Chronicle volume 4 announced

“Draenor is Free!”

That makes sense.


Personally I view it as “they wanted some symmetry” and so yes, trolls and elves happen to be counterpart and considering we used “the most famous night elf leader tied to the Alliance, we will do the same for the troll faction tied to the Horde”

Who knows? That will probably be an issue to be dealt with in half a decade from now.

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WoD time travel/alt-universe.

Oh, Theramor might be covered. Was that in Vol3?

Jaina nearly tidal waving Orgrimmar.

I think that’s about it for stuff that will be controversial. Mostly the last one.


Theramore as well. Man in some ways this will feel more meaty/more interesting then say Volume 3.

Volume 3 sort of covered alt universe.

Oh, and the entire mechanics of the Shadowlands. People keep saying they’re walking back some of that lore, so that could/will be a big controversy.

I’m hoping that Volume 4 will let us how the various troll tribes reacted to learning that Vol’jin became Warchief of the Horde. I’m still disappointed that we didn’t see that make waves in-game.


The book says “new cosmology charts” now I am curious to see new versions of it.


I shall speak for both of us.

We’re even more disappointed we didn’t see Vol’jin as warchief at all in-game (besides the whole “grats on the lvl 3 garrison” then dead bit), let alone what waves he could have made.


Alt Draenor, Yrel and the lightbound.

What happened to the pillars of creation after legion (since we know azshara stole the tidestone).

Elune and the night warrior.


True, very, very true.


So they build their chart, retcon the lore to fit it, then retcon the chart.

You can’t make this stuff up.


That’s their code…
To make it up as they go along.


as the publisher says, "in the wake of the Cataclysm, as Horde and Alliance join forces to defeat both Warchief Garrosh Hellscream and the demonic Burning Legion. These victories are short lived, however, as the world’s factions are soon baited into war with each other, unknowingly empowering a cosmic threat waiting in the realms of Death

Well there we go. Battle for Azeroth is NOT being retconned.


I never expected it to be removed outright. As much as people want to imagine a world where Blizzard removes bad expansions, it’s just not a thing that will realistically happen.

The best we can hope for is walking back some of the… Excesses.


I doubt they will walk back these “excesses”. Teldrassil will likely remain a genocide. Blizzard has thus far never walked back usages of such terms. But we only have 6 months to wait. So lets see.

Tangent note, I need to check if my local bookstore has the Dragonflight codex today.

I’m excited, to The Maw with all these absurd “lol Chronicle has a slight Titan bias therefore the entire philosophical concept of canon is now invalided by some insane stretch of logic” people that scurry around these forums.

I’m excited that so many juicy tidbits will be covered, because it will constrain Blizzard into definitively nailing down how some things happened and how certain things work. They won’t be able to dodge the multi-timeline problems, this edition will force them to lay the cards down.


While true, we also never before had it attributed to an act done by a playable faction, now one that has caused as much strife amongst the playerbase itself.

But… Yeah, you’re probably right. Even turning it from “genocide” down to just a little friendly “mass slaughter” might be asking too much.

Eh. It’s just always getting harder to care about the story anymore.


Ima laugh if SL gets Medaned

Indeed. Best I can hope for is the mitigation of certain lore disasters. To use Kael’thas as an example, his fall to corruption as presented in TBC was laughable and widely derided as garbage, but Chronicles 3 actually told its story. I’ll never be happy about it, but I can accept it now at least. And certain elements of BfA - namely what the hell the non-Sylvanas, non-Saurfang Horde was thinking - are in direr need of that courtesy than Kael’s headless corpse ever was.

Seriously, I don’t think BfA’s writers quite understand the damage they did to the Horde in narrowing Team Anti-Genocide down to one orc and one troll, then killing the orc off and leaving us with a roster of “heroes” who, at best, gormlessly watched the train crash.

Golden already wrote a novel whose purpose was to weasel Zovaal’s silhouette into Sylvanas’s many and varied shenanigans, so I really hope they don’t waste too many pages retreading that. It’s the rest of her faction they need to salvage.


SL’s plot is mentioned right in the advert synopsis, so that’s very unlikely, sadly.