Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer

This is just the new corporate virtue signalling move to indicate that they care about people.

Really, it’s just them putting up protections for when they eventually get sued.

“Your Honor, we have a Chief Executive Officer of Inclusion, how could we be racist?”

Kinda like, “Your honor, we replaced all of the women in our game with bowls of fruit, how could we be sexist?”


For FL only, but they’re quite vague actually. “and after 3rd grade, these conversations need to be age-appropriate.” But there are MANY other states. I’ll give examples, since you’re lacking.

The Alabama House of Representatives voted 66-28 for legislation to make it a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, for a doctor to prescribe puberty blockers or hormones or perform surgery to aid in the gender transition of people under age 19

The bill would also require school counselors, nurses and others to tell parents if a child discloses they believe they are transgender. ← This is one of the more important lines, too.

Senators voted 26-5 to approve legislation mandating that K-12(Notice how it’s not k-3?) students can only use multiperson bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with the gender on their original birth certificate, rather than their current gender identity.

The Alabama language would “prohibit classroom instruction or discussion on orientation or gender identity” for students in kindergarten through the fifth grade.

HLS 22RS-1162 prohibits teacher, school employees from discussing their orientation or gender identity through grade twelve.

There’s more and more of them cropping up.

Do keep acting like teachers are literally out there talking about THAT explicitly in the classroom and not just referencing a significant other, or other things that’s quite commonplace for straight.

Like stating one life is more important than anothers? :3 Not a new concept for you, I see.

Neither are these teachers, except in something like the education classes specifically for that later on. Nice try, though.

So again, you are arguing against something I was not arguing FOR. My comment specifically said K-3

I also have no issue with extending that to K-5.

Middle school discussions are fine.

Puberty blockers for children I am still mixed on. I don’t think the kids are old enough at that age to really know, but that is just my opinion.

If what you are saying is true, why all the outrage on your side?

Yep one is. Usually it goes youngest first, than female over male (as in women and children first). Sorry not sorry, my first was an “accident” and we kept her. I ended up raising her and my son alone. Weird I value life huh? Still haven’t answered why it’s ok to predominantly go after black and brown babies though as if that helps people. If a doctor killed a PoC, it’s ok. If it’s a PoC that kills a PoC it’s ok, but if a policeman does it? I get equally upset when ANY black or brown like is taken before it’s time because I really do support “All Black Lives Matter”


What’s ironic here is you recognize history, but are unable to critical think and realize liberalism and leftism are opposing ideologies. It shows right here in your very post.

There are no “leftists” in power in the US. The democrats are liberals which are very pro capitalism. They are just also ok with gay people existing.


I actually DO understand the difference between liberals, progressives and classical liberals.

I do remember when being liberal mean dreaming for personal freedoms. Freedom with their exceptions indeed.


Do you see what I see?
Truth is an offence
Your silence for your confidence

Do you hear what I hear?
Doors are slamming shut
Limit your imagination, keep you where they must

Do you feel what I feel?
Bittering distress
Who decides what you express?

Do you take what I take?
Endurance is the word
Moving back instead of forward seems to me absurd

Doesn’t matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it’s done just how I say

  Independence limited
  Freedom of choice
  Choice is made for you, my friend
  Freedom of speech
  Speech is words that they will bend
  Freedom with their exception

Do you fear what I fear?
Living properly
Truths to you are lies to me

Do you choose what I choose?
More alternatives
Energy derives from both the plus and negative

Do you need what I need?
Boundaries overthrown
Look inside, to each his own

Do you trust what I trust?
Me, myself and I
Penetrate the smoke screen, I see through the selfish lie

Doesn’t matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it’s done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice
Choice is made for you, my friend
Freedom of speech
Speech is words that they will bend
Freedom with their exception

Do you know what I know?
Your money and your wealth
Your silence just to hear yourself

Do you want what I want?
Desire not a thing
I hunger after independence, lengthen freedom’s ring

Doesn’t matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it’s done just how I say

  Independence limited
  Freedom of choice
  Choice is made for you, my friend
  Freedom of speech
  Speech is words that they will bend
  Freedom no longer frees you

Doesn’t matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it’s done just how I say

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Ditto, you make a lot of good points. Since I agree with most of them, just limiting myself to this one part:

I agree that regulation in the model of a regulatory agency would probably fail. Partly because of regulatory capture. It seems to be a problem that keeps rising in our society that agencies built to regulate powerful players ultimately get saturated with industry players who cycle between the agency and the industry that’s supposed to be regulated.

The one model of regulation I could see working better is one that carefully examines legal rights of action and liability for companies and directors of companies. So much complexity in designing such a model though.

