Chris Metzen Appreciation Thread

Are you Cered or not?

Sooner or later people will learn to ignore these kinds of arguments and just move on.

The same way you cannot stop other people from doing crap you dont would not. You cant argue with people who uses this kinds of crap reasoning.

If someone was actually able to change other people by the power of example or just “dont do that, it is bad”, the World would be a paradise and no evil would exist.

The same way you cant show how dumb is this reasoning, you cant also change minds of people who work with you, or who live with you, simply by saying “it is wrong”, because like the people who makes this kinds of points, they cant see the error of their ways, because if they did, they wouldnt have incurred in it in the first place.

Even dog breeders will tell you the worse way to train a dog is trying to condition them on what “not to do”, and you should train them using the method of showing “what to do instead”.

Because people will insist in their errors to try to prove they are not wrong, even if it implies they will do something repeatedly having the same problems.

As there isnt actually something else to do, and the only thing people do is chastise those who err, they wont be easily dissuaded by nice words and good examples.

If so, people would would have had learned these arguments are dumb a long time ago.

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I’m Bhoppi, on the server Bonechewer. I am also logged in right now, anyone can whisper me to see that this is my character.

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I literally have inside information and you still lie, fascinating how human can lie like this.

Anyway enjoy your day, while you still can.

I’m not lying I’m literally logged into Bhoppi-bonechewer right now. Anyone can whisper me for the next 10 minutes to see that this is my character, on my account. You may whisper me as well if you’d like.

I’m providing concrete proof that this is my character, you are unable to do so and have dodged the question twice of whether you have this character on your account.

So can the real Bhoppi please stand up?

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Love the makeover sis

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True but that made it the good years. As others since then have gone on the we won’t be like 99.9999999% of the other lore out there.

Like the outside the box thinking there. But
when you need WAR in WARcraft
that box works.

We orcs are not savages! goes thrall.

so, how do we get a WARcraft story if you are civilized. Why in time I saw the beauty of garrosh. Need to start some static with alliance? call in the overly aggressive extremely violent orc.


You mean the HR that were so culpible that the head of the department resigned? The HR that are also prominent in the lawsuit? That HR?

HR doesn’t protect employees. They protect the company.

I Chris Miss Metzen


Press X for doubt


Still trying to figure out how i’m fake when the character is on my account :face_with_monocle:

Other Bhoppi doesn’t even have an armory, it goes to my character when you look her up.


LOL I just checked and it really does go to your armory. :rofl:

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A Very Metzen Christmas


Watching these two Bhoppis fight is like an embodiment of that Spider-Man meme

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Like is Metzen one of the Bhoppis? Ghostcrawler the other?

Going to need some evidence on your made up claims.

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Don’t you believe what HE said? He specifically apologized for his part in allowing the culture that resulting in the lawsuit.

"We failed, and I’m sorry. To all of you at Blizzard – those of you whom I’ve never met – I offer you my deepest apologies for the part I played in a culture that fostered harassment, inequality, and indifference.

There is no excuse. We failed too many people when they needed us because we had the privledge of not noticing, not engaging, not creating necessary space for the colleagues who needed us as leaders. I wish my apology could make any kind of difference. It can’t"

-Chris Metzen

If you’re gonna quote someone while also being inflammatory, at least have the decency to post the entire quote Lil’Niko