Please, please bring back the Claws of Shrivallah as an option. I’ll love you and sub for ever if you do!
I love this change…
Quick everyone, bow down and start kissing Blizzard’s feet! If you don’t, we’ll all know your response isn’t genuine and trash may or may not be thrown in your direction.
Green and gold lurking owl kitten please.
So cute. Excited to see this happen!
Can we have actual dino forms for Zandalari? Raptor for Feral with a compy for Travel, Direhorn for Guardian, some kind of Parasaurolophus or Corythosaurus for Balance?
I’m tired of giving Bowser a proctology exam.
Any chance we can get to choose our Lunarwing/Sentinel Owl color?
Remember if you’re happy with Blizzard you’re a no life fanboy, and if you disagree you’re entitled.
No middle ground on the Blizzard Forums.
Does this make the old and/or new tree forms permanent and selectable for resto? There are some neat ice trees in “The Nexus” which would be a nice variation too. Pretty please?
According to you, apparently. If you’re going to get unhappy every time someone responds in a way you don’t approve of, you’re in the wrong place.
Sentinel birb!!
DOE FOOOOORRRRRMM!!! (Like Bonestorm, but less violent.)
This is awesome , thank you
First of all, YAY!!! No more Oven Mitts! I have so many great transmog outfits that I will now be able to use while still selecting my favorite Bear form. A wonderful improvement.
Second of all, this:
Sadly, I may be shelving my beloved Bear for Shadowlands. I still hold the tiniest glimmer of hope that the big Guardian mechanics reveal is coming, but that glimmer is fading more and more with each passing week.
I wouldn’t mind some more options for sure.
Im still waiting for the Kul Tiran flight form color variations that were supposed to come on release
Wait, am I reading this correctly?
Can I use Might of the Grizzlemaw (hulky furbolg) as my bear form regardless of which spec my druid is in?
If so, please allow me to quote what I said on another one of your blue posts.
I love moonkin form… it’s all I ever use. Please don’t speak for those of us who love our owl forms. There is an inscription glyph you can get to alter your moonkin form if you really hate it.
Yes!! I love you so much Blizzard
Whoa there’s a Firecat?
I can’t wait to see you melt!
sweet! about time!