@Chris Metzen, retcon Shadowlands

With the writing nowadays it’s better for both Arthas and Sylvanas to stay dead. In fact, let’s just go ahead and start over with newer characters so they can leave our old ones alone.


It’s done and over with, stop living in the past.

It’s kind of funny, actually, because it seems like the people who hate SL the most are the ones who can’t stop talking about it :dracthyr_lulmao: Like good god, move on.


Oh im very much living in the present.


Have we since had a villian as menacing as the lich king, and if the answer is yes.


Jailer? N’zoth? Garrosh?

None of them compare.

Xalatath MIGHT top Arthas and his scourge but not one holds a candle to the prince of lorderon or the king of the scourge. Only one has actually killed us in combat and if it wasnt for Tyron calling on the light to ressurect us, we would all be death knights of the scourge and scoured the living from Azeroth.

Face facts. Arthas was the biggest threat we have ever faced. Living in the past… lol


The reason I think this is a bad idea is that it sets a precedent to change things in the past that you don’t like. Imagine someone else gets in and starts retconning everything.

I prefer the improv method of “yes, and”. You never go back to fix a mistake if you can add further context in the future than that is fine. With this method you can eventually get over mistakes and work towards a better future.

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We are literally getting a book about Shadowlands in 2 months. So all signs point to now,they are not retconning it.

As a side note, as much as it boggles my mind there are people who like SL and I doubt Blizzard is about to retcon an entire expansion out and piss off these people for no particular reason.

My thing is, what happened in shadowlands is canon…

But it is arguably the worst lore ever written. So we have a 5 year time skip. Anduin is off in lala land dealing with the pressure of, “what he did.” I dont know… it boggles my mind.

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That doesn’t seem hard to do.

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Who dubbed it that?

That also means bringing back crazy eye Sylvanas. Are you ok with that?

What we need to do is retcon everything from Vanilla to present and then release a WoW2 that does away with the faction system entirely so the different nations’ motives and allegiances can shift organically - like they do IRL - in service of a more dynamic and engaging story.

Buut @ tagging Blizzard employees is a low key forum offense so this thread will probably be locked and buried soon :woman_shrugging:

Retcon everything Before Legion, Undo Vol’Jin’s death.

Is it written by Golden?

Merzen is just as bad a writer as the rest of them. He would just replace it with some other bombastic stupidity.

I think the important thing that happened to Anduin was that the Jailer put Arthas’ soul in his soul. So Anduin was running around, potentially, with Arthas’ memories of everything he did and everything he chose to do that was nasty. Anybody experiencing it, in a first-person perspective, could get the willies scared out of them.

But the SL story doesn’t really focus on this aspect - but it would have been fantastic if they had.
The way they show what happened to Anduin is almost miss-able in the game. There was a blue wisp; that was Arthas.

It would have been so great if the game would have showed Anduin witnessing first-hand the Culling of Stratholme and some of the other atrocities Arthas’ did while LK, through Arthas’ eyes, because he’s got his soul in his soul!

I think this is real key to understanding where Anduin is, right now, in his blasted state. I wish the game story would have shown Anduin experiencing Arthas’ soul’s experiences. This would have been incredibly cool - and incredibly horrific for Anduin.

They imply it, but not with any story.

To actually show Anduin flipping bkz he’s burning down Stratholme and killing innocent folks would have been fantastic storytelling! And he’s trapped living the LK events in WC3/beyond.

They did show a zombie-Anduin, and they showed maybe a bit of concern on his part that he just stabbed an angel-person. But I think seeing Anduin experiencing Arthas’ life because he’s in Anduin would have been great! :slight_smile:

I wondered where Arthas was, while I played SL. I wondered if we’d run into his soul, somewhere in the Maw.

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What they did with Uther was terrible! He broke the Shadowlands, in some ways! Poor Kyrian didn’t know what hit 'em! He gets to ‘heaven’ and says they have it wrong, and proceeds to break stuff. Some kind of uprising? Really? Bleh. I lost respect for the character. :frowning:

edit: and he showed no mercy towards Arthas! Thew his soul into the Maw. No potential for actual redemption. Uther did that… Maybe your student did learn the lessons you taught him by being terrible! D: Bleh!

    fixed that

yeah, war in alliance is old and boring, peace is the right thing

man, this new batch of wow players, ruining this game

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35 Anima*

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Funny thing is. He created warcraft. If it wasnt for him. We wouldnt have wow.

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