Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Your statistics do not change my own personal observations.

People who use an excuse like the one you provided, or any excuse at all, as a reason for why they are not where they want to be in life just did not want to work hard enough to get where they want to be, and that is just a simple fact.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

LOL, great! You just said your anecdotal experience is more significant than actual data. At least you own your ignorance.

I hate agreeing to this but I have to based on my experience.

Some people find ways to say I can
Some people find a way to say I can’t.

Some of us are just too stupid and think we can when we actually can’t. And sometimes we actually just overcome because we didn’t give up.

I mean, he literally "fellow white people"d you.
Who talks like this? You shared that you are Polish/slavic. An actual ethnicity.
I have yet to engage in conversation with someone who calls themselves a “brown person”. There is always at least some attachment to nationality involved.
In my experience, people who speak in such general terms are doing it just to play the race card.

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No, I want it to mean what it actually means, and if you’re not willing to be on board then we can be done.

What makes you think this is true?

I’ve read all nearly 900 posts in this awful thread and haven’t seen even one that says what you’re misrepresenting here.

We were, and I do, but when you say something ridiculous like Diversity demands 50% of all jobs go to Mormons, who don’t represent anywhere near 50% of the population, I have no choice but to question your intentions.

the guy that said he was generously selling stocks to pay 11 billion in taxes when in reality he lied and was forced to sell those stock rewards because they would have expired?

the guy that said he was donating 5.7 billion to charity? when in reality he transferred 5.7 to a fake charity that he owned to deduct from his taxes so he wound up paying almost none despite being the richest man alive?

the centibillionaire whose company is subsidized by you and me?

what the hell do you think i think of elon?


The guy who committed security fraud so he could profit more out of his purchase of twitter stock so he could have more control over the platform he uses to say stupid stuff and break the law?

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Again it depends on where you look. I am sure in Utah’s more than 50%. In Fl a lot less. ANYTHING can be a diversity issue. Conservatives are arguing diversity of though now. Mormons could easily be listed under the oppressed people - you can even read about what the religion went through and the property that was stolen and people that were killed as they ran away across the US simply trying to find a place they will not be killed. Funny thing is they are hated by both other religions and by the anti-religious.

I do have to ask though, and I will use a stupid cliche you should have no trouble debunking, but do you support this across the board? Are you willing to demand the NBA only allow 6.5% African American Males and 6.5% African American females on NBA team? That is the correct proportion of the population no? How about the NFL?

You would be 100% on board for a Diversity Equity and Inclusion officer to ensure white Americans are 57.8% of those leagues? or do you only support that coaches need to be the correct % of the American population?

This is not how it works. It’s not about trying to make sure that every job has exactly and only 57.8% white employees, or 12.2% black employees. The point is to make sure that all qualified candidates for a job are considered equally on the basis of their merits and that no one is excluded for not being part of the dominant sub culture. It’s not about only hiring black candidates, or female, or homosexual, or nonbinary, or whatever classification you want. It’s about making sure qualified people from those groups aren’t passed over because the person hiring doesn’t relate to them.

The solution to a percentage imbalance respective to the population breakdown isn’t to just hire people that fit. It’s to eliminate bad hiring practices on one end, and encourage societal change in institutions that help marginalized groups organically take their rightful places. If Congress overrepresents white people by 20%, that’s a barometer of the problem, not the problem itself. By encouraging more equity in education and in politics, the result will be finding demographics that start looking like the country. The same is true in jobs. If tech jobs are over represented by men, you can’t just hire a bunch of women to try to fix it. But you can make sure to get rid of the boys club so that qualified women aren’t excluded. And then you can work on the cultural and educational systems to be more encouraging to women with talent who might otherwise have declined to go into the field. Addressing it from both directions creates a situation where, at some point after the effort is expended, the demographic is naturally going to line up with the population.

TLDR - These positions aren’t about hiring minority candidates to fill quotas. They are just about eliminating bad practices in hiring and workplace environment that have contributed to under representation.

Sounds like that is exactly what you are trying to do. It’s just it’s that you say it’s not what you want to do when it’s not your preferred group.

If that is all it is, no one would be arguing with you. But in your own responses you argue this position has this % of people yet it should be this % of people. You completely discount why that might have happed and only focus on race /sex / sexuality.

My entire position in this entire thread is there are other reasons these things happen. Some small % may be because of race / sex / sexuality but that is not the primary root cause. Despite what you have been told, the entire world is not racist or sexist. They are all evil, but for other reasons - usually tied to trying to do good

It makes sense since blizzard basically treated women terribly. I work in a company with forced diversity hires because in my country you have to have a certain ethnic\gender ratio. It doesnt really feel that great when somebody gets hired above others because of ethnicity or gender thats for sure, it actually feels racist when that happens i dont know if its just me.

However i dont think having a officer that is there to protect diversity\women is a bad thing. I dont agree with ethnic\gender hires though but i do understand why they are done.

she dosent look like a no life Gammer to me so i disapprove

I think its a waste of time. We need more resources put into fixing the game not woke agendas.


No, that doesn’t sound like what I’m trying to do. If you reread what I said above, that percentage imbalance is a symptom of the problem. If the society is just, then any sampling of a group of people will fall roughly down the percentage lines of the population demographic.

The solution isn’t to just hire to those percentages though, it’s to fix the broken systems so that the splits happen organically. One of the things that needs fixing is broken hiring and advancement systems. If three equally qualified candidates are up for a job, and the person hiring is a white male, he will more often choose the white male, even if he’s not intending to be malicious. He will generally relate better to and understand that person and think they are a better “fit” for the company. That’s what needs to be stopped.

