Chatty Guild Seeks Kind and Humorous Members

As a newbie to the Guild I can thoroughly recommend checking them out.

Especially if you like chocolate :wink:


You should join checks notes Chataclysm.

They regularly partake in enjoyable activities such as checks notes raiding, mythics, and not holding people hostage and forcing them to promote the guild.

You should absolutely contact the individual who made this thread and rest assured they are not holding me against my will.


Hi guys I am looking for a new guild to run heroic and m+. I am a long term player with raid experience all the way back to MC. Old and have a job so looking for Aussie guild (2-nights) with a fun and laid back style but like to push content. You guys seem awesome!

Currently 398 demo lock with 9/9N and 4/9H. AOTC from Uldir and all of Legion. Would love to join or have a trial and can bring my scrub brothers. I also keep alts levelled and semi-geared in-case I need to switch or want to reroll
My bnet is Inkognito #1849 or Donaldd-Nagrand.

Have sent you a bnet request from kachiku#11516

We are open to all bribes especially those along the lines of coffee, chocolate or baked goods.

Would you guys be willing to take a west coast American who’s night time work schedule doesn’t allow for him to raid or run M+'s with his current guild? My main is a Belf MM. (I know…horde…I can’t help being bi-factional, it’s who I am.) Currently 6/9H and 1/9M. I’d be willing to level whatever type of character you guys are looking for (but I will always be a stupid hunter at heart.)

Bump for all the parents in the guild :slight_smile:

For the horde! I mean…alliance. yeah totally what I ment.

Hi there! We certainly would but before you made any sort of commitment, I suggest that you check in to some time frames. Whilst we can look like a good option to late night US folk, it can quickly become not the case. We are primarily active within the GMT+10 timezone. We also observe daylight savings. Our daylight savings kicks in at different times to those in the US, and also swings the opposite direction - meaning that there’s a two hour difference in raid/activity time for six months of the year for you. I certainly don’t want to scare you away, but I’d hate to see you make a decision that becomes something you can’t do in, say, two months time when daylight savings changes etc. =)

I can attest that these guys are as mad as this thread makes them out to be.

But they’re actually pretty lovely people.

Also! It is not a cult. Cleared by the FBI and everything.

Do you need a band-aid? I have Frozen, Wiggles or Star Wars available

I also can provide animal band aids.

Gimme one of those Star Wars one, Kinda sick of seeing frozen stuff

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Had a couple of new folks lately. Thought I might drop here that currently, Discord is probably the best way to reach us. We don’t all play every day, though we all have access to Discord on our phones and can get someone to reach out to you for an invite in game much quicker that way, if we’re unable to get online or access bnet ourselves that day. We’d hate to miss you!

Discord also has pet photos…just saying…

I had a hawaiian pizza on the weekend. It was DEEEEELICIOUS. Tasted like happiness and general self-righteousness.

The Pineapple Chilli sauce wasn’t spicy enough, so I added lime juice.

The weekend is getting really close again… I’m beyond ready to pounce on it.

/wiggles excitedly

Where have all the rogues gone?
Gone to graveyards, every one

Hi, I’m hoping you would take this shammy. ATM I’m on Aman’Thul, Willing to change realms for the right guild. I have been a raider since cata, on a frost dk switched to shammy around FL and and DS. I’m about ilvl 371 in ele and resto.
I just recently wanting to come back to raiding after having a break at the end of legion cos of personal issues, I haven’t done much raiding in BfA, just BoD normal.
I’m just a casual player/raider.
My btag is Andysher#1862 and my discord is Shadow/Kumori (Rain)#2586