Choosing Who you play with is NOT Gatekeeping

RDF will allow those players to queue with players from other realms, increasing the playerbase able to run a specific dungeon.

With RDF, you will also be able to see that Normal dungeons are in heavy need of a tank/healer and you will get an extra goodie bag if you help those players out.


RDF will introduce cross realm for PvE content. It will fix it.


This specific post shows how close you are to grasping this concept! You’ve comprehended that all the definition of gatekeeping requires is anothers’ choice to exclude. Now extrapolate that to WoW… Let’s try.

If me choosing to not play with a specific person in a multi-player game is gatekeeping, even though they still have thousands of others to play with…


Me choosing not to play with undergeared folk even though they have thousands of others to play with … wait for it… IS GATEKEEPING!

Not if noone is available or wanting to do it as you claimed in this scenario.

Thats not what gatekeeping is.

Gatekeeping is prevebting someone from being able to do something.

So unless they are making others not join your group or preventing you from even entering the dungeon they are not gatekeeping you.

You are, honestly, very close to correct. All gatekeeping requires is for someone to attempt to prevent someone from doing something. It does not require the person to be entirely prevented. That’s never what anyone means when they use the phrase. Right now, I am gatekeeping you from knowing my real identity.

You are for some reason assuming that there can be only one gatekeeper. That that one person must prevent all others successfully. This of course makes no sense.

Imagine grouping up with someone in a different server through RDF! GASP!, RDF will fix more problems than people like you believe it creates.

RDF can’t kill an already dead community who’d rather gate keep, a dead community who’s supposedly SO social that any and all “social interaction” or attempts to “socially interact” ends at /inv. The community is dead and every single one of you are to blame.

If you’re telling someone that they can’t do a dungeon because of X Y and Z reasons that every other single group is saying, you are gatekeeping, you are destroying your precious community just so YOU can gain and benefit.

Tell me, how is it not gatekeeping when you and every other person believes and says X Y and Z reasons? Why should YOU or anyone else make an attempt to join the group the person you were gatekeeping made in an attempt to do the dungeon? You forget that the people who gate keep and min/max are all hive minded individuals who run on the same exact principles, beliefs and desires.

You lose, you get NOTHING, good day sir.


And they are not preventing you from doing the content in any way by not inviting you. You can still make your own group or find another.

Correct. They are not preventing me from using the Dungeon finder. They are preventing me from joining their group. That is what everyone is complaining about. That certain groups are excluding them based on gear. Those groups are gatekeeping based on gear. That is the complaint.

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Then make your own group. Or find a different one.

Those are the groups that you know not to join to begin with. I see them openly requiring those things as a sign of “dont join our group unless you are toxic as well”. I would rather know that up front and find a different group then it be a surprise.

Still shows ppl kick people he was just one example.

Nobody is gatekeeping you from content. You still have access to the content, just not in that group. Is it gate keeping if a group of experienced arena players don’t invite me to their group to do 3v3 arena when I have no gear/exp? No, no it isn’t. So how can you use this same argument for dungeons.

People have a right to chose who they play with and trying to call it gatekeeping just isn’t it.

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I will be honest : I fully gatekeep.

Unless I can find nobody else, not a single retnub or dk has made it in my parties. Ever.

Compare the amount of ‘I got kicked from a group’ to ‘I can’t find a group’

The later is way more prominent.

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‘you can’t join us because of x’ is gatekeeping lol

Dungeons are different from arenas because arenas are competitive play whereas dungeons aren’t but people treat them as such, resulting in gatekeeping.

Arenas are PvP not PvE. PvP requires more skill and gear to win the match, PvE just requires basic understanding of the game, some gear and proper levels. You can win PvE with green gears, you cannot win PvP with green gear.

Gatekeeping might make sense in arenas but certainly not in dungeons.

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They can still do that even with RDF in the game.

So it’s not just gatekeeping content; it’s gatekeeping how people can even play the game.

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You mean i got kick and i was to lazy to make a group

Tell that to players running anything but Wrath content right now.

I still have a lvl 67 pally tank alt and we literarily couldn’t find a healer to run with us because everyone is on their mains. We ended up going with 4 DPS 1 tank. Imagine if I wasn’t on, they wouldn’t have run the dungeon at all.

Try getting a dungeon group as an ally on my server which is horde dominant.

Many many more instances of players who could actually use a group but there literarily isn’t anyone on their realm to play with that are also within level range.

With RDF there would be cross server groups of people put together which would also reduce queue times since the only reason people play on mega servers is they don’t wanna struggle finding groups like how it is on smaller servers.

Yeah, it’s gatekeeping from their group which is the party leaders right to do so. You are in zero way being gatekept from dungeon content.

The equivalent is if I ask you to add me to battle net so we could group up, I’m a Paladin tank as are you, and if you decline my request then you’re gatekeeping me from content. It’s literally not the case.

Again, people have a RIGHT to pick and choose who they want to play with regardless of the content.


Sounds more like a server issue to me.