DK needs to publish an encyclopaedia, like what we have for DC and Marvel.
And I’ve waited years for a fourth chronicle.
DK needs to publish an encyclopaedia, like what we have for DC and Marvel.
And I’ve waited years for a fourth chronicle.
We should campaign for DK to publish an encyclopedia.
Uhh, yeah, that’s a bit of an understatement considering Metzen was on videos saying it was supposed to be an objective source for Warcraft lore which he also reiterates very explicitly in the forward to the first volume.
Them going afterwards and trying to say “no it’s from the titan’s POV” was absolutely insulting to their customers who bought the books as they were advertised and the notion should be dropped.
I hope the 4th one does drop it and we can finally take all 4 as objective truth again. Would make things soo much easier going forward when discussing the lore
Truth be told, I still take the first three as objective truth. The only lore that’s been retconned from them was the creation of the Helm and Frostmourne and the origins of the Nathrezim. Both are things that were very minor in chronicle anyways.
Cdev talks alot, but oftentimes the crap they say outside of actual media ends up being nothing anyways. Most of the time it’s just limpwristed explanations for plot holes and lore breaks or trying to get people to stop caring about canon so they can just do whatever lazy nonsense.
They have been better since Dragonflight though, I’ll give them that.
To be fair, the Dreadlords were working for the Jailer all along, so everything about them fusing Ner’zhul into them probably still stands all the same.
Nothing wrong with that. I mostly ignore the Titans PoV myself because it literally makes zero sense for the titans to know the events they weren’t even around to witness on Azeroth
True, but originally they made the helm and the sword. Now we know it was the runecarver and the Nathrezim just presented it to Kil’jaeden and likely put Ner’zhul into them. It really is minor, almost pedantic changes. Which is why I don’t really mind that portion of Shadowlands lore that much.
not that the expansion didn’t have other glaring issues, mind you.
Hating on Shadowlands is the 2024 equivalent of angsty 00’s teens saying “Twilight is g&y lawl.” It’s so cringe and tiring.
Shadowlands was fine. Good, even. It hammered out the entire Death segment of the cosmic chart, which was guaranteed to happen at some point in a post-Chronicle 1 world. Go out and touch some dirt, people.
There is also the whole “the titans are all dead and their spirits were destroyed bit” but yeah it has been mostly still accurate.
Considering people give them no end of grief when they decide to retcon lore. Keeping it as a “yeah this is a prespective book, so its mostly true but subject to change” seems like the better setup. Which has always been the case for WoW books until they tried to bill Chronicles as some lore bible.
tbh you can just say that only fragments of their souls went into the Keepers. Ra-den learning about Aman’thuls death is a core part of his story and also Lei Shens as well.
I’m pretty ok with that becoming the canon. However my point is this particular lore was 100% retconned from Chronicles and what’s worse is Chronicles 1 was released during Legion. Blizzard didnt even wait one expansion to retcon the book!
Iirc Argus was a last minute change since Ion did refer to the Tomb of Sargeras raid as the ICC of Legion if they stayed on course.
Hmm I do wonder what made them decide to deviate from that? Like I don’t buy the devs “we dont want an Argus expansion because the entire world would be dead and everything fel green”. The Legion portals leading to new worlds would have been a perfect way to give us new enemies/locations to break up the monotony of dead Argus/endless demon enemies.
We were meant to get a new zone in 7.2 that would’ve been a lot of night elf ruins (that wasn’t the broken shore). They scrapped it since we had enough “night elf ruins”. The name of the zone was then used as the proper name of the Broken Shore. Ion goes into it during the “what’s next” panel during Blizzcon 2016 iirc.
That was 7.2 Denona!!
If the next chronicle covers Shadowlands, I hope we get a chance to learn about some of the other afterlives mentioned in passing, life Craftenium or the Inn of Forever. I would also like to know more about the realms where typical people from Azeroth would find themselves in the afterlife, like an ordinary tauren or dwarf or pandaren. It could be a chance to fill in some of the spiritual beliefs of Azeroth’s peoples for those races where we don’t have a lot of information. (Also, is Lord Renard in Ardenweald a wild god at all related to the vulpera??)
i am dumb
No, you are Denona!! And that means you are an amazing person!!
If dunking on Shadowlands is cringe, then give me highlights and a black belt with pointless rivets and some plastic bracelets to go with my skinny jeans and stripped black tank top because friend, I’m all in.