I can’t see them getting phased out or eliminated. I think the world was much healthier without them, for certain (though there are many good effects too). But it’s such a powerful technology and structure, I see it as something where we can’t reverse it. Kind of like “there must always be a Lich King.” There wasn’t always a Lich King, but after a Lich King came about, there would always have to be one going forward.

I know, I know, Shadowlands undid that. But does Shadowlands really count for the lore? Deep down, I think we know the lore officially ended in Legion. (This might be the first time in several hundred posts in this thread someone has said something WarCraft-related).

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I said many state bills, you only went for one and didn’t mention any of the others. Of course, you’re also not commenting on the other points of the bill since as I previously stated no ones talking about literal explicit acts in the classroom.

It’s one of the things that becomes harder as you end up going entirely through it all in the gender that you don’t identify with. Further, it’s also something that could be very important for those that are interested in athletics later on.

Because of the wording of said bills? As I already brought up, they’re not allowed to talk about their significant others or their own identities in the classroom at all.

Since you want to go this whole route - basically you’re forcing those that didn’t want the act, or the child to bear said persons child completely - and of course no matter said pregnant persons age, IE being a child. You want to put a child through all of that, interesting.

Only some, not all, and not after birth, apparently.

Because no one is, and of course said rates are not going ‘extinct’ like you seem to imply, or even on a downward trend.

None of this has anything to do with the point I made.

If we pretend that you actually understood what liberalism and leftism are, why do you keep mislabeling people as “the left”?

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Citation in the actual bills themselves? I was told the same thing about the FL Bill many times and no one has been able to produce anything except TRUST ME.

If you can show me were a teacher would be fired for shaving a photo of a same sex spouse or simply calling them their significant other I am on your side.

If you use this as a reason to explain to little Jimmy what to do with specific body parts (yeah it’s how my cousin started with me) then yeah it’s a problem for K-3 (or 5). Tell them to ask mommy or daddy - that’s what parents are for.

Citation please? Are you trying to argue being poor is just too difficult to handle or something? I can assure you it’s not. Especially when the US is one of the wealthiest countries on the face of the earth (poorest here are richer than most other countries - as comedians say it’s why we have immigration issues - even our poor people are fat)

While politfact came to a “False” out put they did also state:

According to the report, in 2013 black women accounted for 29,007 terminated pregnancies, representing almost 42 percent of all abortions in the city. That same year, black women in the city gave birth to 24,108 babies. With abortions surpassing live births by nearly 5,000, African American women in the city clearly terminated pregnancies more often than they carried babies to term. Black women terminated pregnancies at a rate of 67.3 per 1,000 women ages 15 to 49, a rate far higher than any other racial or ethnic group.

We checked: the statistics were similar the previous year, when African American women in the city had 24,758 births and underwent 31,328 abortions.

More aborted than born. Use whatever terminology make you feel good, but killing more than half of the black and brown people that could have been born? You really wanna die on that hill?

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This is an easy hill to die on.

Undeveloped fetuses aren’t people. There is no killing here.

It’s easy to test people on this. Should we start prosecuting women who have miscarriages for manslaughter?

Then why do you get charged twice for murder when you kill a pregnant woman?

Edit - why is it ALWAYS a shirtless guy in a weird helm?

I cited from the bills themselves, yes.

Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer - #1194 by Pawzer-moon-guard Feel free to look through the AL bill, as well as HLS 22RS-1162 at least.

Well given the FL bill does state with it’s wording that you can’t discuss such topics at all and is quite vague which is where many of the issues come from isn’t it.

For the ones I referenced, that may come true. Unsure about FL, but the other ones seem more likely.

*some parents are for, quite a few that isn’t the case currently.

Weird how you didn’t use any citations about how people are trying to ‘stifle’ certain races by allowing mothers to do with their body as they like, safely.

It can be, for many, especially given how drastic certain areas are and if you’re born to an area that’s high cost it’s harder for you to get out among other things. Of course, there’s the whole thing about medical and more that’s not covered.

That has more to do with the fact that unhealthy food is cheap, as is many ‘tasty’ food or ‘quick’ food.

You gonna start arguing that anyone that relieves themselves is doing the same, or no? That’s thousands + every time isn’t it?

Some of the issues presented can be seen in this thread.

I would make an assessment that we could have a 2 hour long discussion on topics related to the current political environment. When discussing these topics, my view would be that of a 40 year old, combat veteran who served 6 years US Army Infantry, who resides in Alaska. Your view points will differ from mine, based on the same characteristics from your own past that shape how you see the world.

This conversation would be about things we agree on, and things we disagree on. Both your mentality and my own will grant each other respect to uphold the values of these topics we agree on, and respect to each other for the topics we disagree on, based on our own life experience.

This is missing from current social media. Each side has their representatives who are willing to go to “war” with one another over words on a page. Battle lines are drawn based upon the opinion each of the combatants displays. The ammunition of the discussion is who can be more morally justified in their position.

