Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Whatever happen to hiring the best person for the job, my god how times have changed. I am hispanic my grandparents came from Mexico and I was not raised this way. I was raised to work for what you want not to throw the race card or use it to get ahead. So sad where society is going, so glad I quit this game.


Uhhh yes it is.

This is a position that many large companies have these days. Not surprising in the least.

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The end. Agree or disagree. The dollars decide.

This thread makes me wish you could sort replies based on upvotes like Reddit, judging by the first 50.

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YUP and with that said I got a yard to work on, adios amigos y amigas of WOW!

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In case you missed it, I never said I know. I said the were my family, lived in my home, I provided at least half of their expenses to live. Physically fought for some. Got some through college, some through cancer, several through their sexuality, some through friends suicides. If I am what you keep implying I am, I would have thrown them all out or burned a cross on my own yard.

Those actions in secret with no payoff don’t matter. Your words alone virtual signaling in front of the world mean more. Got it. Words over actions unless you care to share an actual real life action YOU have taken.

That’s becoming a problem. Instead of bring good quality to benefit the company, they bring their woke view into a company and destroyed the company within. We are seeing that with Disney right now.


Most people play video games to escape from the real world. Keep real world politics out of video games.


Sadly they’re bring it into our gaming. Most of old school crew are long gone and u got more activist writers, developers and so on. they want to bring their views into their games and they are only listen to both 1% crowd on Twitter and China.


Nobody denies there was a lawsuit… that strawman has nothing to do with hiring the best person for the job. :+1:t5:

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Wow this thread is still up. Amazing.

Save your politics for your facebook page.

They weren’t getting the same work done. They would have been able to leverage their efficiency if they were. They aren’t more efficient simply because they have less time. The women you’re referring to in this made up scenario would work less hours and do less work. That’s how averages work. Women aren’t special in that regard.

Most bosses are not going to allow you to go on a long golfing lunch unless it’s meeting with a client. Picking up your kid doesn’t equate to networking. It’s not the employers fault that someone made the mistake of having a kid by themselves and it’s not their responsibility to correct that mistake.

Leave it to the WoW forums to treat something like this as controversial.

Let me guess, now you people are going to accuse the literal company of trolling?


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I will say the reason I used being a single parent above as to why my pay was so. low in comparison to other was just my thought. They never said why just, here is you 12% raise for being underpaid.

I KNOW I turned down assignments that would have sent me to Canada or Panama 2xs because I had my children at home. I took a 3rd in country when my children were away seeing their mom (opposite side of country) for a month.

I cannot guarantee that’s why, maybe it was my personality, maybe it was because I was fat, maybe because I don’t fit the in-group, maybe because I am on the Spectrum and that really bothers some people, I don’t know.

The only hard fact I had was, they needed me to go onsite and do a job and I couldn’t do it. I never blamed them, but getting an extra $600 a month was a great surprise :smiley:

I will take this as a facetious comment because that means nothing.

your politics must be posted here and be enshrined in blizzard though, no?

Take it how you want as that was BLIZZARDS DIRECT QUOTE thus not reflective of any politics. Stop trying to make this about anything but change.

I would love to hear more from Kristen Hines and what her plans are. Did she post anything lately? I hope she will welcome ideas from players who are seeking positive changes.

Don’t care as long as the product is good. It is stupid a position like that is needed.

The best person should always get the job. There are never two equally qualified candidates. It is not a hard concept to understand.

DEI officers aren’t typically brought in to ensure the best candidates hired. Companies - not all or always - tend to already do that. They’re brought in to establish programs and policies designed to meet diversity targets and demonstrate that an accordant investment of resources is being made to that end.