Sure, because everyone is intelligent and carefully weighs their perspective against their biases. Beautiful fantasy land you have there.

Here in reality, there are people who believe what they are told instead of thinking for themselves. And when they are told that eliminating institutional racism is bad for them and will ruin America, then they oppose it without a first thought. When they’re told that teaching true history is indoctrinating children to be anti-America, then they will oppose it.

I don’t discount why it happens at all. Several times I’ve specified that there are institutional oppressions that need to be corrected. If half the country is female but the tech industry is only a third female then something is wrong, unless you want to argue that women are just inherently not able to handle tech fields.

No, that doesn’t mean that you hire a bunch of unqualified women to even out the numbers. First, you eliminate bad hiring and advancement practices that favor men. Second, you shift the culture and education to be more inclusive to women so that those who have the talent and aptitude are able to get the education they need to compete on a level playing field with the men.

The percentage doesn’t go from 70/30 to 50/50 overnight, but once you’ve corrected the problems, it will generally go toward 50/50 without any external interference like quota hires. Again, unless you don’t believe that women are, in general, equally as capable as men.

But until everything is fixed, you need oversight in hiring, advancement, and workplace culture to prevent repeating old mistakes. That is all this is. But people want to turn it into a political football of the “woke” left pushing identity politics, instead of just recognizing good people just want to level the playing field and establish a real meritocracy, not one based on being white and male.

Again, you only worry about certain groups in certain positions. You don’t demand more white women play in the nba or heck just skip race and demand more 5 foot tall players. You don’t argue for more female trash men or brick layers.

This is exactly what I am trying to get through to you. You can only see race or sex as a cause. There are many men who have had the exact same issues without your underlying cause and you discount them because it doesn’t fit your narrative. I listed one above but I could list a lot more from my own life. I just know it would get discounted as I stated very early in this discussion.

Or maybe I would argue they CAN handle it but choose not to. You know like most don’t aspire to be a trash man. I have been in some variation of tech since the 80s ans most that were there were not there for the tech. My anecdotal evidence but to me my real life experience trumps someone’s theory about it especially if I see a bias and reason to distrust.

Except it’s only for select people in select roles and select fields. Which is exactly what I am arguing. You don’t care that the nba has discriminated against short men since it was formed or even white men that can actually play. You don’t care that women are under represented as trash men. You don’t care that women are tremendously under represented in roles that are likely to die on the job.

Again be fair to all, not just your preferred group

It should be like this, but now as Blizzard, the community and the council community just want to be Ramdom Marsh and Tegridy with Steve in South Park.

There are worse things than hell.

In fact, he is only interested in his own popularity, he does not see more than just seeing a trend and a fashion for this system.

Or ignore them such is your case.

But it may be that they leave out a lot of what you mean in your examples.

Another cause of this controversy is the confidence of the new staff, nobody knows and trusts that these things will change, perhaps we will have to see the same result that happened a long time ago.

 No wonder the answer he gave me was like an Internet troll of a grammar police, for not referring it to its true meaning of the Internet to a certain fascist group that the forum flagged me to write in this post.

If she gets into lore and gameplay development, we’ll see a dull, gray world in Azeroth, as was N’Zoth’s and Zooval’s ending cinematics.

That is why it is not concurrent for the forum community, something like being a toxic reaction from WoWhead in the sense that it is not relevant for the community, since we want more than anything to see something special in the video game, and nothing to see from what happens inside the company.

I don’t think he can understand a real English because he just ignores others from a community outside the USA.

I only know that it is still racist, and only tries to hide the true face of a country that has not changed at all.

 What a way to treat one as a pariah, I am not in favor of this president who considers him the unmentionable, but it seems hypocritical to mark anyone and their family just because of the controversy they cause.

Season 25 The Big Fix of South Park It’s mention it very well why this matter is due.

No, I’m using certain groups in certain positions because it’s simpler to discuss specifics than every demographic in every job in the country simultaneously. Every single person should be able to pursue their interest, to the level of the ability, regardless of demographic information.

If women are being limited in hiring or advancement in those fields than that should be addressed as well.

How many people aspire to be a trash man? I’m not saying it’s necessarily a bad job, but do children stay up at night dreaming about the day they can finally grow up and throw trash bags into a truck? It’s not just women that don’t aspire to this. If women wanted to do the job and were being turned away, that would be a problem.

Are you trying to imply that most women in tech are just there to find a husband? I’m not even sure what you’re talking about here.

Being tall is an asset that often helps performance in basketball. It’s not discrimination to take the best player, and that will often be someone taller. And it didn’t stop Spud Webb from being successful or Mugsy Bogues (sp?). Those are 2 short guys off the top of my head. I don’t think John Stockton was especially tall, but I may be mistaken.

Now the more important part of this. Do you believe that being male is as inherently a part of success in the work force as height is to basketball? Are you saying that being a woman automatically makes someone less able to perform as being a short basketball player in a world of 6’+ does? It sounds like that’s the point you’re trying to make and I really hope it isn’t, because that would be pretty misogynistic.

I care about that if a) women want those roles and can’t get them, or can’t get them as easily as men or b) if men are being pressured into taking those jobs against their interests.

Again, for like the 3rd or 4th time, it’s not about forcing percentages to match demographics exactly, it’s about making the environment open and inclusive so that all qualified candidates are considered equally, and all talented people are able to pursue the education and training they need on equal footing in order to become qualified.


It’s trying to communicate

It doesn’t. No company or organization needs a Chief DIE, or DIE for that matter. It would be less offensive if they would call them what they are: Political commissars.


why isnt she asian?