@Chris Metzen, retcon Shadowlands

i agree w/ op

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Retcon everything after Wrath. Nuke the world and then do warcraft 2 that begins right after wrath.


retcon it but leave arthas alone.
Retcon every single thing danuser did to sylvanas, he ruined her character beyond recognition, and purge nathanos from the game- replace him with bob the forsaken


When do we get to see Sylvanas and Genn make out?

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Retcon everything after the opening quest zone in vanilla. You try to get to goldshire and then BOOM meteor. You wake up in a completely different version of the game and now all your favorite characters arent super freaking old anymore.


He died in wrath.

What does it matter if his soul remnant got banned by sylvanas. We were never meant to see him again anyway.

The true atrocity of SL was defiling the helm of domination by giving it to Soy King Pelagos, Arbitor of Insufferablness

Hopefully we can loot him in the future and replace his dullness with the robot Arbitor again.


If you want comprehensive retcons, then I say retcon everything after Warcraft 2!


Because there is a difference between physical death and having your soul deleted.

Arthas wasn’t the only one ruined anyway, Uther’s story around it was total garbage.

I really want a world of warcraft game set in the tides timeline. I want it to be as bloody and metal as it was in that game too, modern WoW is too goofy.


Okay but again, we were never meant to interact with him again anyway so it doesn’t matter.

Uther’s story was bland but it was basically used as a tool to explain sylvanas’ actions

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i felt entirely on the rails in that expansion I hated that feeling.

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The only way to save Arthas is to bring him back as a Murloc raid boss

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I am seriously waiting for a “sliver” of Arthas’ soul to manifest and for him to return. Perhaps buried in Anduin’s subconscious or hiddien in some artifact somewhere. I really could see Blizz easily going in for the Lord Voldemort has returned yet again angle.


Great. Now I will have to consider farming up Mrrthas’ seahorse mount Invincimrrl


Maybe make “Arthas’ Soul” a companion pet that’s a flicker of mist hovering over your shoulder, occasionally whispering to you that he was once a big deal.


It could be the next Twitch drop. :wink:


How about no?

The war is done and stale at this point. The constant bickering and fighting the opposite faction is old and boring.

Blizzard did right about making peace between the alliance and horde.

We got bigger fish to fry with a unstoppable force like the void coming to rock our world (literally)


They did Warcraft 2 in 1996.


They can do it again.

That doesn’t make any sense lol


Warcraft 2 - the new second one.

Warcraft Tutu

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Think about it.

What is war within? A continuation after the Shadowlands.

Anduin is still a depressed whiny child who “lost the light” arthas is gone gone. Sylvanas is in the maw because she did “bad things”

Warcraft writers are just continuing what is dubbed the worst lore that has ever been concieved at Blizzard.

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