Chat channel spam

Just now on classic realm Whitemane on Alliance side I received a chat channel invite to some “WoWGold” channel from a character. I went into my interface setting and disabled chat channel invites but I’m not sure the proper/preferred method for reporting the character. I forgot to take a screenshot before I declined the invite.

Right after posting the above 2 more invites showed up in chat and I took a screen shot. I can’t find a way to post it here.

Remove the names. It’s not allowed on the forums, I was told to send an email to with all the pertinent information. what I also found is do a /who search in-game for that name, and then you are able to right click and report.

The devs are aware of this new method and are working on it.


Done and done. Thank you!


As far as I know, what Thunder says is true. Dunno where the devs have said they’re working on it but I wouldn’t be surprised.

Chat in Retail would be much easier for them to work with. It’ll take time, but there’s no reason to believe they won’t be able to eventually fix it. Meanwhile, yeah block invites.

You might want to remove that too as you are only advertising for them


edit yer OP to remove the chan name asap pls :slight_smile:

There is an additional issue, even if you have block invites, it still spams the gold spammers website to you.

And no, you can’t do a /who and then report because I tried that, and while I can find the individual, it won’t let me report a level 1 toon.

Have you tried the other method for reporting them?

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Level 1 characters can definitely be reported. Give the steps from the link Kyzera provided a shot and see if that works for you :wink:


I mentioned this in a thread several days ago… The workaround is to do a /who, and when you find the person that sent you the invite, send them a whisper. They won’t answer you, but you can right-click report their name from the whisper you sent. I’ve done it several times and it works just fine until something better is put into place.