Chatty Guild Seeks Kind and Humorous Members

I would agree with you Dilvar but alas I am not talking to you :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Mummaaaaaaaaa…just killed a mannnnnnn…put a claw against his head, pulled the boss and now he’s dead…

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An amazingly kind and wonderful group of committed people got their AOTC tonight. Their persistence really needs to be noted that even through some burn out, drama and change of raid leader they continued on plugging away at Uldir and working together towards a common goal. A perfect way to end raiding in 2018. Congratulations, guys! Llammy proud. :blush:

To back up a few comments:
I’m a mocha person myself! Chocolate + coffee = Mmmm
Not too big of a fan of either by themselves lol

Missed someone last night who whispered me asking about the guild, so if you read this again - sorry! I was ordering pizza haha.

It definitely had pineapple on it.

But to answer that person’s question - yes we’re still looking for folk! Always room for more, especially this time of year when lots of people are on holidays etc.

Did everyone get what they wanted for Christmas? If you didn’t, there’s still time to join Chataclysm and get at least one thing right for 2018!

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If you do join, and you run Mythic Dungeons with me… Remind me not to start the RP without everyone there.

Good times.

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Hi there, I’m looking for a guild and you guys sound like we’re a fit :smiley:
Is Cael/Nagrand a “merged” server? I’m looking to move from a merged server on US realms to Oceanic … TIA

Hi there! Yes, Nagrand and Caelestrasz are connected or merged servers. Doesn’t matter which realm you end up on out of the two of them, though I personally chose Nagrand because it was easier to spell! =D

Oh, hey, wow, what’s up fancy seeing you here?

We are:

  1. Awesome
  2. Totally impressed when you post pictures of your pets
  3. Pizza lovers (no pineapple, though)
  4. LFM

/sneaks in, whispers
Hey… You… Can you tell Dil there’s an add up for me?

Guys! Guys!



Wow hey wow wow did everyone see the Superbowl how about those [whichever of the teams won the football]

I didn’t, because this isn’t America.

Also join our guild.

Were there adds? If not then no.
I need someone to tell me about adds.
If you can spot an add at 50 paces whilst blindfolded. Chataclysm might be for you.
PS Dwarf>All

Also Llammy has a cough so if someone could bring her some Strepsils that’d be great…

Discord is currently outraged over the recent announcement from Cadbury chocolate (and their greedy super villain parent Mondelez International) that they will be reducing the size of their chocolate blocks.

Whatever happened to a glass and a half? It’s more like a glass and 4/9ths or something now.

PS When I say “Discord is currently outraged” it’s mostly just me

PPS You should join our guild

You need more gnomes?

I want to answer both honestly and usefully… Which is yes.

But I also want to add that they’re great for punting… Or blaming stuff on. Or punting them at stuff to then blame on them later. :grin:

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At some point tonight or tomorrow, I will roll me a gnome on your server. If it all goes well, ill bring my other gnomes back home to the oceanic area from shier US home.
My BNET is Cornellious#1289

Some of the spiel that I like to give new folk who join our guild:

"Welcome! Please chuck your name, nickname or name of choice in your guild note so that we know what to call you. All of our characters are labelled the same way, so you can tell who belongs to who etc. Bad news if your name is James or Luke though, we already have approximately a billion of them!

This guild is what you make of it. The more social you are with people, the more social they are with you. We’re a fun and pretty laid back group - if you’re ever unsure about something, just ask! You’ll get an honest answer from everyone (probably) except Shorty. Can’t trust the small ones, they’re crafty.

We also use discord as our secondary (text based primarily) guild chat so come hang out with us on your lunch break or day off or boring desk job."

Or some similar rendition of the above. We’re chatty, for sure - but if you don’t talk to us, how are we to know to talk to you? =D