Choosing a Covenant?

Option 5: The one the devs force me into for raiding because we don’t get a real choice. :\


It’ll boil down to that, unfortunately.
I’d like to choose Necrolords based on aesthetic.

If I had to guess, I’d say either Necrolord or Kyrian. Necrolord is more straightforward: he’s heavily involved with the undead and has a general obsession with accumulating favors and power. On the other hand, part of what he does is shepherd Troll souls into the afterlife, which is the Kyrians’ domain.

There’s no choice to be made. Players will just select one that sims better.

Covenants will be huge pain in the butt for competitive players and those who play multiple roles/specs because of restrictions on switching Covenants.

There’s few examples:

  1. your best convenant for one spec is X, but for other spec it’s Y
  2. your best convenant for one boss is X, Y for second boss and Z for third boss etc…
  3. your best convenant for mythic raid is X and for pushing high mythic+ keys it’s Y
  4. insert your issue with switching covenants here…

How are you going to solve this mess Blizzard?

You have talked so much about importance of player agency on Blizzcon and this system is completely opposite, it’s anti player agency.

I think you should let players unlock them all and allow switching them anytime at no cost.
Don’t let good feature to become another most hated one.


Kyrian for my Priest Venthyr for my Warrior.

Venthyr’s going to win because vampires, but my DKs are going Necrolord. Probably my Warriors, too, though the Kyrian is also likely there. I have absolutely zero insterest in the Night Fae unless the Fae themselves are the playfully malevolent kind they are in mythology (and FFXIV) in which case my Druid will go.

But I’m all about that Necrolord. I want a true “death” theme again. We haven’t had it since Wrath.


All of them – and before you say that’s impossible, I’m an altoholic. So I will definitely be dividing up my alts to have some in each covenant, experience all the storylines, and collect tons of mounts, mogs, etc.

Since I’m planning on being in different covenants on different characters, I also have a suggestion to make: on the character select screen, next to the faction icons that were added last patch, any character sworn to a covenant should also see their covenant icon.


Except you’re not.

They’ve already said on the first play through you’ll have to go through all 4 “zones” so you know what each group has to offer before you decide.

After that, they will be optional and your alts will get to powers faster.

Do people listen to ANY details anymore or do they just cherry pick things their brains can handle?


Necrolord. But in the end I’ll be picking the one that gives my character the most power.

Night Fae for me, love that aesthetic. Not going to miss out on a great armor set because of a 1-2% DPS difference :upside_down_face:


I dont know, did you?

Covenants are a core feature of the expansion and they will continue to develop their story through the expansion just how we did with the Heart of Azeroth. Or at least expect this to be the case until 9.1 minimum.
Or did you also miss out the part where it was exampled to be similar to Suramar and its growth and how we will help give back the strength they have been missing on due to the shortage of Anima?

So yes, yes you are (soft)locked out of this content unless you decide to play alts or pay the “steep price” (let that be gold, or the shear amount of time to rebuild the reputation) to reroll.
I already made the choice of choosing a class which limits me to experience other aspects of the game and forces me to level reputations and specific systems of each expansion (Crucible, Heart, Essences, you name it). Class choice is important, is part of the game since day 1, but that choice does not mean they have to continue to develop new things with that same philosophy. There is such a thing as learning from your mistakes.

I would rather they learn the lesson of the feedback that was given for each of them and make something that allows freedom of choice and a more complete experience. Edit: Not to mention that as many have mentioned here, a lot of people will be forced to choose simply based on a simming number.


Kirian and Night Fae! Only!

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No, you cherry picked.

Once you play through the zones, it will be obvious what “powers” each Covenant will give you.

You can call that being “locked out” if you want, but that’s in your mind.


Amen brother.

I never understood went they started charging in bfa for trait switching.

When azerite gear was announced, i thought it was going to switch like tier sets in legion did. It was made even worse when they gave you residuum for scrapping it - then people just wouldn’t trade upgrades for others so they could get 1% closer to the cost of the specific azerite piece they wanted from the vendor.


I am not at all surprised to see that most evil forum-dwellers are Necrolords :stuck_out_tongue: quite the contrary!

Kyrian will be great for my priest, and Night Fae for druid. Easy picks!


My Undead Rogue will be Venthyr
My Orc DK will be Necrolord
Those are my main toons


I chose my class specifically because of the ability to serve my guild and friends in multiple roles, based on the content and what they need.

It seems silly to charge me when I’m just trying to help other players run the content we’re all paying to play.

Are they going to introduce a new $5 charge to my sub in order to pay freely across roles like ffxiv charges for extra inventory space?

I just don’t get what benefit is gained by putting downward pressure on the community having access to more tanks and healers.


Multiple toons so each Covenant will have at least one or two of them. The one that I am particularly interested in though is the Night Fae.

Venthyr. Come on Vampire are awsome.

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I’m split between Kyrian and Venthyr. Might go Kyrian on my Paladin because it would look pretty sweet thematically. Gotta see all the new sweet rewards first though.