Chief Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Where do you think this money comes from genius? Where will the money come from when these loans are paid for by others like people are asking for it are “forgiven”?

Do you have any idea what this would cost the tax payer? I’m guessing you aren’t one.

Are you going to pathetically hang around in any thread I am in because I embarrassed you?

That’s what I’m saying about your false equivalence here.

Well that’s mainly because right now we have the modern Republican part which has gone off the rails and requires lockstep obedience, and then basically the Democratic party has become the everyone else party.

With the current makeup of the SCOTUS we’ve got a long time until gerrymandering ends, as the only way that will happen is with some form of top down rule that applies to everyone at once, which only they or Congress can do, and don’t see that getting through congress anytime soon.


The banks LOAN the money at an interest, and the government just basically cosigns it. The government doesn’t pay a dime until its waved. The banks also are more incentive than anything to do it because thats what loans are. The person still ultimately pays for it, and then some.

from the government and only in this instance, but for that forgiveness the person usually works in a lower paying job for the government for around 10 or so years to earn that forgiveness.

Actually more of a tax payer than you probably, also probably have done more for the country than you, looking at my DD214 and VA records…but sure you like to pretend you know everything for some reason.

As I have said before, you are the pigeon playing chess. You definitely didn’t embarass me lol, because one doesn’t get embarrassed by the pigeon that poos on the board. They pity them for their ignorance. Much like I do you, biggoted and ignorant you are.

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Yup. It’s been said a few times but, the umbrella is too big and there are too many ideals in the democratic party to make it function as a single unit. At the same time, it’s the only way to get nearly the votes to be “not the other guys”. I have to go but I enjoyed our conversation. Byeee!! :smiley:

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Right. Where does government get money from?

Army cook? Eat fresh!

Which is why you have spent 24 hours seeking me out on the forums. Beat it, Jared. Calling people bigots doesn’t make you not a bigot, just a hypocrite.

…dude I had to just click on the notification on my icon, and you were the last person to respond lol. You really have some stupid inflated sense of self worth Pidgey.

No, it’s just painfully obvious that you have an axe to burn since I outed you as a bigot yesterday. You left for a long time with your tail between your legs but you finally came back.

Male Human Paladin named after a shamed Subway spokesperson.


So, I went looking for the study from your unsourced quote, which was from, b-t-dubs, referencing an article from The Federalist, which referenced a January 2022 periodic poll that NBC News runs through Hart Research.

The poll samples 1000 random people who were willing to sit through a survey. The Federalist article is mostly talking about a tweet of a screenshot of an NBC graphic, although they do link the related study. The graphic that they’re referencing is clearly labeled as being about about “Congressional Preference”.

The only question on the poll about Congress is, “What is your preference for the outcome of this November’s congressional elections – A Congress controlled by Republicans or a Congress controlled by Democrats?”

So, on that one question, when you take all of the data which looks like this when it’s compiled, generally more college-age women prefer that congress be controlled by Democrats than Republicans than they did in 2018.

I don’t know if that’s the slam-dunk point that The Federalist, or the John Locke society, or you wanted it to be, but with women’s healthcare, rights and issues in the crosshairs more than ever and the firewall of the Supreme Court shifted since 2018 it doesn’t particularly surprise me that the specific college-educated women that sat through their survey are like, “Uhhhh…I know it’s nice to have a counterpoint congress to the President for checks and balances, but this is getting real uncomfortable now.”


Jolts just ignore him, he is a low life who gets offended by the small comments that he doens;t agree with…

preaches tolerance like most leftist

but really is following (I tolerate people who agree with me)

instead what most regular people do is (ignoring media rage bait):
“I disagree with you and won’t change my mind, but you go do you cause freedom”

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Lol I left to handle more important things? Sorry you don’t have any, but man is that sad too. Dude, you also ousted no one as a bigot, but yourself since you use the normal “OMG hes being racist against WHITE PEOPLE” defense. Yeah, probably also think the most disadvantaged and persecuted class is the poor white man right?

100%. I kind of pity him. Unoriginal guy makes a male human Paladin and makes it after a subway spokesman hero of his.

Probably just need to put this sad sack on /ignore. This all stems from me making fun of his dumb name like 2 weeks ago.

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LOL wow you think right wingers are leading? Dude they get their news from Faux news…then turn on anyone that dares to badmouth Trump lol.

that day when the working class realizes they got us fighting a culture war to stop a class war


Indeed. Those that have their cookie are terrified they have to share it while not realizing there is no shortage of cookies.


Ah, how easy was that?

Oh, yes there is.

and what do you think of Elon musk?

few weeks ago the left was praising him and saying GO BUY A TESLA… now that he might buy twitter and promote free speech he is a racist that needs to be stopped! (not my words, check the news media)

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Not with Grumbles around! He has cookies for everyone!

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I have always disliked Elon because he is a pompous idiot that his family got rich off Apartheid. What does he have to do with ANYTHING? Funny Whataboutism though