Chromie Fairytales and Fable SPOILER

Are you being ignorant on purpose?

With regard to LGBT character we know they were not a priority because Blizzard was not exactly that embracing of them in the first place(to the point LGBT guilds were banned)

We do have one character but not due a disability and just simply due to old age, |Drekā€™thar uses a wheel chair.

Iā€™m guessing more because art priority was always focused on other expansion feature.

A character that should have just been trans all along.

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Why should it be trans?

Donā€™t get me started on the language filter too, more words are banned in other languages that refer to people from the US than words that denote racism in English.

Banning of LGBT guilds was a mess, Iā€™d forgotten that

I wonder what it is that leads you to think this way

It was literally a male looking dragon with a male name that turned into a female character.


It had a male name in one instance after 2 expansions dude.

Chromie has been in the game since the game launched.

And Chromieā€™s given name is something she literally tells players in Vanilla


? 1-2 people in every 10 people have some sort of disability you weirdo, we are common globally and any group of 100 people should statistically have around 15 people with a disability.

People with disabilities exist lmao

I demand Gazlowe make Drekthar a mech suit with orcish motifs :triumph::triumph::triumph:


ā€œBreak the legs of characters you bigots!ā€

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Orcish wheelchair but each wheel is just 8 battle axes welded together at the shafts.


Oh that way we can chop more limbs of people Brilliant!

Now donā€™t be coy. You also said it would be a good way to create more disabled people.

I thought that was the goal?



What wow truly needs is better characters. Blizzard adding or making characters into Trans or whatever else just because the game needs more representation is transphobic if the characters are terrible.

You shouldnt care about x character because of what they are but for who they are.

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Because sheā€™s trans and trans people arenā€™t sideshow characters to be used as props.

Do at least try to be more sensitive to the LBGTQ then that.


How is Chromie a sideshow character? And why is her being trans make her less interesting than as a cis woman, which you didnā€™t answer? What about her trans-ness makes her less interesting?


On one hand having the trans rep being a dragon falls into the ā€œgender variance is okay on faerie type charactersā€ but also I feel a bit hypocritical for me to whine about on an elf

She is not a woman. She is a dragon.