Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Again, if they hired the best people “diversity” targets are not needed.

It’s PR meant to help salvage the companies destroyed reputation in the tech / gaming communities. It’s also a move to help prevent future law suits for the bad behavior that got them into all of the trouble in the first place.

Not to mention that Blizzard is located within “The People’s Republic of California” and you gotta show off how “woke” your company is and signal them virtues.

Unless the best people aren’t diverse enough.

So, YOU are saying that only white males can do things the best.

Got you… You have an extremely narrow world view.


So this will increase the talent at Blizzard so the game can become good again? If lack of diversity is what’s holding them back from getting the best of the best, then I’m all for this. Demographic diversity as opposed to diversity of ideas is clearly what’s been holding this game back.

vote for melanie d’arrigo if you live in her district. one of the few progressives out there

thats a new one

It’s Blizzard’s money. I’m not sure how this is supposed to increase the number applications from these special interest groups with the desired characteristics, though.

Like any company needs this.


History repeats itself. Early America had its issues with Puritan shame run amok and it’s going through the motions now.

Won’t be surprised if there will be the equivalent of Scarlet Letters to be worn/branded into people that are guilty of the crime of, “Insensitivity and Lack of Inclusivity.”

The country is going insane and is teetering on the verge of a nationwide Salem Witch Trial. People need to stop with this nonsense. These aren’t new ideas. They’re just repackaged. And the end result is a lot of people will be sacrificed at the altar of hypocrisy for a bogus cause.

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Yes. As a black male who slogged his way into a field traditionally dominated by white males two decades ago I am saying that only white males can do things best. A logical and rational read of my comment. Let me ease you off your rail.

White and Asian males have long dominated a number of fields of study and career segments. Their interests and aptitudes for those fields are identified at a young age, after which they are encouraged to pursue them. They often know or develop connections with interests and aptitudes for those fields, further propelling them onward throughout the educational process and into the workforce.

Consequently, the best candidates - those with the greatest aptitude, knowledge, and experience - have very often been white and/or Asian males. Because they’re the large majority of what’s in the field in the first place. Because, well, see above.

Diversity-related programs have (until recently when their focus has become more variable) been designed to bring women and other POC into that mix, pursuing the outcome of increasing the number of same who are among the best candidates. DEI officers (or their precursors) aren’t typically there because companies are hiring inferior candidates due to bigotry. They’re there to foster the aforementioned efforts through recruiting, hiring, and training policies and programs.


The best person should get the job regardless of age, sex or religion. Anything else is unacceptable. I don’t prescribe to “only these people can do the job because they are this or that.”

I find it insulting that someone will look at the color of my skin, sexual orientation or gender and give me a job based those metrics. I get jobs because I am the best candidate and if anyone ever gives me a job because of metrics or an equality quota I will not work there.

I don’t need a savior and no one else does. I don’t need someone to feel superior because they filled a quota or even worse try and look better to the public because a metric was filled. It’s insulting, it takes away from my accomplishments and at the end of the day if the best person doesn’t get the job the company suffers and everyone working for that company has to work harder to take up the slack.

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so pretty much a useless job position.

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Yes, exactly what it is.


Nothing quite like having diversity, inclusion, and equity in a company, such an interesting and fresh and brave and beautiful choice for Activizard to make.


It’s always weird to me when companies say they’re going to increase X group of people in their company.

It just comes across as them hiring for brownie points and virtue signaling, rather than hiring for talent, skill, and qualification


Bull, party switch is just false unless you want to claim Woodrow Wilson and FDR were conservative, they weren’t fyi. Also Warren is a grifter who actually helped legislate the tax code that allowed big business to loop hole the hell out of it and then sold her services to help said business use loopholes she created as a tax attorney.

If we just look at what she says I can agree with some of it, but she herself is pure grifter.

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They believe this utopia where everything is free, sleep with anyone you want without risk, be who you ever want and you don’t have to work. They have social media and white house on their side so they feel empower. Its sad to see a kid goes to college who smart well groomed and well manner only to return as a different person with odd hair cut tattoos/piercing and with a very toxic attitude who called you a X,Y and Z while doing red salute.
Its getting worse and I do believe lot people are waking up to all of this and speaking out. What blizzard needs to focus is making good game and tell stories, not hiring activist who doesn’t give a damn about Blizzard’s games they want an echo chamber to believe what they believe and Blizzard’s lawsuits was perfect opportunity to bind the company to activist’s will. I don’t believe that Dragonflight, D4 and OW2 will be successful so long these activist are calling out the shot.

that’s the company’s downfall. I don’t think they care to change courses.

Don’t forget she also claim she was Native American and got special benefit from that lied and truth came out about her heritage, nothing happen to her. that’s the problem with the left, they get away with almost anything and that’s why Mid term election they’re going get annihilated.


Not the alt right man children still losing their minds over a diversity officer Blizzard employee.


The internet has gradually become echo chambers within echo chambers. Gone are the wild west days of the internet.

Well I won’t be sad to see less of those who have been spouting their nonsense here.
Those of you on the far right are extremists and if you have a problem with what blizz has become, complaining about Kristen Hines and what this means for the employees, I hope you leave and never come back. The less I have to rub shoulders in game with such awful people the better.

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