In the wake of cataclysmic events across Azeroth, new adventures and old dangers await those willing to meet them. From the rediscovery of lost lands to a demonic invasion that sees Horde and Alliance banding together to a journey into the Shadowlands themselves, fans won’t want to miss this comprehensive volume packed with fresh story insights, gorgeous original artwork, maps, cosmology charts, character
family trees and more!
Encompassing lore from five expansions: Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands!
See, the MoP-BfA era is full of contradictions and vagueness it’d be nice to get final words on, but their shameless “unreliable titan narration” disclaimer has already voided most of this series’ encyclopedic worth.
Still, I do appreciate the effort 1-3 made filling in the blanks with characters like Kael’thas; here’s to hoping 4 explains or excuses the Horde cast’s inhuman apathy during the zombie genocider’s “campaign of destruction.”
I just want to see how they handle the BfA-Shadowlands bits and what retcons they make to Sylvanas for her return in Midnight.
Oh, and I wish to see if the WoD chapters’ art all take place within the garrisons, because if they do not then it is not the authentic WoD experience.
Do not try and gaslight me into thinking there was a Draenor beyond the garrison walls, Blizzard!! I shall not be so fooled!!!
Maybe they’ll finally make the time shenanigans make sense…
Tyrande did mention Teldrassil in the newest cinematic, amongst the several places that were still home or important to the kaldorei.
Heres to hoping they walk back or outright retcon the genocide comments golden made. Chronicles 4 would be a perfect time to rewrite the worst parts of BfA
Probably. Although this is the best chance they’ll ever have to finally straighten Aethas’s role in it out in the quote-unquote canon. To this day all we know comes from a deactivated Tumblr’s second-hand account of cut content.
Who the hell are Matt and Marty Forbeck? I’m hoping that’s not the final author list because if Metzen isn’t a co-author then I’ll have my doubts. I’m hoping they’re doing this now because Metzen is back. But if they keep to the format of the other volumes then I’ll be hyped. Don’t change it just because of the company differences since the third volume’s release.