Charlie, my friend

Thank you, very useful information.

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11.1 MM still loses 10% Leech, extra snare (and it’s a good one - 50% snare with 60% uptime and no GCD or resource cost is nothing to sneeze at), and now also loses Fortitude of the Bear.

In addition, 11.1 MM has no more pocket tank for world content, old raids, or Delves. 11.1 MM can’t use their pet to offtank a problematic add away from the group, or to go get a new add and bring it to the tank. 11.1 MM can’t call a pet to tank (via MD and Tricks from a Rogue) for a couple hits while a brez goes out. 11.1 MM can’t use Eyes of the Beast to pull a pack and jump off a ledge to make them run, then evade, then reset.

11.1 MM can’t use Fetch FFS.

The Spotting Eagle mechanic looks cool. Getting the core utility baked in is awesome, what needed to happen all along. I’ve advocated for as much, many times. Forcibly removing the pet on top of that is unnecessary and frustrating. It cheapens a number of the things I’ve done in game over the years - I’m not going to play BM or SV, so now I have no means to ever use the Feathermanes that I did a huge quest to be able to tame, so I could have Slow Fall without having to buy or make Goblin Glider Kits. I have no reason to use the Oil-Slicked Wolf that doesn’t exist anymore, or my color changing wolves from Icecrown, or the wolf from Stormheim that barks when you click it.

Pretending none of that matters, just because you don’t care about it and mechanically the new hotness is objectively better for your preferred gameplay context, is incredibly selfish.


Which isn’t 10%

Bran can heal, bran can tank.
Old raids are a joke that doesn’t need tanks in the first place, and world content is fine w/o the pet anyway ?

Are we discussing some fantasy world of warclassic or retail ? Because this doesn’t happen, and you can get + bring a new add to tank via MD

Which also doesn’t happen because growl doesn’t work anymore ?

Again, when was the last time you did this, and in what content ?


I know this is emotional story, but…

“Goodbye Charlie” would’ve been really peak comedy here.

Untrue. Lone wolf has been an OPTION, not the rule for only about 10 years. Keep it just an option and allow MM players to keep pets if they want them and everyone but the most rabid pet haters who get triggered at the sight of a pet will be happy.

He is not a pet and will not be joining us outside of a delve. He also sucks as a healer, so why would I think he could tank?


Did you stop running delves after the first week?

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No, but he still throws potions into webbing, fires and anywhere else that is not helpful.

I feel bad for you and others who named their hunters pets in honor of irl pets they lost. This is a terrible thing for the devs to do to players and worse than taking away a rare mount. These are personalized in game companions that we care about. Not just some random named lock demon or a nameless elemental and if people are too heartless or thickheaded to see this, then I want nothing to do with them. They don’t get it, like we do. The devs never hear us because they don’t even see the forums and do not share our pain.

Nor do they justify removing it, fair is fair.

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you will not get an actual rebuttal to this because feelycraft is the best they are able to muster up

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It’s been the assumed default for longer than it hasn’t been.

Which is why he was specifically mentioned in the context of delves ?

Genuinely L2P issue, no other way to call it.

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Sorry, 5%. I forgot this was recently nerfed.

I don’t think Bran can be a healer and tank simultaneously. We don’t have any ability to heal anything other than a pet. How are we expected to keep Bran alive?

For world content, if you are hunting for rares/elites, the pet is necessary unless you are geared to the teeth.

If you are AoE grinding/farming, you need to be able to misdirect that aggro to a pet, because we don’t have tools to survive that kind of damage, nor do we have much available in the way of reliable mass-AoE CC.

For old raids, many of them require a target in melee range 100% of the time to prevent an enrage, but we are about as tough as paper so facetanking doesn’t work so great. Anything 3+ expansions ago is trivial due to the passive buff in that content, I’m talking about more recent.

Idk about you, I’ve had early CC breaks in dungeons where throwing the pet at the add kept it off the healer long enough for the tank to pick it up. MD also has a cooldown.

I’m aware, which is why I said “via MD and Tricks”. Last I did this was on Huntsman in Nathria, not sure whether there’s been another use case in more recent raids.

MoP classic, Temple of the Jade Serpent.

I’m not saying this is required stuff and you’re a bad Hunter if you don’t do it. I’m saying that Hunter has an incredibly diverse kit and is really great at improvising solutions, that versatility is a huge party of why Hunter is fun to play (for me), and taking away part of that kit is a loss.

11.1 could go live, as described in the PTR notes, and if the only difference was “Marksmanship has a new passive reducing damage done by 5% whenever you have an active pet”, I’d be thrilled. Not sure why that solution is problematic, and nobody seems interested in actually addressing that point.


I have to respectfully disagree, I aoe farm all the time without a pet. I haven’t used a pet solo for a few xpacks. We have plenty of tools and it’s actually really fun.

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Maybe it’s a gear thing. Maybe I pull too big. Idk. I get absolutely wrecked if I try to farm bees without a pet.

And yes, I’m using FotB, SotF, Exhil, Turtle, etc.

Maybe… I farm bees for leather all the time and don’t have any problem. The pet actually doesn’t help me much at all with bees because misdirection doesn’t work for long enough, I pull aggro anyway.

Yeah I’m pulling aggro a bit, but FD drops them back on the pet.

You also still aren’t addressing my main point - why is complete removal of Call Pet better than “You deal X% less damage whenever you have an active pet”?


I can’t answer this one. I’m not arguing for the removal of pet, I am only arguing for being able to play archer without a pet. The best of both worlds seems like it would be to allow both, but Blizzard made the decision not to do that. I’m sure they have reasons, but I don’t know what they are.

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These are not the tools that help me farm bees. If I have to use these tools I’m failing. The whole fun behind petless MM is using stuns, roots, slows, traps, knockbacks, incaps, mobility to make sure you never get hit in the first place.

And I am only arguing for being able to play archer with a pet. BM is not archer with a pet, it’s beast tamer with a bow. They are not the same and pretending they are is disingenuous.

Right now, we can do both, but the petless version has some issues with missing utility that need to be corrected. I see no credible reason why the pet needs to be removed entirely in order to fix those issues.