Chatty Guild Seeks Kind and Humorous Members

Hi there! Someone has reached out to make contact, so hopefully they can answer all your questions. =)

So we need some more orange in the guild! Any druids need a new loving home?

New patch coming up soon! Iā€™m not much keen on Kul Tirans, though I know some people areā€¦ And donā€™t even get me started on more Trollsā€¦ But should be fun! I love how busy everything is the first Wednesday of a new patch. All sorts come out of the woodwork haha.

Rogues wanted

Iā€™ll be there in 85 levels. Watch this space. Bumping for probably the most entertaining recruitment thread Iā€™ve read in a while.


We do like to keep ourselves amused!

I am a chocolate bar!!! That is all. (If you join us, you canā€™t eat me, sorry)

Are you levelling a KulTiran?

Turns out, so are a bunch of other people and they need company. Come be their friends!

I would bump this forum post but it is Monday and I havenā€™t had enough coffee. Please bring coffeeā€¦


Just an FYI, please make sure any organs you have are in good working order. For umm reasons. (Totally not cause I am going to offer you in my place to Saad. <.< >.> ) Good work Dil they totally bought thatā€¦ oh crap I said that out loudā€¦umm LOOK OVER THERE!

Iā€™m on to you Mr Look At My Cool Mount!! No ones organs are safe!!!

Wonder if Dil has checked for adds recentlyā€¦ Hey Dilā€¦ Adds.

Itā€™s raining today. I think I need to stand in a nice toasty fire to stay warm. Itā€™s also a dps buff right?

Absolutely saad

Iā€™d be the first person to say, as a guild - weā€™re not perfect. Certainly, weā€™re not perfect for everyone, either.

But what if weā€™re perfect for you and youā€™ve been missing out this whole time?

Imagine, never having been informed of the dangers of tusks, the lack of humanity in Kul Tiransā€¦ Or had people photograph their fridges in your honour.

You might be missing out on greatness is all Iā€™m saying.

This is a guild that prizes fun and friendship.
Serious during progression raids or mythic+ dungeons, but polite, no scolding or yelling. We know that everyone wants to win, and we try our best. But not at the cost of being anti-social.

Not necessarily the guild for everyone, it has its own weird quirks. No harm in giving us a try.


Weird Quirk here. I just got promoted!

(That the right word?)

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Last night we had The Great Cookie Debate of 2019. Join us to weigh in on what is the appropriate consistency for cookies! Unless youā€™re a heinous cookie dunker shudder