Chatty Guild Seeks Kind and Humorous Members

Alliance guild on connected realms Nagrand and Caelestrasz!

Who are we?
We're a social guild that moved for greener pastures in January 2017 and are loving every minute of it since! I guess it depends on who you ask as to whether we turned eight years old on November 7 or whether we got to celebrate turning two again but we've stuck around this long, let's see eight more! We have been raiding consistently in various forms since Dragon Soul and enjoy a relaxed group that can laugh and kill bosses at the same time. A priority for us are players who want to do stuff in the game with others, ranging from dungeons to PvP to raids or achievements. Or even just sit and blather on in guild chat about their days! Mostly we don’t judge. Mostly. ;)

What are we like for raiding?
We raid twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays from 8pm to 11pm (AEST/AEDT). We have completed AOTC for all of Legion and in Uldir! We are currently 9/9 heroic in Battle of Dazar'alor and 2/2 normal in Crucible of Storms. We are a newbie friendly guild with plenty of patience and willingness to teach. For loot, we have a loot council set up with some base guidelines to work through to ensure fair and even gearing between everybody, including our more flexible raiders and our high attendance regulars. We are not mythic contenders.

What are we like for Mythic Plus?
We are relaxed in our mythic plus endeavours. We're looking for more bodies so that we can run them more frequently and include more people in the process. We have a mixture of people at varying skill or comfort levels. There's a dedicated discord channel, cleared weekly, to help arrange M+ for those with tighter schedules.

What are we looking for?
Any like-minded player to come join our team! Never tried raiding, but always wanted to? Keen to get into mythic pluses, but don't like pugging? Just want to bash out some world quests and chew the fat? Are you an experienced raider that wants to progress, but doesn't want the stress of hardcore? If you fit this description or similar then you'll likely find a home with us. We have players from all walks of life and all experience levels that will happily group up with anyone with zero judgement. We're here to have fun and progress as a guild, not set the world on fire or chase realm first. We will still clear content, just with everyone that wants to come along for the ride.

What's the guild like?
We're a core group of friends very excited to meet some new faces! Consistent leadership has worked well over the years and built a relaxed place for mature people of all ages and walks of life to enjoy their downtime. Guild chat is frequently a flurry of green with active text-based communication and discord used for guild events like raiding and any PvP. Additionally through the day Discord allows text-based communication for those of us with mobiles and lunch breaks!

Sounds good, but what do people really think?
I asked for some feedback to help write this post. Helen suggested that you guys might like to know of our 'celebration' methods for our birthday or Christmas, where we play mini-games that we've tweaked in-game like dodgeball or carp soccer! Saad thought it was pertinent that you know we've very much so split in half as per our preferences for pineapple on pizza.

Any last words?
We're a laid back group of people, but we prefer social members that'll join in with the community over someone who only ever logs in to raid. Life happens and we respect that - we understand that not everybody can make every raid, all we ask is a little notice via the attendance channel in discord. Respect for your fellow guild-mates is also a high priority for us!
Also pet photos.
Many many pet photos!

Or basically any animal ever, really. You could have a pet elephant for all we care!

... Actually there might be some problems with you know, your backyard size and whether you can source enough peanuts to feed it but we'd cross that bridge when we got to it.
A tough debate has rattled the guild due to the weather or not having tusks make simple tasks such as walking through a door a inconvenience.
I for one think you adapt to having them.
Others (Llammy) disagree.
So feel free to come join the discussion.
Bonus points if you agree with me and not the others (Llammy)
Do you guys accept low lvls? I had to start a new account. First time playing again since a couple years..
11/13/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Treesome
Do you guys accept low lvls? I had to start a new account. First time playing again since a couple years..

The more the merrier! Just hit one of us up when you're online next. :)
Okay I feel it's only fair I clear up this "tusk debate" because really how is there even a debate.. Tusks are dangerous.

Imagine, if you will. Being a male troll with their gigantic face sticks. How dangerous are door frames? No matter how used to your own body you are, even us regular humans occasionally walk in to a door frame. But as a dude troll that's infinitely more dangerous because what's gonna happen if they're walking through the doorway at a speed faster than a walk and accidentally catch their tusk on the door? Unless their house is made of cardboard (which assumedly a modern day troll doesn't live in a cardboard shanty) the tusks won't give way (unless they have a calcium deficiency? In which case, niche solution), neither will the non-cardboard house. So what's gonna give in this situation?

The poor gentletroll's neck, that's what.

Door frames are deadly for male trolls. Not so bad for female trolls because of their tusks coming from the bottom of their jaw, but male trolls coming from the top and growing so long? DEADLY.

Furthering that thought, you can imagine all the other things that trolls can't appreciate in live. Like a good smoochy session with their significant other - at best maybe the lady trolls face can sneak in between the gigantic tusks but what if they prefer other gentletrolls? Absolute nightmare for them. How do they drink from cups? Surely they must drool profusely?

And this is probably why we're an Alliance guild. To save us from the deadly, dehydrated, drooling male trolls.

Sounds nice. Chatty guild sounds really nice. I have been in a few rather quiet ones.

Shiny new forum to take out for a spin, look at us go! Loving all the new features. =D

Imagine doing a funsies raid on a Sunday night?!

1 Like

Raiding on a Sunday night? You MAD MAN.

We ran a normal Uldir last night to help gear up some newbies, was an easy but quiet night! =)

Sunday night is a pretty good time to hit things with sticks until they fall over.

We killed more things. Interested? You should be!

Stuff we have that other guilds probably don’t have:

  • A person who calls herself a chocolate bar but having met her IRL I can attest she absolutely is not
  • A very tell short person who may or may not have arms
  • Someone who we all joke harvests human parts and organs to fund her tall boi dinosaur mount but actually works in some science-related field IRL because that’s totally not suspicious at all
  • The ultimate bromance
  • Llammy

I mean… You say she’s not chocolate but, did you lick her to find out…?

I’ll wait!

Don’t listen to Inca - he’s just trouble. And we only ask what your blood type is for emergency reasons…

We have to believe we are magic… Nothing can stand in our way!

You better believe Olivia Newton-John has our back.

Though my name says otherwise, I am indeed a chocolate bar. Come… join the candy party! :smiley: Saad only bites sometimes. >.>

I don’t bite!!! I just…procure things…