Even John Stewart can be wrong it seems.
I like to make my own crust, add some sauce, a few toppings, spices and that’s pizza to me.
Everyone puts too much cheese on everything and it ruins it.
id have to go with chicago deep dish also. i dont like the thin crust or crispy crust of NY style pizza. When i buy pizza i usually go for the one with tons of crust that is soft and filling.
Ima let you finish but Giordano’s is better.
Giordano’s thin crust yes, deep dish I would rather have Chuck E. Cheese then that.
Your thesis statement is sound and correct. I’ve only had good Chicago style deep dish pizza a few times and it is a magnificent thing. That being said, you are comparing the two best styles of pizza in the country.
Granted I’ve also eaten a fresh pepperoni pizza at Juliana’s in Brooklyn and Lombardi’s in Manhattan and those are both excellent, excellent choices and easily beat out 99% of all other pizza I’ve ever had.
Edit: also had Joe’s Pizza in Grenwich Village, not my favorite.
- New York Style pizza is better.
- Chicago Deep Dish is better.
- Chicago Deep Dish pizza is pizza.
- buh buh Chicago Deep Dish isn’t pizza it’s a casserole. (Yes, Jon Stewart was acting a fool when he said this. He’s also not that great in general.)
What is Detroit style?
Never had Chicago style either.
I am so limited.
So you don’t like bread or vegetables? How is it gross? lol.
I live in the frozen north, home of pineapple on pizza (weirdly Hawaiian pizza is actually canadian)
I like both equally? Good pizza is good pizza.
I hate HATE tomatoes except for ketchup. Also, pizza dough isn’t that good.
Chicago style pizza is basically a savory cake. But instead of icing, its topped with cheese and then sauce on top (wtf?)
Sure some people like it. Some people also like peanut butter and cheese wiz sandwiches. Good for them.
what life have you lived to formulate this conclusion
As a former citizen of the Chicago area, I approve of this message.
Chicago Deep Dish is where it’s at.
That’s not even a thing. No one has heard of that outside of Detroit.
I’ll pass but I don’t mind cooking up some bacon and having a peanutbutter and bacon
Are there actually people in Detroit most images I see make it look almost post apocalypitic
I live in SC and there’s a pizza place called Pi-Squared that loves to point out their Detroit Style Pizza to evidently set it apart from the other chains in the area. Also I vaguely remember Little Ceasar’s hocking Detroit Style pizzas.
Though I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying an authentic New York style pizza and a Chicago Deep Dish, never had an authentic Detroit style so when it comes to the fight of the three…New York followed by Chicago. Detroit left out from never having the real thing to compare to the others.
That’s what the dollar slice places serve. There are hundreds of pizza places in NY. Good pizza is everywhere.