Mareg -Immune: The one, the only, bright pink robe wearing , snake staff wielding, bald human spirit priest extraordinaire. Untouchable on healing meters, unbeatable 1v1 as shadow.
Immune Alliance represent!
Mareg -Immune: The one, the only, bright pink robe wearing , snake staff wielding, bald human spirit priest extraordinaire. Untouchable on healing meters, unbeatable 1v1 as shadow.
Immune Alliance represent!
Night elf Resto druid Zanza both HJPU and Symbiotic. Also Ratix Human Warrior HJPU and Symbiotic.
I definitely remember you Wolfdreamer, and Moosemuffin. Also remember Lunchbeast, and Silica. I’m still playing on another server with Icebane from Symbiotic he played and still plays Warlock.
Battlenet - Dante#1330
Discord - Jason#8316
I recognize a few of those names. I joined Undaunted/Insurrection early BC, moved to resto Shaman, same name. Raa I keep in contact with, he moved to a priest named Plate. Met him IRL a few years back.
I remember Salfier, Corvinus I MIGHT still have on my friend list, not sure. Sanara rings a bell, but my memory is crap.
The GM at the time was Sharilar, who still plays and I keep in touch with.
I have some BC videos of boss kills when we merged, I think Undaunted was the first guild? Then Insurrection. It’s all fuzzy.
The whole guild moved to Burning Legion for Wrath, became Series, because of all the guilds we had been. Then that violently fell apart, few of us kept in contact, not many were left from the Vanilla/BC days.
Add me: anxel#1235
Edit: Scalfier has been a friend of mine since BC, checked his name.
Sanara is his brother.
Damn, I forgot about the name Mordn. It was Series, duh.
Stine. It’s Sanara. Add my bnet. Anathis#1948
A few of us planning on coming back for classic. Be great to get in touch again. Game hasnt been the same without our original crew.
Yea that is correct. Well one of them atleast corvinus and a few others were also in charge
We are waiting to see if they release more pvp-est servers.
Still on C-Magus, Played with many never joined on of the biggun guilds, was in leveling guild, then i perhap Infamous, Malicous 1st mage w T5 then guild break up, ,Ran premades, with boygenius, few names i remember, xdraggon (on my terms), gashet mage, hallowkween female priest married another played i tink. Still in Bloody Saders
After talking to officers, several members and doing our research; here is the game plan. As of right now, we are rolling in Herod Horde side. Every active account has up to 3 name holds. I would recommend you use them wisely. If you mostly go by one name; I’d suggest holding your name on 1-Herod, 2-faerlina, and 3-Thalnos in that order.
If this changes, we will update you. ASAP. We will most likely not change unless more severs open up or something drastic happens. I hope this plan makes the largest pool of people happy.
Name: DoctahKstyle, Kstyler [Dwarf rogue, later blood elf rogue]
Guild: Hjpu, desk and faxes, fabled
I know megadef[hunter], kamakazix[rogue], bumulous[every class/race combination the game can comprehend] still play
I’d like to see Anaea [Rogue] come back, I know his brother plays his old account though
Shantino coming in here and telling us to roll horde! Who else is sticking alliance? Any groups getting together for it? Maybe we roll Ally on Herod?
Kamakazix here, HJPU’s finest rager.
I won’t be playing. I have too much going on and other stuff to worry about. If you meant anything to me back then, then I already have you on B-tag.
The only reason I’ll come back is if Covah (aka Eddie the major changer,) makes an appearance.
Lunchbeast was in Symbitoic with me. Only remember because one of my alts after I came back last year for BFA was in a guild called “Lunchbeast Slumber Party.” Can’t recall, but that was either our alt guild, or one we made to kill time between Offense leaving Ysondre and merging with whatever guild we merged with on Chromaggus (if the other one even came from there originally) to form Symbitoic.
I don’t recognize any of you guys from Symbiotic. Only remember Rahj, Trossk, Shayde, Silleh, and Moonshadow are the only names I can recall.
If anyone remembers me, I was in guild on this toon, with this name, from Naxx/AQ40 until halfway through TBC when my account was compromised, and I quit. Just came back for BFA after 11 years off.
No no, Just play on Herod server… I’ll let yall know if ne thing changes.
Hallowkween was a good friend of mine back then. Her and another guildy got married way back in the day. Believe they ran with Symbiotic for a bit at one point. Don’t really recall what happened with that group after BC
Yeah, I think a LOT of people from the old major guilds ended up in Symbiotic at one point. I can’t say I remember your name, but then…I was a kid then and I’d be quite surprised if any one remembered me, hopping through a ton of guilds, with a few friends that would get me in to fill spots in a handful of raids.
We definitely did, I remember those names now. Amazing how this stuff comes back after more than a decade.
I remember you from DI and Invictus. You definitely innervated me several times in MC.
I will be rolling Horde this time. Although the Alliance has a lot of nostalgia for me, I want to see the other side of the game this time around. Plus , I figure we’re more experienced now and can make it without pally buffs.
Add me if you wanna catch up prior to launch. DrMustang#1479