Charlie, my friend

Agree with you, I don’t think we’re fighting here. You just want one side of the cake and I want the other side, mommy blizzard is saying we have to choose one or the other not both.

What about the the other packs of elites around the bees? It’s easy to pull more around them.

But he can heal, which is more than enough.

Except your pet won’t be holding AoE thread as MM.

So about… 12 years ago ?

Feel like using examples from more than a decade ago isn’t really a good example of “doing things”

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Some of them are problematic regardless of pet/no pet even on bm… Esp the ones that ignore pet aggro and spit on you. Generally, for leather I farm the wolves along the shore line as they’re easier, assuming when people say bees they’re talking about the elites in that area.

If you’re talking about bee’s specifically and only bee’s there are certain places I go in when the wolves are all dead but that’s more about knowing the aggro path of the pats. If I pull too many I die, but again that’s true even with a pet.

100% totally agree

Bla bka bla play bm… they used to have survivsl hunter range with pet and took it away and forced most of us into mm , everyone likes bm pets but most of us dont like thr bm play style… yea fine the way everyine plays now in dingeons we dont use pet … they also made it that way since they nerfed ehen the pet is out… solo play yea ok kite cc ect… aimed shot isnt fun on solo play with no pet … the main thing is there is 0 reason to remove the pet . . If u dont want to use it dont , if u do then let us use it… and no stop saying there is aspec for that… all. 3 specs had better pets when vanilla came out and honestly this game is getting very single minded towards m+ crowd so big F… to you guys

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Those elites. The Wolves are more manageable. The bees have a stacking dot that even with my pet are still getting to me. They seem to have a immunity to growl as ever they will ignore without MS.

Yeah that stacking dot is from the ones that spit or whatever… They can’t be tanked, I avoid them and if I pull accidently I trap them… then I’ll tar trap whatever normal bees are on me and burn the spitter, when tar trap wears off use binding shot. If I pull 2 spitters I trap one, burn the other. If I pull 3 I’m dead.

Also worth noting you can remove some of the poisons there with feign + talent, and you can remove some of the bee enrages with tranq.

Not MoP classic, the time running or whatever it was called this past summer. I misspoke, my mistake.

Misdirection > multi shot > Aimed Shot > Feign Death as needed. Misdirected threat is temporary, but Feign Death is off cooldown fast enough that it doesn’t matter.

Are there any leaks of what Bran can do as a tank? I know as healing spec he can heal, but idk what his tank kit looks like, there’s no PTR yet, and I think it’s reasonable to assume he won’t be able to self heal without assistance - if he can tank and self heal, the player doesn’t even need to be there.

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As his healing spec, you don’t even really need him to tank tho ?

What are you even talking about?

Right now, I use my pet to tank delves. I use Bran as a healer. It works well.

In 11.1, I won’t be able to use my pet to tank, because I won’t have one. I’ll use Bran as a tank instead. I can’t heal Bran with Mend Pet. Bran will presumably not also be a healer when he is tank specced. I won’t have a healer.

Do you see where I’m coming from? Can you understand that some people play the game differently from you, and that removing the options they like is not a positive, even though they aren’t personally what you would prefer, so long as you also get the thing you want?

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Or you can use bran as a healer still.

And then I need to face tank. Or kite, which isn’t a viable option in some of the delves (the kobold one with the candle zones immediately comes to mind). I’d prefer to have my pet tank, but that’s going away.

I don’t understand why the idea that I’d prefer the pet not be deleted for the times when I am playing by myself and my decisions impact literally zero other people is some outlandish idea.

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Which is fine.

In fact, if you do Zekvir delve, you might discover that this is actually required.

Is there some reason you keep clipping my posts and ignoring the basic premise of what I’m saying - that MM can get a rework without having to lose the pet entirely, and that doing it this way is not only option?


Because you keep trying to give reasons as to why it is needed.
The vast majority of those reasons are simply incorrect.

I understand “i want my pet, and i don’t want change” but that is your feeling, which nobody can really disagree with, at the same time it is the same as if someone was going “i don’t want this class to have focus, i want to still play with mana”

However, it doesn’t mean that someone can’t disagree your non “personal feeling” based arguments.

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