Chatty Guild Seeks Kind and Humorous Members

It’s almost Friyay, so close to the weekend we can taste it!

Things you can taste:

  • Cheese
  • Beef
  • Noodles
  • Chocolate
  • Victory

Things you can’t taste:

  • The weekend

Look. I licked Friday. I’m not even afraid to admit it. You can’t tell me I can’t, Inca!

I don’t know what your weekend tasted like but mine tasted like charcoal…so freaking hot!!

What does the weekend taste like?

Chicken. Isn’t everything supposed to taste like chicken?

but what does chicken taste like?

Tastes like the weekend, obviously.

Well there is some regional variation. As I said earlier if you had any form of Queensland weekend it would have tasted of charcoal. However if you had had a Sydney variety it would have be more palatable.

Charcoal Chicken is still a kind of chicken though.

As always, looking for some more friends to chill with and whatnot. I’d personally love some more M+ buddies!

This Charcoal Chicken talk is making me hungry.

Christmas themed Guild Messages of the Day are my jam.

Sadly, they have not been quite daily!

Raspberry is also my jam. My raspberry jam.

:confused: Jam is nasty! Vegemite all the way!

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Mmm raspberry jam! Also a big fan of cinnamon honey!

Hey Guys :slight_smile:
Are you still looking for members? You guys sound like a heap of fun and I would love to join you.
That is if you have room for a dwarf hunter?
I may or may not have an unholy love for dwarves <.< >.> some say an obsession… :P.
I like to help out others etc when I can and also have fair bit of raiding experience that I am happy to help pass on etc and help out with M+ etc
Happy to have a chat :smiley: Dil#6742

Anyone who brings me coffee will immediately be promoted to rank Awesome

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I am happy to bring coffee when I come across… but I feel you may not speak to me :stuck_out_tongue:

Where’s the hot chocolate fans, that’s what I wanna know! Not keen on coffee myself. /wrinkles nose

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I agree, coffee is yucky!