Wouldn’t it be amazing if they make clear on the Horde involvement we barley see usually? Also Vol’jin cover woooooooooo
I prefer to wheat see. Barley seeing got boring quickly.
Tell me the Horde involvement post MoP I doubt you have answers.
Probably go with the Class Order title. For example they could mention, “the Farseer rallied the Elemental Lords to defend Azeroth against the Legion.”
My impeccable wheat vision says:
During Warlords of Draenor, the Horde aided the rest of the forces of Azeroth in pushing back big flop Garrosh’s entire invasion plans right back through the Dark Portal, then established a base camp in Frostfire Ridge, then smaller bases across Draenor.
During Legion, the Horde and Alliance joined forces, because Big Flop Garrosh’s actions led to a second Gul’Dan invading Azeroth. Because the Alliance’s terrible spy organization got infiltrated, the world defense failed, Vol’jin died, Varian died harder, Sylvanas became warchief, and both sides took a long nap.
Sylvanas then woke up from the nap and decided she too could be a big flop as warchief, and decided that she would go full Garrosh, but her war would flop even harder. BfA happened, the Horde flopped all over the place because following Big Flop Garrosh’s strategy only leads to Bigger Flopping. Eventually Sylvanas murdered the last Horde hero with a backstory, then Flopped over to Shadowlands.
The Horde already knew Shadowlands would be a flop, so they just sat and waited for it to end. It did.
This is why you shouldn’t push for flops coming back and rejoining the Horde. They just flop and flop and flop, and they never even bother to flip.
Now chew on that barley, Everin!!
Canonically done by the alliance. Durotan and Grommash are dead and Thrall disappeared somewhere in Nagrand. Khadgar and Yrel had the final word after the raid.
Literally alliance leaders everywhere in Legion with so many extra cinematics.
Bfa more alliacne bias. Zandalari were worfed for no reason and all Cataclysm conquest progress was amde obsolete.
Anduin, Jaina, Tyrande story. Thrall and Baine stayed Oribos and didn’t do anything. Also funny you call Saurfang cool since he started a meme.
SO you give as nothing at all. Knew I got it right.
It is interesting. Volumes 1 & 2 went with characters who made some of the most pivotal and active choices in guiding the course of Warcraft history. Volume 3 randomly used Tyrande who despite always being angry is mostly reactionary. As far as night elves go, Illidan would’ve been the obvious pick.
If Volume 4 was just MoP-WoD, using Vol’jin would be obvious. But his role after that was get stabbed, get manipulated by Mueh’zala, and become the Loa of Kings…I guess? I guess your choices just go down a lot if you exclude humans, orcs, and nelves. There’s Sylvanas but I can see why they want to avoid her nowadays.
Also very curious like everyone else how it handles BfA/SL. Retcon everything, I don’t even mind.
No, because Thrall met his AU parents, and the Horde brought mag’har orcs over.
You bad.
Only because your heroes are flops, and you finally got what you wanted; for them to flop the entire Horde under their big, floppy banner.
Like I said, they sat it out because they knew it was bad. They’re smart. Banshee Bae didn’t care, and she flopped so hard, she flopped her way into a personality flip.
Saurfang started memes in Vanilla because of how beloved he was.
You wouldn’t know that, because you were playing Alliance. You only play Alliance, because you’re an Alliance fanboy who just wants a floppy Horde.
That is not a sentence.
The Horde were definitely in their flop era.
I know a thing or two about flopping.
Hey flop!
Yeah. I won’t be buying this because I’m not interested in the biased perspective of some random Titan.
Anyone care to bet on what the most annoying “canon dungeon/raid clear” revelation will be?
All of them most likely. The obvious ones that should be canonically cleared by the horde will be given to the alliance, and the rest will have some form of alliance help.
My guess anyway
Like the sunwell raid
Thoughout the entirety of BfA, every single dungeon and raid clear was done by the Alliance.
Karebear, you’re a night elf finally!!
I support the real Horde. You support nobodies with no lore and shameless self inserts
You support only flops who flopped because you want to continue flopping the Horde into irrelevance.
Because you main Alliance and hate the Horde.
You are therefore a flop. Flopevien.
Well, damn, appears I am. But don’t worry my fav mocha elf, I’m still a fiesty little defender of the worgen at heart. Not gonna stop loving them just because I’m mad at blizzard right now
I don’t know, but nothing is going to top the absolute insanity that was giving TK to the Horde and SWP to the Alliance.
Insane is putting it mildly. Literally the whole belf plot was disrespected.
Flops are the Horde council who made us lose half our territory.