Look good so far. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Look good so far. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Probably adventurers and even then, they might only cover the important ones.
Those being
The Silver Hand (for the Tyr stuff)
Scythe of Elune
Blades of the Fallen Prince (reforged Frostmourne)
Thas’dorah (Alleria stuff)
Scepter of Sargeras
Maybe there might be more idk.
Quite a few of the Artifacts just existed for the gimmick. For example I only view the Arms artifact weapon the only important one from the three Warriors can get and that is only due to the impact it has on trolls. Seeing them flee in terror is always fun to watch.
Blades of Odyn? Who cares
Some random shield made from a scale of Neltharion? Meh.
Blade of the first Human King and is the weapon nearly ALL trolls fear? While also keeping a C’thaxxi incapacitated? Yeah that is important. Shame its hidden ability did not extend into BFA. Would’ve been fun to see the trolls in Uldir or Battle for Dezar’alor run away in fear at a warrior that had it mogged.
Oh, with some of the stupid comments some have been making lately? People have been giving me a severe case of Eye twitches.
You’re out here complaining about something we had for a minute, because only a fan of big flops like you are concerned about a minute.
True fans want sustained growth, not some minute of growth followed by complete wrecktitude because floppers keep flopping.
Flopevien is a fan of flops and wants more flopping so his true favs in the Alliance can look more heroic.
Flopevien flopped so flopping flopped that a floppasaurus Rex flopped flopping flopper flops.
(Ps The flops are flopping, always flopping)
This will canonically be attributed to a beautiful blood elf, who some call a mocha elf, who uses it for glorious purpose, bringing honor and nobility to the bow’s legacy.
Rumor has it she was last seen bringing this bow into battle against Arthas for the five millionth time.
And still not getting her horse.
Just be like me and get the horse from the Ulduar timewalking weekly box
While saying you can get mounts from those to guildies on discord.
I do not have guildies. I am my guild.
But are you your scars?
What growth comes from characters with no powers who are fangirls of alliance leaders
No, but if you ever ask me to?
I… Will never… Serve.
It was obvious they would give the next one to the Horde. First one was Medivh, then his counterpart Gul’dan. And I guess Tyrande is sorta Vol’jin counterpart?
Vol’jin > Rokhan
Doomhammer > Thrall
Cairne > Baine
Kael’thas > lorthemar
Sylvanas > Calia
Gallywix > Gazlowe
Elisande > Thalyssra
Chen > Ji
Emberthal > Cindrethesh
Durotan > Geya’rah
Huln > Mayla
Mogu > Vulpera
Dazar > Talanji
4 yes, 7 Flop, 2 Eh.
At least you’re improving. Normally they’re all flops.
Progress is good, Flopevien!!
The fact that Blizzard are making another Chronicles book after they backslid on the Chronicles being “the retcon to end all retcons” is laughable to me.
It’s easier to view it as night elves and trolls being counterparts to one another, over applying it to their leaders.
Meanwhile since Volume 4 is showing that Blizzard will continue with the Chronicle lore books, I can’t help but wonder how that process will all work. Like we know that Volume 4 is covered the events of 5 expansions, will that be the norm with say Volume 5 covering Dragonflight, The World Soul Saga, and the aftermath expansion?
Literally no point in buying this, they’ll just retcon it within a year of release.
Vol’jin needs it the most.
So lets see, controversial things the book will have to cover:
Purge of Dalaran
Burning of Teldrassil
The Broken Shore
SYLVANAS(basically whenever she did is around)
The Trial of Garrosh
The High King(hopefully we get a final say on this)
Am I missing anything else?
I think it’s more that WoD-Legion-BfA-Shadowlands all directly lead into each other, so covering just MoP and say, WoD, Legion and BfA leaves it all in a weird place, what with Sylvia flying away for the next expansion. Volume 3 covered up to Cata, so that was only three and Vanilla, or 4 total.