We might have played together. Evileyes from invictus. Raid leader was Gunter and darkpro.
Played in Invictus/Symbiotic/HJPU
Lawnmower, wow that name takes me back. what a beast.
Yeah buddy! I was in Immune on my warrior and TSK on my shaman until I transferred to Magtheridon.
I’m still friends with Dym on facebook I think. Lunchbox/beast is on my steam list (I honestly can’t remember if they were the same person). I’ll have to message them to get them in here.
Do you remember who the mage class officer was for deserter? Blanking on the name but think one of the guys i knew was the mage officer.
Original Name: Anxel
Class: Hunter
Looking for any old guildies from Rounders,
Dude, Message me at “(Shantino)Michael Sonofgod#5915” on discord (without the quotes, lol).
Yes, I do. <—Shantino/Shauntino.
SonofGod#11971 add me on bnet and discord “(Shantino)Michael Sonofgod#5915” (without the quotes, lol)
I remember that night we hit up the jazz club. Good call passing on the chicks. What an era.
I’m still in contact with DDan, Xtapp, and Shantino (who is literally all over these threads). Add me @ Tellysavalas#1555 if you want.
Character: Tellysavalas, Dwarf Priest
Guild: Immune (with some stints in Archaic, Bluefrex, TSK)
Other Players: I’m still in touch with most of the Immune and Bluefrex guys, but shoot me an add (Tellysavalas#1555) if you wanna catch up. Good to see some old names.
You must play Horde! I’m going to Destroy the Allies! I already have 20+GM’s/HWL’s in my guild. Who ever is ally on my server is going down! BIG TIME!
I’ve been practicing 9+years for this. I am a 1 man army and nobody stands a chance when up against me. gg, wish yall end up rolling horde so you don’t end up as a victim in my pvp vids. lol
Hey everyone! I’m restarting after an age of not playing WoW.
Im trying to find some friends I used to play with on Chromaggus( I Think), we started a guild together(forget the name) and raided in BC and Vanilla. But the guild mates were Delilah and Truaid. Sound familiar to anyone?
I was Silvereye, pretty sure I changed the name to ‘Hate’ in an angry teenager fit. lol
Human Warlock
Bounced around between guilds a bit I think? Its been a long time.
Now I know it’s really Shantino. You still live in an impenetrable fortress, btw?
Always! I have achieved many a upgrades since we last met. If you thought I was God like back then just wait till I show off my final form.
I’m so good now I can beat all of you with just my mouse hand… no keyboard required. If u think I make joke… it is not. Cya on the battlefield.
I’m not making the same mistake twice. This time I’m rolling Horde.
If u need a guild, let me know.
Brandina, Draenei Ret Pally from HJPU during BC.
Wolfdreamer, Druid, was on the server shortly after it started. Raided with a lot of you guys out there in various guilds, and since I have a horrible memory I will now refer to a cheat sheet I made to keep track… During Vanilla it was Deadly Intentions and Invictus. C A K E, Aftermath, Misery, and Symbiotic in BC. After that HJPU, more Symbiotic, and Desire in WotLK.
I’ll be around for Classic as well, so I’m hoping to see some familiar names on whatever server I end up on. Enjoy some nostalgic goodness oldschool Chromag crew!
Gnome Rogue - Twostep
Human & Undead Warlock - Thunderclees
Spent most of my time in STV, Gurubashi, South Shore.
Guilds: TSK, Symbiotic (with my IRL buddy Turgis, the hunter)
Original Name: Mordn
Class: Mage
Guild: Undaunted
But most of you guys probably remember me as Taima, a Shaman. We all eventually moved to Burning Legion to start a new guild (was it called Series? whatever). Can we NOT play on a PVP server this time?