Chromie Fairytales and Fable SPOILER

I mean, that reasoning can be extended to literally any non-human lady, really


nah I would say you can say night elven draenei gnome orc woman etc. But you cant refer to a female bear as a woman.

I always thought of the character as being genderfluid, but that may be a bit too complex for Wow’s audience to encompass.





I get you. I wasn’t trying to say you were being disingenuous about when it appeared. I was just looking at the material in comparison to my earlier argument and responding.

Westfall as a whole seems to come and go as lore pleases. There are always these threads of political intrigue regarding the human kingdoms that get quickly resolved or forgotten. Westfall’s Defias, the refugees because of the War against the Lich king, and Cataclysm all provided some insight into the life of human commoners and the crown. Shaw and VanCleef are perfect vehicles to explore these questions.

Maybe VanCleef could show up in Shadowlands too? Shaw meets Alexston and VanCleef? It could be connected to Anduin confronting the ghosts of Stormwind’s past. We already have Bolvar here. Varain as well if he isn’t gone for good.

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I would love some sort of resolution about Westfall’s current state, especially Shadows Rising hinted that it’s still in a bad state, at least in some parts.

Edwin VanCleef would a very interesting character to encounter in Shadowlands, for the reasons you point out. I know that Blizzard seems very intent on focusing on big psuedo-death-knight stuff with Anduin right now, but I would much rather see him dealing with issues at home in Stormwind, including some of the messes left by his predecessors, and carrying that over into the Shadowlands by having him meet Edwin VanCleef would be interesting, I think, for both of them.


You can’t even quote-mine me properly, which is especially embarrassing since the quote is right there. I’m also saying you’re wrong about me.

Re-read it.

I called the retcons “ham-fisted” and made a distinction between genuine support and virtue-signaling.

I don’t think every trans person is so insecure that they can’t get through life if they don’t see themselves represented in a fictional work… plus there’s already Pelagos and he’s fine (I hope he gets ascended, especially after we went to the trouble of building the Kyrians a new altar and helped his friend Kleia ascend).

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He’s also dead and a Shadowlands-only character. We will never seem him again after Shadowlands is over like every other expansion-only character. Not Trans Icon Pelagos, Lesbian Couple Accuser/Curator, Gay Couple Thiernax/Qadarin, nobody.

I don’t know. At what point does the virtue signalling stop being hamfisted? Is it just because this is retroactive continuinity for a character we knew nothing about and not a new character?

The idea of Blizzard as a company genuinely supporting anything without it being a virtue signal to a target audience is just a strange line of thought to me.

Isn’t it a bit unfair that trans people have this arbitrary chance that their representation is deemed hamfisted or a virtue signal, while cis people get everything else while nobody bats an eye?


I agree with everything else you’d said… except this part.

If it’s truly ham-fisted and/or virtue-signaling, it’s not unfair to call it that. If the shoe fits…

I wouldn’t say cis people get everything else and blame Blizz for not doing it sooner with characters (the “Legion” expac came out in 2016, it would’ve been widely accepted then to add a new trans character with a big role - eg; they could’ve made Thalyssra or Occuleth trans…with all their magic and their society, I think the Nightborne could use magic instead of surgery).

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There’s a few gay couples in Legion and a non-heterosexual (funnily, the first half of this words is banned) Night Elf Sentinel in Cata.

It’s been widely accepted in Western society for years, Blizz has had plenty of opportunity to add trans characters with big roles.

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I think the difficulty in this sentiment lies in the fact that you can truly say this about anything. Companies are always virtue signalling.

Without getting into any X to doubts since I live in Europe where we’re a few years behind on trans emancipation, does it really matter if they add such things now as oppossed to back in Legion?

How is it any more or less of a virtue signal to add being trans as a backstory to a character now than it would’ve been to add a trans character back then?

Kind of feels like the whole gamer bro complaint from a couple of years back when they started adding more female main characters to video games.

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I agree with what you said, except for the last 2 paragraphs.

There’s a difference between making a trans character and retconning a non-trans character to be trans.

Citation needed about these “gamer bros” complaining about more female main characters in video games. Especially since;

“Metroid” is a video game franchise with a female main character that began in 1986 and there weren’t complaints about “female main characters in video games.”. Ten years later and the first Tomb Raider game came out… and was it received with complaints of “more female main characters in video games” or widespread acclaim that saw Lara Croft become a cultural icon? (hint, it wasn’t the former). The were few criticisms when Parasite Eve came out in 1998, and none of them were about a “female main character”. It’s been happening and embraced long before recent titles like “Horizon Zero Dawn” and “Life is Strange”.

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Chromie is not a case of the second. Chromie has been revealed to be an assigned male dragon that’s almost entirely been seen presenting a female identity. Chromie isn’t a retcon, they’re a clarification that removes any lingering doubt.


Chromie was originally female with a “weird name” according to Metzen himself… then the staff flip-flopped for years until very recently officially making Chromie trans. Note how apart from the aspects, male and female dragons used the same models until later expansions.


I don’t know if it is, considering the nature of being trans. She’d have been a female since she was introduced regardless of if they informed us back then or right now, right?

I didn’t know this was a contentious topic. I’ll drop it considering it feels off topic when discussing Chromie’s gender identity. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re taking two different developer decisions and context matters with this topic.

When Metzen said Chromie was a girl, he didn’t say “transgender” girl. Chromie’s direction on the past under former developers didn’t follow current day beliefs where the statement:

“Transgender women are women” was not a recognized phrase en masse at the time Metzen said this. 12 or so years ago was a wildly different time.


Imagine how sad all those girls that were named traditionally male names by their parents, they’re lost character they could sympathize with


Of course. That’s the whole reason why people are mad. Some simply don’t want to see representation they hate. It’s rather clear and sad.


One (1) also dead gay couple, also tied to expansion content we will never see again, and one night elf sentinel only speculated to be a lesbian in a cata revamp questing zone they have never used again.

We didn’t even have gay marriage until 11 years ago in the US and there’s at least one “Trans Crisis” on the Right Wing at least once a year since the early 2000s, most states still have laws where you can murder trans people and gay people (gay/trans panic defense), in what world are trans people “widely accepted” today?

The US doesn’t even have the option for “third gender” for intersex people, and most states still enforce bio-essentialism for gender change (medical certification of surgery).

What? When the main character was revealed to be a woman, there was a bunch of media drama even at that time, and debates as to her later sexualization by the community were revived in the late 2000s and early 2010s as a new generation were taught the character was a girl again.

All non-aspect dragons (except Tyragosa) use the same models even right now.

That’s assuming bad faith on Metzen or that the idea didn’t occur to him. Fairly confident a man with his subaltern cultural interests (e.g. his aesthetic, his interest in the occult and neopaganism) surely led him to having LGBT friends even since that point.

The phrase was indeed popular within the LGBT community in the US, so wrong there too.

I remind everyone LGBT people and our culture didn’t just come into existence in the past ten years, we didn’t just start existing and begin being invented this past decade.

Most evident by the fact they were arguing against this point by saying the book wasn’t canon, and are now doing “BUT ITS VIRTUE SIGNALING” now that Danuser said it is canon.
