Chronicle volume 4 announced

I like you, Myf. I like you enough to protect you from the knowledge of the exact thing that turned Sylvanas over to the darkside and just how horrible it truly is.


Thanks, I appreciate you hugs


I actually wouldnt mind hearing about those especially how the post BfA borders ended up for the factions.


I thought a basic campfire won the Horde vote?

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The True Warchief Basic Campfire stepped down before being inaugurated. Some details about his role in Teldrassil came to light and amidst the controversy, he chose to step away from politics.

Sadly, the Horde has no rulings in place for an elected warchief stepping down before he is fully recognized, so weā€™re kinda stuck until the council stops arguing over how to proceed.


On a less meme note, I hope the resolve the sticking point about Splintertree Post and the Warsong Lumber Camp in Chronicle IV. Suitable enough for a problem they created in a book to be addressed in another book.


Iā€™ve read none of the 106 replies to this thread but I just wanted to say this

My one and only wish is for this to unabashedly retcon BFA and SL like thereā€™s no freaking tomorrow

Thank you


Its not happening. We can already tell you that from what we know about Chronicles 4.

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Zerde whatā€™s so fun about always making sure Iā€™m not having a good time

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I will not spare you.

Golden wrote in the Sylvanas novel that retconed the Afrasiabi retcons to the lore and other retcons that Sylvanas realized the Jailer was right after her attempt to take her own life because Zovaal showed Sylvanas the Lava Eel Afterlife where the Arbiter sent Wife Eel to the Lava Eel Land but Husband Eel was sent to Somewhere Else because one ate the other because it was an act of cultural mercy so they were unable to vore each other for all eternity, and this outraged Sylvanas, so she decided WoW Lucifer Sauron Thanos Joe Rogan had a point and she needed to damn countless souls to Super Hell With Spiritual Annihilation so aforementioned Evil Joe Rogan could remake the world to be ā€œfairā€ and she somehow believed him.

Because of Lava Eel Vore.


Iā€™ll repeat what I said earlier in the thread but:

  • Sylvanas Novel already retconā€™d some Afrasiabi worldbuilding (ie that Sylvanas did Wrathgate) that he said in an interview
  • The book covers, oddly specifically, Afrasiabiā€™s tenure with power
  • The book description notably does NOT mention the Fourth War at all but does mention Shadowlands, which I find to be curious

So while I donā€™t expect a total erasure of their incompetence, I expect wide and varied partial retcons.


Because heā€™s a clown who only cares if heā€™s having any sort of fun and nobody else is allowed to have what they want in game.


Because it was the truth? Did you want me to lie?

Because youā€™re the type who does this every time someone suggests something they want in game. If it doesnā€™t make YOU personally happy, you donā€™t want it, you than argue with people about it


I am so glad I stopped reading the novels after War Crimes. From all the comments Iā€™ve read on the forums, itā€™s saved me a ton of money.

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Didnā€™t it also retcon Sylvanas personally asking Garrosh to let her take the lead in the invasion of Gilneas ?

Honestly that sort of retcon/hard recontextualization of character motivations and reactions to problematic events is probably the best we may hope for when it comes to Chronicle 4 (and Iā€™d still welcome it with open arms)

Read Shadows Rising tbh


I have liked reading the books and look forward to any future ones, including this chronicles addition.

I am eager to see what is in it- given it covers most of the WoW expansions. I hope we get some neat insight and details, maybe some elaboration with the various member nations of the factions and their leaders.

They mention family trees too which, which i love to see in general. Maybe some expansion of royal family lineages and so on?

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As I said before, I ask for what I want(and others are free ask for what they want) and then let the WoW gods decided. And yes, why would I want something to happen that wouldnt make me personally happy to happen or worse make me unhappy? I expect people to do the same and not want anything that would make them unhappy with the story.

The conflict lies in Blizzard will not be able to please both of us and all I can hope for is the story somehow goes my way(and celebrate when it does). I assume people hope they get their way as well and would probably jump for joy if they get their wish.

This is nothing personal, it is just the nature of people having two diametrically opposing wishes for the story.

And side note, me telling Kornila they are not retconning Sl/BfA is just a statement of fact. I gain nothing in particular from upsetting her.

I said we retcon it all



One can hope.

Because it is clear that they were not written to be that way. Same with the WC3 manual.

Blizzard did a good job of actually declaring if something was written in universe (i.e. unreliable narrator). WC1 & 2 manuals says this, with the lore sections written by Anduin Lothar and Garona for WC1, Aegwynn and Gulā€™dan for WC2. Along with the Exploring X books and the Grimore of the Shadowlands.

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