Choose Your Druid Shapeshift Appearances in the Barber Shop

This would be icing on the cake of this news.


Very awesome! I have been hoping for this for quite a while!!

Will this include the passenger-carrying flight form?
(Which I do not have yet so I don’t know if it has its own separate button.)

After the level squish, Legion content won’t actually ever be required to do. If your idea was implemented, all druids would need to quest through Legion til they opened the Class Hall when they otherwise would have no need to.

Therefore I think something in the main hubs would be more appropriate.

I know this is a controversial topic but is it possible to get the guardian form might of the grizzlemaw back, even if it is just a recolour like what was done to the challenger sets from mop.

It’s really the only transmog of guardian that I like but as I didn’t play legion because of various life reasons I can’t ever get anything that looks like it which sucks.

don’t you dare.

they were never back… the aberration that was legion class halls sets were really bad not even close to mop quality.

Maybe one day feral will get a snake customization option like the druids of the fang in that one dungeons :frowning:

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Someone on YouTube wrote this about Trent form:
“Oh oh, different treants for the Resto spec would be nice, like maybe race specific or even season specific, like Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter themed treants, just to give the healers some customisation too. Spring Treants could be budding with some leaves, maybe moss covered bark, Summer fully developed with flowers or even fruit, Autumn with the reds and golds, perhaps an animation of falling leaves. Winter with snow covered bark. So many ideas!”

I replied to the comment with this:
“My main is a Restoration Druid since 2006, and I use to LOVE permanent tree of live form. They do not have to give them crazy buffs while in form. Just PLEASE give us are ToL form back with new customization options.”

This 1000 times!


This sounds perfect to me. <3

So what reason why can’t worgen druid have kul’tuaren druid forms? based off the worgen starting zone and lore it fits perfectly.

This is wonderful! Thank you!

This is great news! A little confused if you will still have to buy/make a glyph before going to the barber shop for those changes that have required glyphing in the past. I utilize astral moonkin form, too, and wonder if glyph of the stars will be covered in this update and if I’ll see more astral druids around.

Regardless, I can’t wait to drop a bunch of gold at the barber in shadowlands with all these great night elf additions lmao

I would really REALLY REALLY appreciate if we could use the forms granted by unlocked Artifact appearances, as well, separate from the artifacts themselves. The Legion forms are just a cut above the base racial druid forms that I don’t really want to use anything but.


I think a fox form would be terrific.

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Yes! Finally I can go back to the cat form colors I really love and my hair and skin color, and OMG YES YES YES ON THE GLYPH CHANGES!

Can we get a change to where we can use land-travel form ( cheetah in my case) instead of being forced to use flight form in flying zones?

That already exists.

But can I be cheetah? and not stag??

Druid form balance spec option without glyphs of the stars would be nice too, please

So you cant be cheetah. So still need seperate spells

Ah thats too bad, sorry.

Maybe the will update it along with the actual cheetah form.