room???

Why do we even have Chronicles if it’s still going to leave people questioning events? I thought it existed to be the objective version of WoW lore and it’s leaving room for confusion??? Either players need to learn to take an L and accept what is literally being reinforced as the definitive version of events or the writers need to start spelling it out to people like they’re five.

What a complete and utter waste of time.

I should have been more clear. I mean he is cameoing in the TWW pre patch as one of the memories we fight. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

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I will however take the W forever more about Jaina doing nothing wrong.

Everyone who coped about “Jaina killed Sunreavers!” can apologize now.


You sound unhinged, writing all this garbage about how the Horde is evil and you’re glad the Alliance did nothing wrong. You want a racist genocidal fantasy against monster races.



I knew he was a memory we fought, for a second I thought he had another cameo.