Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer

No, I am telling you the NBA isn’t diverse comparatively to the nation at large. But I can see how this is unsettling to you.


Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to accept your word on the “studies show” part. Please cite them.

That’s not what I’m saying at all. In the basketball case, there is an inherent physical difference. A college men’s team is likely to be better than a college women’s team because that particular job favors the height, strength, and conditioning that is more prevalent in men.

Do you believe that the same physical advantage makes men more likely to succeed in tech? In business? In politics? Or is an imbalance in those fields more likely a result of some inequality in the system itself?

Sure, except to you, some of those people don’t have to shoulder the responsibilities that men do. That assessment makes them lower in your estimation whether or not you’re willing to admit it.

:rotating_light: :stop_sign: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:

So you had a stay at home wife. Then got divorced. You had a high paying a career wife, from whom you were divorced.

The rate of pay is not what determines spouse compatibility. Reducing relationships to dated stereotypes from the days before women could work outside the home is not healthy.

The whole “high value” thing is giant red flags by the way. Both people in a relationship need to be full participants, but salary is not the big metric in the equation.


Okay, so you’re retracting the part about it blowing up my argument?

Oddly enough, the same people so against ‘diversity’ being brought into Blizzard and are speaking out about against it now were never speaking out against Blizzard/Managers when it was frat boy culture for however many years, and they were hiring friends and who were more like them than the right candidates including passing over better qualified individuals. Including those same people shoving work off onto others instead of working themselves, not a peep.

But then so much chatter afterwards when Blizzard is actually breaking that trend, really gets them going.


Are you okay with the NBA’s lack of diversity?

And the NBA franchises routinely draft busts. Do the teams need DEI officers to ensure white/hispanic/asian/etc players get a fair look?

To be honest, I don’t care what your response is, just be consistent.

Are you saying that the lack of diversity in the NBA is equivalent to the lack of diversity in other job fields?

Answer the question, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you or if it exposes you as a hypocrite.

Calling anyone that

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“Injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere” who said that?

No where did I say it determines compatibility. Nor did I say it was healthy.

I also agree a man having a good salary does not make a man a good partner.

What I DID say is most women seem to have this idea it IS important. Women today complain non-stop about “where have all the good men gone” when there are good men are all around them. They just don’t see them. Even women magazines and website report this. It has become more off an issue.

Since my first marriage, I know I can very easily attract higher educated women easily. My personality fit, my adventurous spirit fit, and my comparable pay fit. Since I got downsized and am taking care of my son, the women chasing me drastically dropped off. I don’t chase women it’s just not my style as I am perfectly fine being alone - especially now when my son needs me more than I need a woman that needs things from me (Neve rbeen in an equally reciprocal relationship - wish I had)

You are not arguing in good faith. You know full well athletic skills are what sports organizations look for.

Tech jobs have no physical requirement hence race, gender, ethnicity, or anything else does not impact qualifications. There are talented people across all groups who are qualified.

Blizzard, provably, was not hiring the best qualified people. They were selectively hiring friends and people with similar backgrounds. Hence the lawsuits.


I’m not extremely well versed in the NBA scouting procedures. I’m assuming that, like any professional sports club, winning is the bottom line, so if that’s the case, it is unlikely that they would engage in harmful hiring practices that would have them passing over better players because they don’t fit a preferred demographic.

However, if there are qualified people being excluded for non performance reasons, then yes, they should have oversight like anyone else.

You are clueless in athletics. Personal character is actually highly sought after trait these days as well.

It’s not bad faith because it forces you to face an uncomfortable truth in your flawed “logic”.

My answer is dependent on whether or not you think the lack of diversity is equivalent or not. I can’t give a meaningful answer until you provide the context.

I am not extremely well versed in Gaming companies. I 'm assuming that like any other professional business, making money is the bottom line.

SO therefore I assume Blizzard was hiring the best people to make them the most money

The game was at it’s best when all of this nonsense was taking place. Food for thought.

Okay, you want to play, here we go. Specify in precise terms why you believe the demographics of the NBA represent an injustice. Don’t give me vague inferences or questions, or political rhetoric. State explicitly the injustice you’re seeing and we’ll discuss it on those terms.

Does this answer your question? Just come clean, we both know what you are doing.

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