Chronicles 4 Spoiler Thread

Feels like people are misinterpreting the verses that are out there.


Idk, I just feel gaslit somehow, because the guy with a large Twitter account, who knows a lot about the lore, has one interpretation of things, and I, someone who knows less about the lore, has a different one, and it feels like I have to be missing something if my conclusion doesn’t line up.

Maybe it’s a good thing that I’m thinking for myself instead of believing what someone says?

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See that’s why I refrained from posting too many spoilers. Context is key and everyone is going to have different readings and interpretations.

I saw one spoiler that the Horde BFA stuff comes after the Alliance stuff and I don’t agree with that assessment. I have the book. I think the way the author laid out retelling BFA not in chronological order, but by factions. Alliance story was told first, Horde second as to not break up thier individual stories but they happened concurrently. The only reason they told the Horde story last because it was the bigger story arc of the expansion overlapping the main story. Context.


Invalidus, is confirmed to be a Void Lord, similar to Dimensius.


Never take something for face value. Get the primary source for yourself, read it, and then determine for yourself how it best is interpreted for the lore. Discuss with others after that to get different viewpoints and refine a firm understanding you’re comfortable with. Above all else, just keep an open mind. New information will always come to light in the future.


It’s nice that this book made efforts to fill in the blanks with WoD, but so far I’ve seen no evidence of this with BfA. That’s worrying; BfA warranted that treatment a lot more.

Amusing to note that every Horde race except the orcs and goblins are said to have rejected Garrosh’s Cata-era expansion. Why’d that twist up all their panties and not, you know, the faction war that kicked off with a genocide?

Also, if we’re taking this book’s narration as trumps-all canon, it does explicitly confirm that Stormwind’s soldiers executed Sylvanas’s “messengers of peace” to the Alliance, so there goes Zerde’s “lost in the woods” theory.


King Leonidas butchers an entire diplomatic party.


Stormwind defeats some diplomat.


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It is nice blizz finally put this one to rest. Can finally stop guessing/arguing what happened to those diplomats


Any rational person would come to the conclusion that the Ambassadors were slain because they were undead traveling through land that belonged to a kingdom that was well aware of what happened to Lordaeron during Warcraft III.

And honestly, it’s not even that big of a deal, despite the fact it only tarnishes the Alliance in the most miniscule fashion. I mean the first humans that stepped into Ashenvale were personally slain by Tyrande, but Jaina and Varian never seemed to feel slighted by that.

Honestly, Sylvanas had to have known that any ambassadors she sent out were unlikely to return, and the ambassadors must have known that as well. It was a surprise that Cairne was willing to listen, not shoot on sight, and bring them before Thrall to plead for a place in the Horde.


We already take quests from her in practically every expansion, so what else is new?


That’s a pretty flawed analogy.

To begin with, Leonidas in 300 is very much more of a Horde type character, given Spartan culture and practices. I may be wrong, but ancient depictions of spartan life feel like they were a foundation for the Orcs in particular, or at least one of several inspirations for them circa Vanilla WoW.

As far as killing the Forsaken diplomats goes, I don’t have a copy of the lorebook and don’t know what details it goes into in that regard, but given the time period those diplomats were sent to Stormwind, I’m really not surprised that was the first reaction? I’d be amazed that the diplomats made it as far as Stormwind to begin with. Given the world knew what the Scourge were, I imagine any walking zombies would’ve been Kill-On-Sight in general.

That doesn’t excuse the Alliance’s actions, of course. Killing diplomats is never justified.


Problem is, Horde players don’t care about Stormwind’s valid reasons for distrusting the undead, considering how the sister-kingdom of Lordaeron was just destroyed by the undead and all contact was lost with Grand Marshal Garithos, and undeath itself being anathema to the Light, of which Stormwidn is a holy bastion.

No, they don’t care, they just use this event to claim that the Burning of Teldrassil was justified because "Stormwind was mean to muh diplomats :frowning: "

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This is a case where I’m really interested to see the full context.

From the blurb provided, “Anduin’s father’s men” implies that the ambassadors made it all the way through the Scourge in Lordaeron, through the survivors in Lordaeron, through Arathi, through the length of the dwarves’ lands, and all the way to Stormwind-controlled territory and then were slain. That journey itself deserves a story. The time and distance involved implies that several major political factions would have been aware of the existence of these ambassadors, and have the time to talk to them and learn that they were in fact ambassadors, and thus had the time for the decision to execute them to be deliberated and not a spur-of-the-moment reaction. Following that chain of implications, it suggests that the Alliance would have thought through multiple points, multiple arguments, to reach that decision - and I’d love to see what those points are, how thoughtful and/or cautious and/or fearful and/or flawed they may be. (Though with how perfunctory this book seems to be, I’m worried it’ll just be a “ick, undead stinky! kill them!”)

That would be a very interesting story, but only if there is a story to it - and I really hope there is, and it’s not a one-off line or paragraph that will spawn just as many headcanons-that-people-think-are-fact as the original brief tidbit did.


Regardless of the validation of one’s mistrust, killing diplomats is never a conscionable action.

That would be a good story. My concern is they won’t have a good story.

“The diplomats arrived at Stormwind via boat.” Kind of bypasses every other nation and group that these diplomats would’ve had to encounter en route.

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No but it is justifiable, and it does not justify Sylvanas’ crimes, which is what the hordies do.

You completely missed the point.

Yep, that’s what I’m thinking it will be, purely based on the time savings in writing a long trek through multiple territories.

Even then, though, that still implies that the ambassadors met with Stormwind representatives, convinced them that they were ambassadors, were trusted enough by these humans to be allowed on a ship (a confined space with nowhere to run if they turn out to be evil) with them, and had the whole length of the ship journey to interact with living humans, all before arriving in Stormwind and having their fates debated and sealed. That’s still an important story that I fear won’t be told.

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Honestly, this was the best surprise to come out of these retcons.


It’s never been not understandable that living humans would be scared of a bunch of zombies, sentient or otherwise.

The point of why I feel it’s nice to have it actually confirmed is because it also helps validate said sentient zombies’ PoV that they couldn’t be accepted back by their own allies, hence the tenuous relationship with other races they would also consider monsters and learning to get along with them.


Rationally yes, but emotionally Sylvanas took that one rejection personally.


I have never said they were “lost in the woods” what I did question is Varian’s involvement in it and “Varian’s soldiers” doesnt change that. They could have worded it “Varian ordered the ambassadors killed” but it makes it vague on if Varian did order or even know or if someone else ordered it(namely a certain Black Dragon who wouldnt want the entire continent united)