Choosing a Covenant?

Lolololol! World of Sigmar?

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Necrolord for this warlock, Night Fae for the druid, Venthyr for the rogue, and Kyrian for the shaman; in order of preference and likely time invested. If I get 60 on more than the warlock and one other it’ll be surprising. I’m an RPer and casual BGer, so I only care about aesthetics/fantasy but a looooooot of people do care about bonuses. Just look at how racials have influenced the population.

Seriously; you guys need to put a boatload of thought into the throughput abilities each covenant offer. People truly care about how the smallest benefit can affect their character(s). Any sort of hinderance to changing covenant abilities that influence healing/tanking/damage more in one situation than another is going to create a load of ill-will and backlash.

Go talk to Ion, the OG Elitist Jerk, about theorycrafting and how important it is to the community. Themed non-damage/tanking/healing and aesthetic abilities are your best, and safest, course of action.

Am I the only one who wants to subvert the overall feel of the Covenants with which class I use for each?
I mean, who doesn’t want a Necrolord Druid?
A Kyrian Warlock
A Night Fae Paladin
A Venthyr Shaman

That’s what I’m likely to do anyway. This priest will probably do Kyrian or Venthyr based on aesthetics and personal story arc. I like the Kyrian, but feel like a Sylvanas Loyalist needs to go with the Venthyr to atone/come to grips with his actions.

For me, I currently have 7 120s, so they’ll probably do this:
Warlock - Venthyr
Shaman - Night Fae
Paladin - Kyrian
Death Knight - Necrolord
Mage - Venthyr
Priest - Kyrian

Druid - Which ever one is best for healers.

Venthyr for sure.

Hopefully you guys balance them in such a way that I can freely choose the one I want, without gimping myself in raids.

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I think I figured this out already. I want one of each and after thought I think these are the most fitting:

hunter: venthyr
night fae: mage
necrolord: death knight
kyrian: paladin

I gotta collect all dem cosmetics. I’m really excited for this I gotta say

More balance than I would have expected!

Just hope I can keep my cosmetic choices separate from my functional combat choices. Trying not to judge till we get more info.

Vampire all the way lol I really hope these are all potential allied races haha

But I will make 1 of each,
venthyr: Hunter (Warlock if they become allied race)
night fae: Sham
necrolord: DK
kyrian: Mage


Does anyone know if these will be another rep grind behind time gated content?

Question: Does anyone know if covenants will add new cosmetic forms for druids (cat/bear/travel forms)?

The Covenants we invest in are going to stick around after Shadowlands is over and done with, right?

haha I kid I kid

No clue at this point. Need to wait until at least alpha/beta testing is under way and feedback begins to roll out. No matter what, I will level up something in each one for the goodies.

I went Night Fae because I power walk with the earth mother.

But it is not surprising to me that the edge lord conveant is out in front

I probably won’t choose one.

Will Covenant class-specific abilities be usable in arena? If so, will you allow us to choose which ability we want each match before it starts, similar to how we choose essences?

I do not like the idea of going into an arena match with a pre-determined ability I cannot change.

you just get one class specific ability from a covenant. so i dont know where youre getting choosing which one you want

without seeing the abilities and going strictly by the looks of the zone and the covenant its between the night fae and the venthyr

That’s my point. There are certain covenant abilities that are SITUATIONALLY better than others depending on what you’re fighting. I think you should have access to choosing which covenant ability you would like to use in arena.

youre stuck with which one you choose. so if a certain covenant has a better ability then pick that one, but if you dont like the looks of it then that sucks for you

I shouldn’t have to do this but…




relating to or dependent on a set of circumstances or state of affairs.

“team members need situational awareness to anticipate needs”

relating to the location and surroundings of a place.

“the situational aspect of homes”