@Chris Metzen, retcon Shadowlands

Actually he HELPED create warcraft. In WoW he was arguably the primary narrative creator, but his work in TBC onward was decent at best. It got really bad.

You speak only for yourself.

I am almost as old of a player as you can get, and whether you are a new or old player, suggesting the Horde and Alliance should stay allies is what’s ruining the game.

Genuinely one of the best decisions you can do for the narrative. Shadowlands destroyed so much.


Don’t bring Arthas back. DO retcon Shadowlands. There is so much lore that SL retconned and “recontextualized” tastelessly.

None of the creatures thought to be demons are natives of the Twisting Nether anymore. The Dreadlords are from the Shadowlands now, where once they were the last trueborn demons in canon, natives of the Nether.

That’s the part I hate the most.

SL cannibalized the lore to try to legitimize itself. All it accomplished was make itself a self-important expac that demanded we accept ridiculous changes to the story, and that we give a damn about characters that came out of no where and are supposed to be so powerful and important yet somehow we had not even a hint to their existence until then.

It needs to be done away with.


Yeah, this i can agree.

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Oh. I… got totally different impression from your previous post. Glad we agree.


Keeping the horde and allies is what we need not want.

Lore wise. We got bigger fish to fry.

So what you want is, an all out no hold bar war between thr horde and alliance and here comes a super power evil like the void that brings its full force of its army to bear on a splintered azeroth and totally wipes us from existence.

A divided alliance and horde can not with stand the void. That i can pretty much guarantee.

The alliance and horde is gonna need each other for what is to come. Bet on it.

Oh please… you already admitted this is about what you want. You admit to being bored of the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance.

Has nothing to do with the void, and frankly it would be way more interesting if the Void DID attack Azeroth while it’s defenders were fragmented and we still pulled it off.

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Thats a boring and lame storytelling that was beat to death

i rather if both factions fight the void independently, each open doing their own job to stop it, while trading blows to see who get more resources for it, like we did against the scourge

It is surreal? yeah, its a fantasy game, we had plenty of contrivances and impossible scenarios as well, this is just one of then


Let’s be honest here…Paladins have no choice. Our whole life is a lie. There is no light in the afterlife. Soul uber driver basically or zombie. Pick one.

Okay…there is one naaru. Last one left alive after the light failed to defeat an army of vampire cosplayers. Bad ones at that for the salt to put on the wound.

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I mean, Shadowlands is canon and will remain canon. There are infinite other realms of Death we never even explored. Things could have been better, but they could have also been a whole lot worse.

On an unrelated note, farming Korthia daily on like 12 characters was something else.

If the storytelling needs supplemental storytelling to be good, I don’t think it’s good storytelling :frowning:

The horde and alliance should be like Dale and Brennan when they’re watching shark week. They give each other high-fives while the episode is on; but they’re whispering to each other “I still hate you”, and you bet they’re gonna try to bury each other alive as soon as the show’s over

Doesn’t sound like you ever took any advanced creative writing or literature courses.

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Sounds like you’re gate-keeping me.

Also no, those courses did not serve my career interests :smiley:

Um… that’s not what gatekeeping is. I’m being mildly condescending, and for that I apologise. It’s been a long week.

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Sall good in the hood


No they’re right. If the story can’t stand on its own, then it’s not a good story. A good story doesn’t NEED supplemental writing to be good.

On top of that, writing/storytelling doesn’t work the same across different mediums.

You have no right to condescend when you have no idea what you’re talking about.

There is no reality where a story like Shadowland’s, that hinges upon poor build-up and rampant retcons is even remotely good. Idk who taught you creative writing, but either they were an idiot, or you were a poor student.


Metzen’s just back as a figurehead. Nothing’s going to change.

Or at least several hundred of the millions of players say so.

Yep. Supplemental is supplemental.

Gw has core 40K story lore. It is the way, then you get spin-offs like eisenhorn books. Here is the deal…his spin off is rooted in core, Radical inquisitor is covered there. They don’t follow rules to the letter. And he doesn’t shape core story.

Puritanicals run the core story, radicals like eisenhorn have fun side adventures.

Now don’t get me started on custodes changes. It had a strong female core. Chicks in power armour with bolters. The sisters of battle can throw down well too. Or flamers…they like fire. A lot. Amazons evil hand there is so clear it’s not even funny,