Choose Your Druid Shapeshift Appearances in the Barber Shop

Am I understanding the wording correctly that bear and cat artifact forms will be usable by all Druid specs? So Stone bear in Resto spec, etc? Because that would be amazing.

Thank you.

Well apparently its Via Torghast. There is a 6-10 floor option that is for leegendary material and an Infinite option that is for Visual reward

Very cool & the message from an appropriately named CM.

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YES! This is what I want!

Perfect place for more form appearances. Low hanging fruit would be the Incarnation armored appearances. Incarnation should be baseline anyway and replace things like Berserk and Celestial Alignment.

And Wild Charge. Why isn’t Wild Charge baseline yet?

The problem is you’re the one who gets to decide if the reason is good. They were challenge skins you got at the time. People put in the work to unlock them and it’s a giant middle finger to people who took the time at that time knowing they were a limited deal to open them back up to everyone again.


Hopefully, there will be more to druid changes than this silly cosmetic cover up to detract from the near lifeless gameplay of Guardian and Feral specs.

what, did you think you were paying $15 for content for the game you already bought + subscribe to? :thinking:

If I’m reading this right, I can be a resto spec’d Druid with ghost of the pride mother cat form AND polar werebear bear form?

As someone who did these challenges on other classes, I understand the middle finger sentiment. Exclusivity in MMOs are important to set you apart from other players. However, as someone who has played since Vanilla (and never with a druid main), I feel for the druids who don’t get to customize the same way as other classes do. What they received in Legion through artifact weapons was what they should have had for years, whereas the other classes simply get cool additions to their already extensive mog sets.

At the very least, Druids deserve more options, if not through Legion artifact unlocks, then by other means–and there should be more than the Mage Tower unlock anyway.


Is it possible to figuratively play alliance?

Dang what is that from? What an absolute unit.

It isn’t figuratively thought.

I used to play a fist weapon combat rogue worgen until combat now became the pirate spec

I fully agree, a few new skins every xpac would be great just not the mage tower skins.


I hope it mean they thinking of removing spec restriction on transmog for Legion Artifact weapon too.

I doubt Blizz will ever remove the class restrictions, but I think removing the spec restrictions is something they might be willing to do.

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Amazing! Thanks for doing this!

Would we be able to see Worgen stay in their Worgen form for Feral?

Agreed! One of the best cat forms in the game, don’t forget it!

They really need to do this, and update those models as well. It might cause me to actually create a druid for the first time in my WoW tenure.