Choosing Who you play with is NOT Gatekeeping

RDF’s got some specific negative cons to the community I have touched on in the past, much like every system ever implemented.

the dopamine feedback loop is a tactic used heavily in online gambling and crappy pay to win apps. Just because you are addicted and dont want to admit it, doesnt mean the person giving you an intervention is toxic. Im helping you, but addicts dont see it that way until they clean themselves up.

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Convenience and accessibility options that do not impact or remove pre-existing options for those who prefer them do not have negative cons


i mean let’s be real the dungeons don’t get harder even on heroic. people just want fast runs so they pick people in brutal gear. it’s really not complicated and doesn’t need to be deeper than this.


Bagnon ItemLevel

]( by GoldpawForever

This is a simple plugin for the addon Bagnon that shows the item level of your equipable gear, caged battle pet levels and number of container slots.

Yet a good portion of the anti rdf posters wanted rdf removed so they would be able to have an easier time gatekeeping their groups and wouldn’t have been forced to use rdf and get forcibly matched with people not in full sunwell gear.


That’s the crux of the matter. RDF is a great idea - on PAPER. Retail chased “convenience at any cost” for decades now and look where that ended them up.

And even to be more specific, RDF has decreased the amount of socialization between players in dungeons in Retail remarkably if you trust your senses, or mine, but that’d be an ancedote.

I think what peeps are really asking for is RDF so they do the dungeon and once its over get put right back where they were before entering, just what Im getting outta these 9783 topics on this subject

That makes no sense to me. Who needs full sunwell for UK or the nexus?!

yea but they scapegoat gatekeeping u forgot this

this is your opinion

One word: levelling. Two words: Dungeon levelling. Three? Dungeon Spam Groups. FOUR? Time is money friend.

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Have you actually played Retail recently? It’s anything BUT convenient

It has not


basically this is how it goes

  1. group leader makes group wants full brutal gear for fast clears
  2. u apply
  3. he declines u bc ur not in full brutal even tho he put it in title
  4. he never thinks about the decline ever again
  5. you make forum post about being declined

but how is it that someone as good as you and geared as you cant find 3 to 4 other people in your guild to do these uber fast runs.

you should never have to use LFG

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But dungeon leveling isn’t even that good. Everyone is free to level how they see fit but once I’ve run it once and done the dungeon quests I’m out back to questing.

I knew you would bring that up but I was too lazy to edit it fast enough, the edit being that the caveat is ENDGAME retail activities obviously are inconivient busy work to waste your time.

However, levelling processes, like RDF was a huge part of that, yes it kills socialization.

I can see it already…

Lfm 10m N ICC

Link 25 man heroic icc achiev for inv :joy:


A battle for the ages. Inspecting at Dalaran vs Gearscore vs Link for Achieve

You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried. RDF revitalizes leveling because it makes it way easier to actually get into dungeons. It also incentivizes playing things like healers more because they’re far less frustrating to level being able to spam group dungeons

And, again

No. It doesn’t. Just because YOU decided to stop talking as soon as you were able to queue into groups doesn’t mean everyone did