Unless you can’t get a tank/healer because all the tanks/healers are choosing only optimal DPS to run with them. Then you don’t actually get to run the dungeon.
Why would we have 2 tanks in a group? In that situation I’d ask you to switch to DPS/heal or I would switch and then we run the dungeon.
Also, it isn’t just server issue because no matter which server you’re on, you will always struggle finding groups for vanilla/TBC content. Once people are raid logging, you will start to struggle finding groups for normal wrath dungeons as a 70.
People clamor to mega servers so they can actually find groups to play with.
Realms are also heavily faction unbalanced because again, people would rather go to the server with their faction dominance so they can find people to play with.
Both of those issues stems from lack of RDF and will not be fixed until RDF is implemented.
You intentionally misquoted me. Can you articulate what right you have to join someone’s group when they don’t want you in it? There is literally NO gatekeeping from content happening. Groups that have a different playstyle/mindset than you do have no obligation to invite you into their group. You can easily join a group with a mindset that is similar to yours.
Tanks/Healers who aren’t joining your group have a different playstyle/mindset than you. I wasn’t aware that people had to change their playstyle/preference just so you can do content, lol.
If these forums are anything to go off, then there is hundreds of players in a position similar to yours. It certainly cannot be hard to find people of a similar mindset to group with. The people who meta babywheel content seem to be finding similar minded players to group with, why can’t you? Are you saying the majority of the playerbase is meta playing babywheel content? The forums say otherwise.
Dungeons are for leveling and getting gear. Raids and arenas are where the gatekeeping should occur, not in content that is designed to get you ready for the real thing.
Likewise, I could argue that there are plenty of anti-RDF players on the forums why don’t you form a group with them and allow RDF in game?
I am not anti-RDF. I will continue to group with the same people while they are online even if RDF was implemented. RDF isn’t going to change that.
How is it not true that you can group with players that have a similar mindset? Isn’t that the whole argument about this gatekeeping nonsense? That players with a meta mindset are grouping together?
Okay so no reason not to add RDF to the game then.
Well as I previously mentioned unless you are doing current content, you will struggle to find groups. I have alts I just never level because there’s no one to level with. If RDF was in game, yeah I would have more chances of leveling.
Have you ever tried queueing for EoTs or AB in the lvl 60-70 bracket? If you tried it all in TBC it would say the average wait time is “UNAVAILABLE”
Guess what happened when they added the option to queue from anywhere in the world? Average wait time: “5 minutes”
And if you’re not poor you would literarily provide the same argument, “it’s not affecting me no big deal” just like you said with “I’m not in a queue so it’s no big deal if others are”