Chromie Fairytales and Fable SPOILER

I but also recognize that lgbt people are also not all unified on the same prospects of thought. (Myself being one of them). You aren’t Metzen nor can speak on his behalf 12 years ago either. Only he can speak on what development thoughts were made on Chromie or the dragon lore direction was.

We have conflicting dialogue that follows the same retcon issues that JK Rowling is notorious for. Leaving the fan base to decide if the author’s decision is final after “issuing” a correction. Or if the franchise is not worth questioning when under new leadership.

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No, Rowling’s retcon problems is she never wrote any of her “revelations” into canon. Hermione was not described as “Black”, nor did her character bring up Mudblood vs Antiblack Racism during that character arc. Dumbledore was “revealed” as gay but the only things we have to go by in the book is his suit being described as “flamboyant” and his “intimate” relationship with Grindlewald.

Danuser & Co are writing Chromie as Trans into the canon universe, explicitly.

It is fundamentally different. And irresponsible and reckless to equivocate.


Who are you to question the author and how they want their work to be interpreted. Or if the universe is more expansive and akin to situations alike.

Of course, this is being facetious but paints the point that the author and the consumer can take on wildly different perceptions of the material. Even someone reading this fairy tale book could interpret Chromie being a play on males playing female avatars. Interpretation can derive various different meanings.

Which art does well. You could very well compare mudbloods in the wizard world to the black racism of the real world. Both sharing have societal struggles and could be painted in similar shades.l while not having the same beat for beat. You could read the book with that in mind and get that message in mind.

The book doesn’t explicitly say Chromie is Trans, Danuser says she is on Twitter. We can interpret chromie’s words wildly and argue semantics all day. We have conflicting developer commentary and having a definitive answer like this will always be led to conflict with the consumers.

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And yet isn’t canon within the story.

The book does say she is Trans, given her pronoun change. It is obvious.

What Danuser clarified is that the story in the folklore book is actually canon.

Back when Chromie was first introduced (again, as a female gnome) society as a whole was still grappling with the concept of trans people. Heck, even at the time there was resistance against even atting that “T” to the LGB crowd. Are you now going to say that my spouse has been “retconned” as a trans man because we couldn’t handle the term “trans” properly back then?


Lol regional variations of LGBT are always a hoot, two years ago Colombia’s mysterious pride high council decided to drop the “B” but add the “I” (logic was us bisexuals aren’t real and are just subtypes of gay and lesbian, but intersex people are their own category), but the US still doesn’t have the “I” on average because of Intersex invisibility (and the fact AMA still allows gender assignment surgeries on newborn infants using the “ruler” method).


I was literally talking about that blizzard is using rainbow capitalism, are you trying to make it sound like I am transphobic or something?


And your point is? Blizzard uses rainbow capitalism, macho capitalism, command and control games capitalism, fan capitalism, live action motorcycle and weapon building capitalism to build a fan base on. It’s a capitalist corporation in a capitalist country. Isn’t that what you red-blooded patriots are supposed to be for?

But the hill you chose to die on from all of these is rainbow capitalism, the issue you choose to draw your line on is Chromie’s trans nature. That’s enough of a tell for me.


Where do I draw that line? I have yet to see any proof that I am “Transphobic”.

As for you referring to me as a “red-blooded patriot” I can only assume you mean Republican or something, yet I am far from that.

Then again I assume you can blame american culture for the “Us vs them” that you have in the states.

Or well that combined with the fact you share the belief of “If you are not with me you are my enemy”.

In short America is a very bigoted country.

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That awkward moment when Finninbas is neither American, Right Wing, Republican, or a Capitalist. :eyes:

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Quite far from most of those things, aside from maybe the last one :slight_smile:

Watching some of these people legit being transphobic and or outright showing their hatred for the LGBT community is disgusting.

And the worse part is, they think we can’t see past their BS. You guys aren’t clever, just stop. :wolf:



Let me spell this out in plain English.

I’ve never recalled you before having a complaint about Wow’s capitalism until it involved a trans character. Nothing about Wow’s marketing moved you to complain until this came up.

If this is the only time you put on a jacket, you’re going to be judged by w hat you’re wearing.


I have complained multiple times about how that blizzard are basically greedy money grubbers.

Again… that’s literally their job. make money for the stock holders… that capitalism thing again.

Then what do you have against it?

I am merely pointing out they are doing it because of profit related motives, not that they share those thoughts about such individuals, to them they are just walking money bags.

Most companies are interested in making profit.

I mean, I guess no one will stop you from complaining about what ever you want. Make a post complaining that the sun rises, and you might get some bites defending the usefulness of the sun. But it needs little defense.

If I owned a company, and I thought it would make current customers enjoy the product more, as well as attract new customers, I would consider the change. (It may have the added benefit of shedding the hateful customers I don’t want anyway or perhaps get them to experience something new and change their views)

If I owned a Taco Shop near an Oil Rig or a Mining Camp, I might not consider Vegan options. But if I opened a Taco Shop on a College Campus or near a Yoga Studio, and I didn’t have Vegan options, I might consider it. And the search for profit would be a consideration.

I guess even if the worst is true - even if, as you suggest, this is just a retcon to pander to underrepresented portions of the Player Base to get brownie points from the media and make some profit - I don’t see why that is bad.

If I am starving in the desert, and some rich guy gives me a bottle of champagne and a piece of steak to impress his friends, without a care towards my well being, I will still enjoy the steak and champagne.

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Yeah that is not the subject at hand. She was questioning whether I have complained about the company being capitalistic before.

My point was more in the line of “Is altruism for the feeling of being a good person truly altruism if it benefits you in the end?”

Okay I know I’m getting all middle-school philosophical but if you’re benefiting from the feeling of being a good person in general, is it at all possible for altruism to exist?