Chat banned when I can't chat

I’m not appealing!
I was reported for a name change. My previous thread for that is here.

I think I am chat banned due to the below.

I’m playing BGs tonight and seeing this message:
We have silenced your account following multiple reports of abusive chat from other players. While you are silenced, you can only use voice chat in private channels (VoiceError:21).

How am I being reported for chat when I cannot chat??

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Thing about reports there tends to be a backlog that can go back weeks or months.

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didnt vrak tell you it was a bug that is being looked into?


That is just the standard system message that comes with an account silence. It is tied to the overall issue of you being silenced at all after your naming violation.


As per Vrakthris in the closed thread:


Best to change the name and not change it back to the same name again.


That name change happened yesterday. The name thing is resolved.
I got a chat ban with it (because of bug?). I have not been able to chat for days.
I rarely ever chat to begin with, but I cannot chat AT ALL for days now, so why am I seeing random messages that I am being silenced and reported when I am already silenced from this?
How am I being reported for something I cannot possibly be doing?

You aren’t. The system message is not set up to tell you when someone is reporting you in any situation.

You are currently stuck with a silence, the first one lasts a week, as a result of a bugged inclusion with a forced name change. It is not out of the realm of reason that an erroneous silence is also erroneously detecting you trying to send messages.


Like Ekon said, you aren’t.

The only way to report chat is to click the line of chat you want to report. Since you can’t chat, there’s nothing to click on, let alone report.


You really should submit a ticket to have a GM look at it if you haven’t already, as this seems to be unintended.

I can see how this would be confusing if you received this in game. This message, even if it is the result of a bugged silence, would be referring to the account action initiated by a GM, following the player reports that prompted the investigation. It isn’t telling you that players are actively reporting you. The reports could have happened days or weeks before you got in trouble.


Vrak said he doesnt think a GM will be able to lift the ban atm anyways.


Maybe not, but he may as well try. If nothing else, it draws more attention to a potential issue.

Its a known issue why tie up the ticket system for somethign that vrak clearly stated
I’m afraid as it stands, I don’t believe Support is able to remove those unless the overall penalty is also overturned.


This is part of the current bug (we think), Xenlock.

Historically - there has never been a silence associated with a name change. At least, not for the first one on an account. Subsequent bad names usually get a suspension.

Still waiting to hear back officially, but the current theory is this is a bug - it is being looked into. Possible this was an intentional change and the word just hasn’t reached us yet.

I see you have a ticket open. Whether a GM will be able to adjust this or not, that I’m not sure. If this ends naturally, it will be on the 31st.


Xenlock, if it turns out that this was a bug and you were unjustifiably silenced, you can submit a ticket requesting some compensation for the inconvenience. They have been known to offer game time in response to falsely applied suspensions. I’m not sure what they’d choose to provide in response to a false silence (if anything), but it certainly won’t hurt you to ask.



Unless it was changed intentionally, in which case game time probably won’t be granted, but at least it grabbed your attention?

Compensate what the only thing they dont have acess to is chat there not gona give gametime for that.


I don’t ever recall Blizzard compensating for an error over a chat silence, as you’re still able to play the game. Only know they will do it if they overturn a suspension or account closure if they have made an error on their end.