Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Nice take but I would argue this happened long before this. Your argument seems to see it through the lens of racism. This fight existed when the people fighting were all the same skin color…

This is one reason why unions were formed. Union limit who can apply for jobs in a given field in a given area. Has nothing to do with skin color or see, just who can. This limited the pool of workers and drove wages up (the “invisible hand” is a better way todo this than be an authoritarian and say You have to because I said so).

So Like I keep saying above - I agree with your idea of people fighting, people like me disagree with the cause we because we don’t only see the world through sex and race.

I still find it ridiculous when some extreme left leaning person has the exact same ideas as an extreme right leaning person -in the context of this discussion the Koch Brothers want immigration as bad as activists do. Both fight to import minorities illegally, one for political power (and white savior complex) and the other for cheap labor. Funny thing is if you argue against it you are racist for not wanting to give the Koch brothers virtual slave labor

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Nah my son is in a phase where he will sleep for 20 some hours at a time. I play WoW till my eyes bleed then I come to the forums since I can’t go anywhere.

I can honestly say I get to leave the house for 5 hours of work today! :smiley:

You must consider a lot of posts to be trolling if the only requirement is you not being smart enough to counter them.

Blizzard was not hiring the best person for the job, mentoring the best person, or promoting the best person. They were hiring friends and people they liked. They were mentoring and promoting those who shared their views, not people who were best at the job.

That is why they got into this mess in the first place.

Those stats are not correct. The USA is 57.8% white, and falling.

Women make up a an equal share of gamers these days when looking at video games as a whole. Much like the make up an equal ratio of Movie watchers. Now, which genere is preferred can vary, but men do not make up 75% of people who play video games.

Your assumptions are based on completely false premises.

The whole point of the changes to hiring and promotion is to actually hire the best qualified - which Blizzard was not doing.


Women are vile creatues, keep them away from my jimmies.


Yeah it’s funny how people ignore the lawsuits and then say they aren’t hiring for the best job. But now they are

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This guy kalaen just goes to all the threads and calls people trolls.

And then he gives these kind of answers to which he has absolutely no backing to.


I’ll explain it how my business law professor taught me. The law isn’t about being right or even being true. It’s about getting 12 people in the room to agree with you so why not take it to court?

Fair enough but at the end of the day this is blizzard choice. They feel they are right person for job then that’s on them. I dunno what’s so hard to understand about this.

Blizzard: “See, we’re diverse now!”

Also Blizzard: “Saying Trans-sexual without the hyphen is banned on our forums because we feel it’s inappropriate, and this is our viewpoint now in 2022.”

Well the issue ends up coming down to is it legal as well.

For instance, if women were denied jobs for being women that wrong and Blizz should be held accountable. I don’t know anyone arguing against this.

Now if Blizzard does what they normally do (fruit paintings anyone) and go to the opposite extreme, they will start denying men for jobs they are qualified for just for being men. That’s illegal and exactly as wrong as my first statement.

You are right though, right now it is Blizzards choice and up to the courts to follow through if they do not thread this needle very carefully. Just one recent example:

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Just a CYA move. Companies are not your friend. They do not care about you. Blizzard is no exception.


Sounds good. While we’re on the subject of shorter people often not being the most qualified to play in the NBA, could you elaborate on why you seem to think that people who aren’t white males are physically impeded from being qualified for a job?

Are you kidding me? If you say:

which frames the point in terms of men and women, you can’t then accuse me of only caring about women when I answer accordingly.

So here’s one of those biases we were talking about. Why do you think men are forced to work, produce and earn every day, but that women have a choice? Men and women have the same choice in the matter, but for some reason you don’t see that. Why do you think only men have to provide for a family?

If everyone starts on equal footing at the beginning, then by natural consequence the end of the race will naturally be evenly distributed. Unless you want to argue that there are inherent differences that will make men come out ahead. Or white people. Or straight people. Or whatever group you want to use.

If everyone starts at the same place with the same tools, then only individual differences will account for a difference in the finish, and those individual differences will be distributed as randomly as the demographic descriptors. If all is equal to start, then the first group to finish should roughly match the population statistics, and then the second group and each subsequent group. If one set of people is finishing ahead or behind significantly out of proportion then either they are inherently unequal, or the system is. I know where I stand on that issue but I’m not sure you do.

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You got that right.

Invoking the NBA in the thread about diversity and thinking it strengthens your cause is a folly.

Because if you don’t provide for your family you aren’t a real man.

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I didn’t invoke the NBA, I responded to someone who did. I’m still waiting for you to explain how not being a white male affects qualifications to succeed in the work force in the same way that being short affects qualifications to succeed in the NBA.

Since we’re here anyway, I’d just like to hear your thoughts on how not being white or male is a physical impediment to success.

And why do you think providing for a family is solely a male responsibility? Do women have zero obligation to provide for a family? Are single mothers real men? Please, dispense your wisdom.

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Much like you, I see bias in society. I have been married to a woman who was a stay at home mom and a very high paid career women. Neither would have accepted me being a stay at home dad. We can argue nature vs nurture on the concept of male / female roles but the reality is (and studies show) women do not accept a lower earning / status male as a spouse. Men have to earn resources and status in order to be attractive to women. Otherwise all the WoW neckbeards would be thriving in girlfriends :smiley:

Lets go back to the basketball reference. You seem to be arguing that a college level women basketball team should be equal to a mens basketball team. Same start so probably the same finish right? Sorry that’s wishful thinking.

Even among just men (or even men of the same race) there are DRASTIC differences between a start and a finish. What I am saying it’s not because of sex or race, it’s because so many OTHER factors AS WELL, saying its just sex or race is crazy.

But again, I do not view the world through the lens of sex and race like you do. To me people are people. Some are more tan, others are not. Some are thicker, some are not.

Either way, I am gonna drop. I do not think you will ever see a person in your life without defining them by their sex /race / sexuality or even political. I don’t need to have people in boxes because I believe every needs to be their own best self and not the little box you force them to be in.


Sure, just quote me where I said any of this.

The guy you are talking to is not willing to confront this basic reality.


That is the implication when I’m arguing that the most qualified person isn’t necessarily inherently white or male and you’re telling me that saying that short people are “underrepresented” in the NBA because they don’t often perform as well, and that statement somehow shatters my argument.