Chat ban, name ban, or what?

I was kicked out of the game today and my character was flagged for a name change.
I used the same name I had before because I had no idea what was going on.

All I have is a vague email that doesn’t explain anything.
“Your fellow players reported your Character:2 multiple times for violating the Code of Conduct”
It honestly looks like spam.

What exactly is my “Character:2”?
Reported me for violating CoC how?

If someone reported the name, you failed to communicate that to me.
If someone reported chat content, you failed to communicate that to me.
When I type in chat it gives me a link to game options and tells me to enable chat.

Raises the question; What exactly is the point?
This ban taught me nothing because I don’t know what I was banned for.

I’m guessing the name was a problem because I was prompted to change it, but why can’t I chat anymore?

Again, I used the same name because I didn’t know any better. I’m probably going to get perma banned now if it gets reported again. I’m certainly not paying for a name change.
It’s not even offensive. It’s just a silly neutral play on words.

We have 2 problems 1 is more serious then the other

  1. You should never rename it the same name thats gona get u into more problems thats the more serious problem.

  2. You shouldve apealed it first then let a GM decide.


1: It doesn’t have to be offensive to be inappropriate. 2: I seriously doubt that.


Yeah, I would not have done that if I had known what was going on, but I had no idea.
When I got kicked out it simply went to login screen. No message about being banned.
I went to login to my character and it said “Your name has been flagged for rename: Enter a new name”. I have only ever seen that when transferring characters where someone already has the name.

It didn’t say anything about the old name being a problem. I didn’t even know I was chat banned until I tried to tell my bg group “sorry got dced” and saw the notification that chat was disabled.

So you are telling me if I wanted to know what I was banned for I have to appeal and wait for someone to tell me?
Why didn’t they just tell me what I did in this email they sent?

Yep, it’s inappropriate. You should self report your name.


Yeah, I can see why that got flagged, and obviously you do too.


Name reports to not give you a heads up. Chat penalties only give you a warning if you’ve been reported numerous times in a short window, usually covering spam. The Social Contract and EULA are your warnings, otherwise.

This wouldn’t be the first instance we’ve seen in the past ten days about an erroneous silence/suspension applied to a flagged name change, but it also isn’t the first instance of simultaneous actions taken of name and chat violations. Hopefully an SFA will have a moment to shed some light for you when they’re present next.

Yes, this was something you should not have done. Hindsight 20/20 and all.

This seems to routinely trip players up, but it does not have to be offensive to be inappropriate for the game. Without knowing what the name is in question, we can only take you at your word, and it is not a good idea to share it here if actions were taken in-game.

This circles back to my second paragraph, it would suggest you were probably hit with two different actions (unless an SFA verifies otherwise) and in the process only one of the emails was sent out, reportedly the name violation.

Chat sanctions did used to include snippets relevant to the reported chat in the past but over time seemed to have broken down a little and they never got around to patching it up, and instead outright removed it when it started providing far-removed snippets of chat. There’s no word yet on if or when it might return, but you can always submit a ticket. I don’t know if the appeals category will be the accurate ticket path, but it’s worth a shot.

e.: Ah, yes with the new character posted, that is most certainly inappropriate. Not necessarily offensive in the slightest.


You should appeal and in the appeal note the renaming issue and request a self report for name.

That name is clearly inappropriate and you know it.

Also, the emails can a take a bit. Think they are sent out in batches. Check spam folders, etc if you do not see any after a day or so,


Because it hasnt been mentioned this is how u apeal tho i suspect it will be upheld.


The biggest clue is that they don’t flag your character for a rename if you’re being penalized for chat.


See the problem with not apealing is that the black mark doesnt go away and next time the penalty will be worse you may not be apealing the name change but deffinatelly try to apeal teh silence,


Fiiiiiiiine. I summited an appeal.

at least the chat ban will be lifted if its a mistake.


Yeah, that looks like some sort of borked out template. Normally it would say it was a naming violation or chat abuse or some other broad categorization.

Just my two copper, but make sure you bring this up in your appeal. Link this thread too, just to prove it wasn’t malicious. That may not save you when it boils down to possibly getting hit again with reports, but it’s worth a go.

And just because I know that the majority of appeals are responded to with templates? In this case I would go a step further and send in a ticket here:

I’d start out with an all caps THIS IS NOT IN REFERENCE TO MY APPEALS. But then explain your email wasn’t clear and you renamed your character the same thing without thinking it through. You’re trying to be proactive and are fessing up, trying to get it rectified.

One of our SFAs may be able to flag it for you before you get in any further trouble, but you being proactive is the best way to go. An SFA stepping in isn’t a guarantee, but one can hope!

Good luck to you.


In future do Not name any characters that could be considered offensive, if it’s meme be careful as it too could be offensive don’t try and skirt the name by using special characters in your name. Remember that this game is rated T for teens, which means kids play this game and shouldn’t have to be exposed to that stuff.


Also - just so it’s linked here for you? Darth made mention of a known issue someone else ran into with the chat silence with a character rename. The thread kind of goes off the rails at times, but there are a couple of Blue posts there, just to give credence to the unintentionally disabled chat.



This. ALL of this. In my experience, every time someone has come up with a name that they think is clever or edgy, or that they think is just this side of reportable, they have invariably discovered that they misjudged where that line is drawn.


Would you happen to know of character name issues causing temporary bans? Quite similar to OP, I was minding my own business and gearing a character using the same name with alt-characters that my main character has used for at least 4 years with no issue. Next thing I know, kicked off the game with a 10-day temp, with the exact same style of e-mail that OP received.

Sent in an appeal request and the response was very clearly just a template with no thought or effort put into it. Will be checking out that link you sent through for a secondary ticket for assistance, as even if the temp sticks I’m planning to rename my main toon as well since my alt is the one that got hit.

Just to avoid speculation on why it’s a 10-day temp, I’ve been playing since Burning Crusade when I was a teen. Had previous actions taken that were very much deserved throughout the course of my account’s life, and as far as naming issues go, I can only remember 1 on my main character back in shadowlands, and another on an alt that I solely used to help people with the Herald of the Titans achievement, that has since been deleted, some time in dragonflight season 3 I want to say.

To be clear, that second link was to try and get OP to self-report their rename. It’s not a way to run around the appeals system.

As for suspensions, not disabled chats? That, I’ve heard nothing on.

If you’re facing down a 10-day suspension, then this isn’t likely your first rodeo. Generally speaking, a forced name change is typically the first sanction. Then it could be a silence or suspension. If you’re lucky enough that it’s just a silence, anything after that will be a suspension. And yes, people can and have gotten their game licenses banned if they keep trying to toe the line and not learning from their sanctions.

And just because you’ve had something for 4+ years, that means nothing. Lexicon and slang changes all the time, it is why there is vague rules about everything, because the landscape is forever changing.

Keep appealing through the appeals channel - NOT the secondary link I shared for OP. You are allowed to appeal and appeal again until you’re warned no more will be accepted.

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