@Chris Metzen, retcon Shadowlands

Murthas… lol


I feel like we really need to give the “murloc Arthas” idea a chance. This has real possibilities.


how about no. shadowlands was great and the story from it sets up the story to come as well as ties in much of the previous stories together.

If you don’t know then you’ll learn sooner or later but I’ll give you a big hint, Yogg-Saron is behind all of it, he’s trying to make us protect azeroth because he’s already corrupted azeroth fully. He needs us to protect azeroth until she “hatches” – hence making us feel like we need to protect her is basically getting us to do all the dirty work

arthas is just another character, stop idolizing him.

PS we’re all blizzard/warcraft veterans


Like so many souls killed in Shadowlands, Arthas was sent off to oblivion. That being said, there is no reason why a future expansion couldn’t send us all off to Oblivion to solve what ever problems they are having there as we have in so many other adventures.

Were that the case, no doubt we would run into Arthas.


bro arthas was just a darth vader knockoff


@Chris Metzen, retcon shadowlands, bfa, dragonflight, Legion.

Lets go back to mop and start a new. This time make varian the villain and lets invade stormwind.

A great “What if?” so we can go from there, making wrongs right.


All modern fantasy fiction is just a Lord of the Rings / Silmarillion knockoff.
Lord of the rings / Silmarillion is just an Illiad/Odyssey knockoff.


Sorry but Chris says no. You will like the tiny blue fart Danuser turned him into and play WOW forever.

Retcon Legion too. I can’t go back to Sylvanas being Warchief. Let’s just go back to before Vol’jin died, and then have him… not die.


Garrosh should have died like Varian in a blaze of glory against the Sha, such a missed opportunity.

CATA Garrosh was the best.

Panda Garrosh was 360 change of the character =(


Just have Larry David re-write the ending like he did with the ending of Curb Your Enthusiasm to retcon Seinfeld’s ending.

PrettAY, pretTAY good.


But this is exactly what happened. He ended being up as an energy source and was mocked by Sylvanas of all people in the cutscene, when Anduin frees himself.


Pretending shadowlands never happened and pretending Sylvanas went on a vacation and Anduin being the biggest Sylvanas simp is now so depressed he lost his light.

This is the new head canon. Also Arthas didn’t get turned into a vape cloud and the coolest helm in wow wasn’t turned into a BK crown abomination. It was made into a mog for all plate wearers to have since Bolvar lost like a wimp


This is what I want to happen. An imprint of Arthas left on Anduin after Anduin was dominated. Not the actual Arthas, but an echo of him.


Sylvanas’ little monologue was priceless. Like a poser trying to talk down the people they’re trying to be.


What if secretly, having played this Pandaria remix, We discovered that it’s been the infinite time flight putting us in a giant multi expansion remix. We just can’t see the bubble of sand.

And we’re just in one of the possible timelines these dragons are messing with. It’s like having 1000 doctor strange’s

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Calia is still in the priest hall full-time. Pretending to be Horde is her part-time gig.

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I concur.


That’s not writing him into the story, just reinforcing that’s he well and gone, which changes nothing about his character from the end of Wrath of the Lich King. Sylvanas monologuing about him also changes nothing about his character.

Writing him into the story would mean having him actually show up and do something, which some of you people seem to unironically want to have happened, which would have been asinine.

What happened with him in Shadowlands was the best case scenario. They couldn’t go the whole expansion about the land of the dead without acknowledging him, but this way his story and character arc remains untouched.


Right! He was dead (-again- I guess?) for years. Turning his “ghost” into a fart bubble doesnt make him LESS dead. It doenst change anything from his previous story. (even though it was as average as most WoW stories),