I mean, personal character and integrity is important. Saying that can be corrupted by greed shouldn’t be a controversial thing. I have been a fan of Blizzard since 1995, and I am at a point where I am so disappointed with them, that I am really wrestling with the idea of washing my hands of them for good. The story is garbage, the content and gameplay is lack luster, the microtransactions flooding TBC Classic, their overall conduct as a company. It is not difficult to see how greed has corrupted the soul of the company over the years. So much so where just about all the OGs have left it.
Now, for me personally, the Chromie situation is a nonissue. I was using She/Her pronouns for her already, and I will continue to do so. Nothing has really changed as far as I am concerned. Though, I am not sure I have the most positive view of Blizzard right now to just take it at face value that they are allies of the LGBTQ, and this is some firm pro-Trans rights stance they are taking.
For example, Pride Month is nearly here, and we are going to see all these major companies changing their logos to the Rainbow variant. Except their outlets located in parts of the world where LGBTQ people are still very much fighting for their rights to live. It is these places where allies are needed most, but because these corporations are motivated by profit, and have no moral character or integrity, it is practically non-existent.
I don’t so much appreciate my likeness being used as a marketing tool while the same companies are turning a blind eye to the systemic extermination happening in other parts of the world. I don’t think pointing out the hypocrisy of that makes someone a – whatever- Phobe. It is a very important concern.
Now, is this something Blizzard is guilty of? I don’t know. In this instance, probably not. I haven’t really been on the forums as much as I used to be. Frankly because I am so disheartened with the state of the lore and story that I don’t so much care anymore. I believe what probably happened is, some time ago, Blizzard did what they always do, and forgot their own lore regarding Dragon naming conventions, and accidently gave Chromie a male name. This was a convenient and topical fix to that oopsie. I would like to believe the corporate line from Blizzard, that they did this with the absolute best intention for Trans people. However, my respect for Blizzard at the moment is the lowest it has ever been, so I am a bit cynical.