It makes no difference if the wider scope of these individuals aligns. So long as there is a victor who can ride off into the sunset mounted on their own high horse.

Giving these people a voice outside of their own echo chamber was a mistake. They have not matured enough to be granted the privilege of having an opinion that can be thrown into the ether for discussion.

Isn’t this the truth. I just came back to Shadowlands after not playing more then 30 days of BfA, or SL since the close of Legion. I got a kick out of the story referencing 90% of its lore being based off of Legion and skipping BfA entirely.

Though, if Elon is the Bolvar to Jack’s Arthas, I will take it.

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Polarization is a global phenomena nowadays and happening in many countries (including mine)

The speed of which this is happening tends to match up directly with the rise in the popularity of Social Media. It can, and my be a coincidence. I highly doubt it though, based on the human history that exists prior to the inception of Social Media platforms.


Context. Like I said cite actual text about not being able to discuss a spouse for instance - this conversation has primarily been about the “parents rights / don’t say gay” type bills. Puberty blockers and surgical choices are in a VASTLY different category than talking to K-5 children about your S&M habits on the weekend (see I even used sexuality neutral language because in my opinion, neither should be discussed with kids)

Again citation or something more than “It may come true” because you fear it may come true.

Maybe some parents think it’s more appropriate to wait until pre-teen or even teen. Having sex at a young age isn’t new, I know 2 women who had their kids in the 60s when they were 14 each.

I was that. I had no college, no education. Using that excuse is a connivence. Like I said I lived it. Alone. Have you? I can speak from experience.

I agree. It’s also why diabetes while linked directly to heritage, can also be made worse for people who say live on a strong diet of potatoes (which are cheap). My food stamps go much farther when I buy starchy veggies than when I buy the green stuff.

I get it. You just don’t care about something that has a heartbeat and many consider human. Like the old Democrats, you Don’t consider these humans with a beating heart human. I do. I don’t have an issue with more black and brown people in the US while it appears you do. Why would you fight against it? If it means saving one black or brown life…


I did give context, that is the context. They’re not allowed to discuss it, at all in those cases.

“A. No teacher, school employee, or other presenter shall cover the topics of orientation or gender identity in any classroom discussion or instruction in kindergarten through grade eight.
B. No teacher, school employee, or other presenter shall discuss his own orientation or gender identity with students in kindergarten through grade twelve.”

Again, you try to sit there and talk about how apparently teachers were, or are talking to kids about such things when in reality usually the talk is around their significant other or family members and not about actual acts.

Again, that’s from the bills. By “It may come true” I mean “If it passes and gets enforced.”

Depends on what the conversation is about, doesn’t it? like discussing why a certain family member has a same gender significant other, or that they’re trans.

Much like the whole part of the AL bill would also require school counselors, nurses and others to tell parents if a child discloses they believe they are transgender essentially forcibly outing them no matter whether their parents may be accepting or not.

HLS 22RS-1162 prohibits teacher, school employees from discussing their orientation or gender identity through grade twelve and THAT is specifically from the bill again.

Ah yes ye old “Just bootstrap it!” Which has helped… really no one by saying stuff like that.

While trying to push that experience off as everyone else’s as well, hence your use of ‘that’s just an excuse’.

Note your use of “Something” there, by the way.

Except, clearly, after they’re born or who they come from.

Maybe you do, since you want to imply I do. Especially given your thoughts on who they hired for Chief DEI and all things ‘woke’.

But of course, you’re the one trying to hide behind the shield of “I really care” While not actually showing that, as shown earlier.

Actually as I stated above, you are like the people who sing loudest in church but are never seen the rest of the week. Look at me I am so good, I use all the right words and say all the right things. Actually help someone? No way screw them.

I am the opposite. I don’t do things for recognition. I do the right thing because it’s the right thing. I don’t ask people to do something I have not. I can show I care by 40 years of living with people “not like me” while people like you live in gated communities that are lily white probably never interact with a PoC except in a store.

Most kids who argue I am racist despite only living with so called PoC for 40 some years:

Sorry if you find it offensive, but in most cases it fits


Making a lot of assumptions in that sentence alone, aren’t you? But you would try to force that on other people, too.

You’ve been trying to do that this whole conversation, while your own actions speak otherwise.

I know one party has tried to go far and beyond NOT helping people and putting them in bad situations instead.

If by ‘the right thing’ you generally mean the wrong thing, hmm?

Instead you seem to act like the way you lived is the way everyone else should be, including any ‘struggles’.

Plenty of assumptions there too, and I’m not about to sit there giving out my entire life’s tale but I grew up poor so you keep trying.

You really are using the whole “I can’t be X because I know some people that are Y and they’re good with me!” It’s not the defense you think it is.

This is one of the reasons I quit WOW.

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