Chat reports being abused

A critical thinker would make decisions and statements based on facts, not based on fee fees, assumptions and fiction.

Corrected it for you:
A basic thinker would draw the conclusion I drew.

Fee fees are not ā€œI reported this guy for his name and then he immediately went offline, and his name was changed to PlayerRANDOMCAPITALLETTERS, he must have been automatically bannedā€. Thatā€™s just basic reasoning to assume it was an automatic ban.

but you will take the persons word that also has no prof of what they are saying? he cant prove what hes saying that there are not automated systems in place that track reports and take action

I didnā€™t say that at all. I actually said the complete opposite of that. Players can automatically squelch (chat mute) other players by volume of unique reports. Players canā€™t ban other players. You canā€™t report someone for cheating and have them automatically suspended or banned. You can report someoneā€™s chat and have them automatically muted.

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show proof of this

The only way I could attempt to disprove this is by rounding up whatever arbitrary number of people you want me to and have them all streaming at once to definitively guarantee they are all reporting at the same time for the same reason.

Then Iā€™d likely be suspended after awhile for gathering people to abuse the report system. That happens, as my last forum suspension was for abusing the report system and it lasted for 2 months.

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then do that

Nah, youā€™re the one making the absurd claim. You prove it exists. You already offered but chickened out.

im not the one who made the original claim.

CS/Blues have already confirmed this multiple times. It is not automated with the exception of the initial silence until a GM can review. Yes, you will get bumped offline when the silence happens, but you can get right back onā€¦you have limited chat.

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Troll the CS Forum. Plenty of examples of good toons gone bad and CS confirming none of it (including the form responses from tickets) is automated (except the initial silence).

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link those posts then

Go do your own homework.

not my job to

It is not my job if you want to stay uneducated and uninformed. You can believe whatever you want, makes zero difference to me but Iā€™m not the one who has been silenced or banned from not being able to control myself. Iā€™m not even concerned about it since I have something called self control.

nether have i.

:person_shrugging: :potato:

there it is the insult. good job.

Iā€™m sorry you feel that way.
Let me fix it for youā€¦

No sorry,once again you are wrong.