Because Golden’s world building and historical knowledge is about as deep as a puddle and we like to skip over her work because of it.
She was invited to the wedding of Don’t’touch’the’hair’theron anyway. So it can’t be that bad…
To answer your question about the Bell, it does not call it a superweapon. It says it has the power fill the ringer’s allies with anger and thier enemies with doubt. Alliance intercepted intel Garrosh had learned of it’s location, Darnassian operatives along with the Exploerer’s League were sent to recover it. The successfully recovered it and moved it to Darnassus where they believed it would be “safe.”
In the Isle of Thunder, Lorethmar was there looking for artifacts to help stop Garrosh, Jaina was still mad about the left of the divine bell from Darnassus and “the upheaval in Dalaran” “she was determined to find out what the Sunreavers were up to and —if necessary ---- take action against them.”
Once again the Sunreavers were unfairly targetted. Jaina’s actions may have detered the Blood Elves from helping the Darkspear rebellion against Garrosh. The Sunreavers were not actively helping Garrosh they were against him, and they were being provoked by Jaina under the false suspicion of foul play.
In fairness, despite IoT the Blood Elves did help the rebellion, I mean you do sail into Orgimmar with them, and did help show the Blood Elves artifacts and methods later used to aid the Horde through anima golems and similar blood magic. Still unnecessarily targeted, but the Blood Elves completed their goals.
So another point for the good guys
It’s literally called that at the Pandaren War Trials.
To be very fair, and I hate saying this, but Theramore was a nation that Garrosh wiped out. It has to be called genocide, right?
Yeah I just found that out in an earlier reply. I don’t have the books so I rely on osmosis from what others say goes on in there.
It initially struck me as weird because I remembered hearing it was a plot point that Garrosh waited for Theramore to evacuate its citizens and replace them with more soldiers to wipe out. I didn’t know / remember it was called that in a later book.
Theramoore was a Kul Tiran foothold. Garrosh did not wipe out Kul Tiras just a settlement in orc territory.
You can’t ignore that Theramore was originally settled by Daelin Proudmoore’s people who chased the Exodus of the Orcs to Kakimdor for the purpose of extermination. Jaina rationed that “no orcs were innocent” that was her father’s hateful ideology. Theramore represented that ideology.
Sylvanas should have definitely been stopped. But our NPCs just stood around in shock. It should have never gotten that far. Blizz made a huge mistake having a whole faction responsible for the other side’s genocide. They didn’t give us our opt out until too late.
Jaina had nothing to do with Kul Tiras while she ruled her own city-state.
What are you talking about? Theramore is a kingdom composed of survivors from Lordearon and not some Kul Tiran outpost.
It has always been its own kingdom.
Wait, does this mean Theramore was the only human kingdom without a patrilineal line of succession? Neat. Other than Dalaran of course.
Also what claim did Orcs specifically have to Dustwallow?
Theramoore has always, flown Kul Tiran flags. And was an Alliance naval base first and foremost. Even playing Alliance there was always something seperate about it, it was Jaina’s not the Alliances.
Jaina was rightfully angry, but she stopped short on wiping out Ogrimmar and only did so after Thrall intervened… The reason she finally snapped in Dalaran was that just after her apprentice and much of her people were wiped out. The Horde also never apologized for what they did to her at that time. Thrall tried, but she wasn’t having it, because he put Garrosh into power and let him run the Horde as he saw fit. (at least in her eyes)
The Purge of Dalaran was seen as an expression of this bottled up rage that she and the Silver Covenant felt during the events in Pandaria. Vereesa was driven to extreme prejudice due to her kin for joining the Horde and trying to kidnap her twins then after that event then killing the father of her children at Theramore along with many of her friends. So the Sunreaver who killed her husband, Rhonin, was wanted at large and the Alliance did not know if it was all the Sunreavers responsible or just one man, when Jaina gave the order to detain and imprison. The intent was to figure out who specifically opened the portal network and why. If they resisted they could use all measures to enact Jaina’s order. The Silver Covenant took that to mean kill their fellow Thalassians for resisting arrest. Similar to cops who shoot first if they assume any danger. The Silver Covenant took any delay from the Sunreavers for surrendering, any snide comments as a means to justify their actions, though, in the past they’ve stated most were detained and very few actually died. That while some went overboard, the majority of the Sunreavers escaped and those that didn’t eventually were released after the Horde Alliance War.
Theramore was also described by Golden as being about eight total buildings, and Jaina could run from the Docks to the Gates in the same breath, and she evacuated all of her people with just enough time to run back to help fight Garrosh at the Gates.
Sometimes I imagine the Blizzard creative team as being three people hanging out with stale pizza and several 2-liters in a room with a couple whiteboards and the whiteboards are covered in childish doodles of burning trees and crude genitalia.
…it does not! The Kul Tiran flag is green and Theramore is white. That would be like saying Australia flies the same flag as Britain just because they use the same symbolism/are related but are their own separate countries.
Especially since it seems that the SC are in TWW without Vereesa. They don’t do much with her.
It was filled with Kul’tiran sailors soldiers. It was a Kul’ Tiran outpost. They didn’t have seperate kul’tiran assets prior to Battle for Azeroth.
Trust me I was there when Alliance fans were asking for unique Kul Tiran assets, since vanilla.
Or Blizzard doesnt want two Alliance leaning Windrunner in one expansion and we will probably see her in midnight considering she is apperently living somewhere else then Dalaran now.
Not really sure what any of that has to do with me (re?)learning that Theramore was classified as a genocide when previously I thought it was just a horrendous bombing?